
“外科格言与引语”集萃(第五十一期)— 编译 余小舫

 笨鳥先飛龍 2019-01-21


We have our faults and virtues; we meet with failures and achieve

successes. Many of our faults are entirely unavoidable , and arise from the fact that medicaine is not an exact science … some things are quite impossible, and our work is carried out upon a living, breathing,complexity called a man, and not upon a jar, a chemical mixture in a retort, or a wooden Indian from the front of a cigar store.


------J Chalmers Da Costa, 1863—1933

The one who does not operate does not have complications.



No matter what you do, the number of complications will be double if a patient or his spouse is either a physician or a nurse.


Operating on doctors` families: a big compliment with most complications.为医生的家属做手术: 是一种具有极大风险的褒奖。


Surgical complications are more likely on public holidays.



The rule of “2”: when you hear a surgeon telling hid number of performed cases , divide it by two. When he tells about his complication rate ,multiply it by two.

“2”法则: 外科医生告诉你他手术的病例数时,除以2。而他讲他的并发症发生率时,乘以2。

------Rick Paul

Oh yeh, I forgot. None of us, of course, ever has any complication with whatever operation we perform. And if we do have complications they occur much less frequently anyway than those of others, and are never serious. And if they serious, of course, they are not life threatening. And if they are life threatening, we never had a patient die from it. And if a patient does die from a complication it always is resident who is  the guilty person.


------David Ligtenstein

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