
英文精选0436——Brain Seeks the Voice among Many Speaker...

 当以读书通世事 2019-01-12

英文精选0436——Brain Seeks the Voice among Many Speakers




我们的大脑能集中注意力在嘈杂声中某个人的声音上,不仅基于进入耳朵的声音,还在于我们听觉的目标性。 Our brains focus on one speaker in a cacophonyof voices based not only on the audio inputwe receive, but also on our listening goals.

Brain Seeks the Voice among Many Speakers

It’s tough to pick a familiar face out of a crowd—but focusing on a known voice in a noisy room is easy. And a new study scanned volunteers’ brains to look at how we solve the so-called cocktail party problem. The work is in the journal Nature. [Nima Mesgarani and Edward F. Chang, 'Selective cortical representationof attended speaker in multi-talker speech perception']Researchers recorded the activity of the subject’s cerebral cortexeswhile playing them sentences spoken by different voices. First, the subjects listened to individual sentences and reported key features of each one. Then, they heard two different sentences played at the same time, but had to listen to and recall details from only one voice.Each voice drew a particular response from the auditory cortex. And even with an extra sentence playing simultaneously, researchers saw that the cortex responded specifically to the voice that the subject was focusing on. This finding indicates that our brains process sound based not only on the audio input they receive, but also on our listening goals. And it could lead to speech recognition systems that are accurate in crowds—even at a cocktail party.



cacophony:[kəˈkɒfəni] 刺耳的声音,不和谐的声音

input:[ˈɪnpʊt] 输入,输入的数据

cocktail party problem:鸡尾酒会问题



cortical:['kɔ:tɪkl] 皮层的,皮质的,有关脑皮层的

representation:[ˌreprɪzenˈteɪʃn] 表现,陈述

cerebral cortex:[ˈserəbrəl ˈkɔː(r)teks] 大脑皮层

simultaneously:[ˌsɪməl'teɪnɪəslɪ] 同时地,一壁,齐,一齐

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