

 带上阳光前行 2019-01-26



In the spring of 2013 Danes all over Denmark were invited to look around their neighbourhood and point out neglected placesthat provided the potential of creating a new social space to benefit the local community. 

这一过程被丹麦国家电视台DR2用四部小纪录片记录了下来,并在2013年秋季播。EFFEKT建筑事务所被选为四个项目的设计团队之一,与小镇Lemvig组队,帮助小镇将“在港口建一个滑板公园” 的想法照进现实。

The process was documented by national television DR2 in four small documentaries which aired in the fall of 2013. EFFEKT was selected as one of four teams to take part in the campaign and chosen as the firm to help the village of Lemvig qualify and bring their idea of a''skatepark'' on the harbour come to life. 

任务在6月7日给出, EFFEKT和当地社区只有16周的时间来设计和建造这个项目。

The assignment was given on June 7th and fromthat time EFFEKT and the local community had only 16 weeks to design and build the project. 


In the process EFFEKT transformed the original idea of a mono-functional skate park area into a multifunctional recreational harbour park with a wide variety of functions for all user and age groups in the village. In a very short time the project has become a new focal point not only for the locals from Lemvig but also for Skaters from all over the region.


  • 项目名:Lemvig Skatepark

  • 项目位置:Lemvig,丹麦

  • 项目时间:2013

  • 项目状态:完成

  • 项目规模:2,200平方米

  • 客户:Municipality of Lemvig, Realdania, Lokale- & Anlægsfonden

  • 合作方:Glifberg+Lykke, Søren V Jensen, Beaver Concrete, DAC, DR, Statens Kunstfond, Cowi


  • Project Name: Lemvig Skatepark

  • Location: Lemvig, Denmark

  • Year: 2013

  • Status: Completed

  • Size: 2.200 m2

  • Client: Municipality of Lemvig, Realdania, Lokale- & Anlægsfonden

  • Collaborators: Glifberg+Lykke, Søren V Jensen, Beaver Concrete, DAC, DR, Statens Kunstfond, Cowi

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