
CNN双语新闻(翻译+字幕+讲解):得州枪击事件追踪 作案动机或与家庭矛盾有关

 youtoolibrary 2019-01-31
In the U.S. state of Texas, new details are coming to light following a shooting in a small town of Sutherland Springs. 美国得克萨斯州萨瑟兰斯普林斯小镇枪击案公布最新细节。
Twenty-six people were killed after a gunman opened fire during Sunday's services at the First Baptist Church. 一名枪手在第一浸信会教堂举行周日礼拜仪式时开枪,造成26人死亡。
The victims range in age from a year and a half to 77 years old. 死者年龄介于18个月至77岁之间。
Twenty others were wounded and several were in critical condition last night. 枪击案还造成20余人受伤,截至昨晚,仍有多人伤势危急。
Texas Governor Greg Abbott called the attack the largest mass shooting in Texas' history. 得州州长格雷格·艾伯特称这起袭击是得州历史上规模最大的枪击案。
It's not known yet what motivated the killer. 目前并不知道凶手的动机。
He was a 26-year-old man named Devin Patrick Kelley. 凶手是26岁男子德文·帕特里克·凯利。
He was discharged from the U.S. Air Force in 2012 for bad conduct. 2012年,他因不良行为被美国空军开除。
Investigators say he had domestic problems  调查人员表示,他有家庭矛盾,
and had recently shown anger toward his mother-in-law who attends the church. 最近刚向参加教堂礼拜式的岳母动过怒。
Governor Abbott says Kelley wasn't supposed to have access to a gun, 州长艾伯特表示,凯利本不应该持有枪支,
that he'd applied for a license in Texas but was denied it. 他曾在得州申请持枪证,但被拒绝。
Still, police say he bought the rifle he allegedly used in the attack from a store last year. 不过,警方表示,他去年从一家商店购买了在枪击案中使用的那把步枪。
And after yesterday's shooting, Kelley was confronted and shot by a resident of Sutherland Springs. 在昨天的枪击案发生后,凯利与萨瑟兰斯普林斯一名当地居民对峙并被其开枪击中。
I saw the shooter coming out about where the cars are parked, 我看到枪手从停车的地方出来,
and the other gentleman coming from across the street, both had weapons draw, 另外一名男子从街道对面过来,两个人都持有武器,
and in a matter of half a second, there was exchange of gunfire. 大概半秒钟之后,两个人开始交火。
It lasted just a few seconds, and the shooter got to his vehicle and took off 几秒钟之后,枪手跳上车逃跑,
and the gentleman with a rifle came across the street opened my door and said, 那名手拿一把步枪的男子穿过马路对我说,
he just shot at the church and we got to chase him and I said, let's go. 那个人刚才在教堂里开枪,我们要去追他,我说“我们走”。
Johnnie Langendorff also said the shooter eventually lost control of his vehicle and crashed into a ditch. 约翰尼·朗根多夫还说,枪手驾驶的汽车最终失控并被撞进沟里。
He was found dead by police. 警方发现他时他已经死亡。
It wasn't clear whether Kelley died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound or the original shot by the armed resident. 目前并不清楚凯利是自杀身亡还是被持枪居民开枪打中后伤重而亡。
Officials say 4 percent of Sutherland Springs' population was killed in the shooting. 官员表示,枪击案死者人数占萨瑟兰斯普林斯总人口的4%。
One resident describes the community as a small, Christian town where everybody is close to everybody. 一名居民称萨瑟兰斯普林斯是一个基督教小镇,居民彼此联系紧密。

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