

 风舞猿 2018-12-21


Can geology upend decades of medical wisdom about kidney stones?


Mayo Clinic Medical Science Blog; September 25, 2018


Like stones formed in nature, kidney stones show signs of being partially dissolved and remade.  Implication: there may be a way to remove kidney stones without surgery or passing them in urine.


An unlikely collaboration between a geologist at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and researchers at Mayo Clinic has overturned physicians’ long-held assumptions about the nature of kidney stones. Physicians believed kidney stones could not be dissolved, and so did not pursue developing a non-surgical treatment.



With the publication of this study Scientific Reports, the race has now begun to identify the stone-dissolving process in the kidney so that physicians can develop a treatment.

该发现发表在《科学报告》(Scientific Reports)中,研究人员已开始研究在肾脏中溶解结石的过程,这有助于开发新的治疗方法。

Bruce Fouke, Ph.D. , is a geologist who studies microbes in rock formations from ancient coral reefs to Roman aqueducts to hot springs. After giving a talk at Mayo Clinic, he was recruited by John Lieske, M.D., to look at patients’ kidney stones.

Bruce Fouke博士是一名地质学家,对各种地方形成的石头都做过微生物研究,比如古珊瑚礁里的石头,罗马水道里的石头,还有温泉里的石头。Bruce Fouke博士在梅奥诊所发表演讲后,收到了医学博士John Lieske的邀请,来研究患者的肾结石。


When asked what he thought of working with his Mayo-based colleagues, Dr. Fouke said, “In my career I don’t know that I’ve had a more exciting, inspiring, and insightful collaboration.”



Dr. Fouke applied his geology expertise to examine stones extracted from Mayo Clinic patients. His group then performed an extensive analysis of very thin layers of the kidney stones with several high-powered super-resolution microscopy techniques.


Cross section of a kidney stone. Image provided by UIUC.


By carefully examining the composition of the kidney stones, they were able to show that a kidney stone does not continuously grow like previously thought. Instead, the minerals of the stone show evidence of dissolving and reforming.



Different layers are formed by the process, similar to the stratification of stones and fossils that Dr. Fouke had previously studied. In fact, the layers appear to capture information about what is happening in the kidney in the same way that fossils from different time periods are trapped in different layers of rocks. In the future, these layers of information could be used to find what has happened in an individual patient’s kidney, giving clues and context for physicians to administer personalized medicine.


Imageprovided by UIUC.


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