

 oldbigyang 2019-01-21



给出材料的话题是emij(表情符号),选自外媒The Huffington Post一篇标题为Are Emoticons And Emojis Destroying Our Language? 网址是https://www./joan-gage/emoticons-and-emojis-destroying-our-language_b_7950460.html 


作文话题emij(表情符号)是考生们熟悉的话题,大家都有话说,问题是如何组织语言,如何做到与众不同。Emij and other visual representations of language have become a part of the way many people communicate today.


在日常交流中,考生们经常使用emij(表情符号),但很少对它的前世今生进行一个系统的思考。对于熟悉的事物,人们越是take it for granted. 通过下定义,拉远观察的镜头,增加一点陌生感,可以有效培养学生的英语思维能力。


填空题参考答案:convey; barriers; interpret; via



第一段的中心句是现成的,是段首句:With the development of technology, various means of communication have entered our lives.

此外,第一段中还有一个重要事实也值得一提:A classic was translated into picutures (emojis).


第三段是一个调查结果分析,是第一段主要观点的一个论证,从82%,83%,57%等多个数据中,可以概括出:人们在日常交流冲广泛使用表情符号:Emojis are popular; they are widely used in people’s everyday communication.与第一段的中心句相似。

填空题参考答案:advancements; finance

5. 赞成emojis流行现象及其理由


  • Emojis convey moods and psychological states quickly and effectively. Emoji enable you to give your message a precise tone. Sometimes plain text can be seen as cold or even arrogant. Adding an emoji can better convey the feeling you want to express: sympathy,happiness, humor etc.

  • Emoji are fun. You can create your own emoji text messages, and some people are really good at using their imagination to include emoticons in their stories.

  • Some emoji are universal. If you don’t speak very well a language, you can use emojis to make yourself understood.

  • They can help avoid misunderstandings. Following up a text with a smiling emoji can indicate that the message sender is being playful or that the statement should be taken as a joke. In fact, studies show that including a smiley face in an email can reduce negative interpretations. (节选自《高分作文36课》)

参考答案:represent; communicate; precise; express; include; understood; backgrounds



  • Many emojis are unclear and confusing. Different persons can have different interpretations of the meaning of a particular emoji. This can lead to some misunderstandings.

  • They look informal in many situations. Using too many emojis for texting can be seen as childish behavior. Some people value proper sentences and good grammar,especially if the conversation is about something important.

  • The expressive power of emoji is limited. If you write only with emoji, you will not be able to express ideas with the same precision as with words, even if there are more and more emojis available.

  • Using emoji might also be just a trend and we may be quickly tired of it, the same as with so many trends before. Only time will tell.  (节选自《高分作文36课》)

参考答案:misunderstanding; informal; tired

7. 文章的结尾

尽管题干中的写作任务没有这一项,不是考上要记得补上,主要内容一般是总结 号召。

范文的赞成版本:Emojis are useful therefore inevitable. So stop being cynical and come join us in embracing the future.

范文的反对版本:Therefore, we should limit the use of emojis in our communication. Young people should be warned against the danger emojis might bring to them. 

 8. 拓展材料


23)同意和不同意(Agreement and disagreement

  1. She doesn't a_________ of me/my leaving school this year.她不同意我今年离校。

  2. He strongly d_________ of the changes that had been made.他强烈反对已进行的变革。

  3. He a_________ with them about the need for change.他同意他们需要变革的意见。

  4. ‘It's terrible. ’ ‘I couldn't agree m_________ (= I completely agree) ! ’“太糟糕了。”“可不是嘛!”

  5. The two sides failed to r_________ agreement.双方未能取得一致意见。

  6. D_________ arose about exactly how to plan the show.在如何拟定具体演出计划的问题上出现了分歧。

  7. ‘Will you be there? ’ ‘For s_________. ’“你去吗?”“肯定去。”

  8.  I t_________ your point (= understand and accept what you are saying) .我赞同你的看法。

  9. I beg to d_________.很抱歉,我不敢苟同

  10. I'm definitely on your s_________ in this.在这个问题上,我毫不含糊地站在你这一边。

  11. Medical opinion d_________ as to how to treat the disease.关于如何治疗这种疾病医学界有不同的看法。

  12. There had been much d_________ on the issue of childcare.人们对儿童保育问题议论纷纷。

  13. Opinion is d_________ on the issue.大家对这件事意见分歧。

  14. to have different/conflicting/o_________ views有不同的 / 矛盾的 / 相反的观点

  15. There is growing c_________ about violence on television.人们对电视上充斥暴力内容的忧虑日益加重。

  16. Well, whatever he says you can bet he's thinking the o_________. 呃,不管他说什么,你都可以肯定他想的完全是另一套。

  17. He h_________ strange views on education.他对教育的看法不同寻常。

  18. changes in public a_________ to marriage公众对婚姻的看法的转变

  19. ‘You mean somebody in this room must be the murderer? ’ ‘E_________. ’“你的意思是这屋子里肯定有人是凶手?”“正是。”

  20. ‘So he told you you'd got the job? ’ ‘N_________ exactly, but he said they were impressed with me.’“如此看来,他对你说你得到这份工作了?”“不完全是这样,不过他说我给他们留下了深刻的印象。”

  21. ‘Can I borrow the car? ’ ‘I suppose/guess s_________ (= Yes, but I'm not happy about it) . ’“我能借这辆车吗?”“应该可以吧。”

  22. ‘Let's eat out. ’ ‘ W_________ not? ’“咱们到外边吃去吧。”“好哇。”

  23. He was s_________ opposed to the idea.他坚决反对那个主意。

参考答案:1-5 approve disapproved agreed more reach  6-10 Disagreement sure take differ side  11-15 differs debate divided opposing concern  16-20 opposite holds attitudes Exactly Not  31-13 so Why  strongly (节选自《高分作文36课》)

友情提示:以上内容节选自《高分作文36课》,为正在修改的初稿,这一节课的课件PPT定稿 上课视频,将在本月23日公布,获取办法见Lessie老师的微信朋友圈(微信号17372593031)

9. 范文的答案:

Possible version one(赞成): 

Emojis have found their way into our phones, computers and lives. They have become so trendy that someone even translated an English classic into an emoji version, which was accepted by a library.

I think the use of emojis is probably the start of an exciting new era in communication and we should welcome it. When I send messages to my friends,emojis are necessary parts. I often use emojis to emphasize something, or to soften the tone. I find these “picture words” very helpful, for they can bring out my meaning and real intention much better and faster in written context than I ever could using just words. They are to written texts what facial expressions are to face-to-face interactions. Without emojis, you could easily run into misunderstanding. Emojis facilitate efficient communications.

Emojis are useful therefore inevitable. So stop being cynical and come join us in embracing the future. 

Possible version two(反对):

Emojis have found their way into our phones, computers and lives. They have become so trendy that someone even translated an English classic into an emoji version, which was accepted by a library.

Despite the seemingly wide appeal of emojis, I think emojis are ruining the English language. Emojis do offer a short cut to communication; with a tiny, cute picture you might save the painful efforts of wording. However, no pains no gains. This ease and comfort emojis offer may well lead to laziness and in the long run, undermine our ability of proper grammar and spelling, even resulting in illiteracy, with younger generations especially at stake. Emojis may seem funky but are sure informal. You should never hesitate to avoid themin formal context.

Therefore, we should limit the use of emojis in our communication. Young people should be warned against the danger emojis might bring to them. 

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