
CNN双语新闻(翻译+字幕+讲解):智能手机影响生活 无手机焦虑症引关注

 youtoolibrary 2019-01-31
Nomophobia is a term we came across when preparing our next story. It's a mash up no-mobile-phobia. 下一则新闻我们要说到无手机焦虑症。这个词是由“无”、“手机”和“恐惧症”三个词构成的合成词。
The fear of not having your smartphone or being connected with others through it. 意思是,因无法使用手机或无法通过手机和其他人联系而感到焦虑。
Though the devices are a relatively recent invention, 虽然手机是相对来说比较新的发明,
an increasing number of people seemed to have developed a psychological dependence on them and that's getting researchers' attention. 但是越来越多的人对手机产生了心理依赖,这种情况引发了研究人员的关注。
It's been 10 years since the iPhone debut and it's hard to imagine a world without the smartphone. iPhone已经问世10年,很难想象一个没有智能手机的世界。
We use our smartphones to work, entertain, organize, do hundreds of daily tasks, even find love. 我们使用智能手机工作、娱乐、安排事项、处理数百项日常工作,甚至寻找爱情。
We might jokingly say I'm addicted to my smartphone. But more and more, researchers are starting to agree. 我们可能会开玩笑说,我痴迷于我的智能手机。不过,有越来越多的研究人员开始同意这种说法。
So, think back to life without a smartphone. 回想一下没有智能手机的生活。
Was there life without a smartphone? 有没有智能手机的生活吗?
There's no widely adopted diagnosis of smartphone addiction, 目前智能手机上瘾症的诊断没有被广泛接受,
but for doctors like Hilarie Cash, not having an official diagnosis don't mean it isn't real. 但是对像希拉瑞·凯什这样的医生来说,没有正式的诊断并不意味着那不是真的。
I'm still amazed at how many people do dismiss it as a silly idea — even plenty of people in my own field. 我依然对这么多人认为这是个愚蠢的想法感到震惊,甚至我所在的领域也有很多人持这种想法。
For those who specialized in technology addictions, 对那些专门研究技术上瘾症的人来说,
what goes on inside your head looked similarly to what goes on inside your head when you're dealing with other addictions. 你大脑里的情况看起来和你处理其他上瘾症时大脑里的情况相似。
The regions of the brain that light up when engaged in to your smartphone, 当你使用智能手机时大脑活跃的区域,
those are the same regions of the brain that are engaged when you're using those drugs and alcohol. 和你食用药物和酒精时大脑活跃的区域一样。
Dr. David Greenfield says it also affects your behavior. 大卫·格林菲尔德医生表示,这也会影响你的行为。
In other words, you're using it like a drug — 换句话说,你把智能手机当作药物使用,
when you're triggered by burden, you're using it as an avoidance of sleep. 当你感到压力时,你会使用手机以避免入睡。
You're using it to increase your mood when you're feeling a little down, 当你感觉情绪低落时,你会使用手机以提升情绪;
or you're using it to avoid social situations when you walk into a party. 当你参加派对时,你会使用手机以避免社交。
He warned it takes a trained professional to tell you if you're addicted to your phone. Self-diagnosing won't work. 他警告称,你是否对手机上瘾,需要有一名受过训练的专业人士告诉你。自我诊断没有用。
That's because we're terrible at estimating how much time we actually spend online. 这是因为我们不擅长估算我们上网的实际时间。
A 2015 study found that people use their phones twice as much as they think they do. 一份2015年的研究发现,人们实际使用手机的时间是他们自己认为的两倍。
You know, I actually think as human beings, we have less control than we think, right? 实际上我认为,作为人类,我们的控制力比我们所认为的要少,对吧?
Because we're kind of — we realize we're reaching to our phone all the time but we don't know why. 因为虽然我们意识到了我们一直在用手机,但是我们不知道原因。
And I met a guy named Scott Dunlap. And he was fascinating. 我认识一个人,他的名字是斯科特·邓拉普。他非常有魅力。
He spent much of his career building apps and using metrics to get us more addicted to our smartphone. 他职业生涯中大部分时间都在开发应用程序,用各种方法让我们更沉迷于智能手机。
The notifications that you get, there's reason they come at a certain time that they do. 你会收到通知,而通知会在特定的时间出现是有原因的。
The words that are chosen in there — every character of that has been AB tested for you and your personality type. 通知所使用的语言也是经过筛选的,里面使用的每一个字符都是为你的个性精心准备的。
What we were in was the science of understanding what makes a product addictive. 我们所做的就是了解使产品令人上瘾的科学。
Over 77 percent of Americans now own a smartphone. That's almost double since 2011. 现在,超过77%的美国人使用智能手机。自2011年以来这一比例几乎翻了一倍。
What is clear is that our relationship with our phones is changing. 可以明确的是,我们和我们手机的关系正在发生变化。
How we use phones in 2007 looks a lot different from life in 2017. 我们在2007年使用手机的方式和在2017年的方式看起来有很多不同。
Normative use would be use that doesn't impact anything in your life. 规范性功能是指不会对我们的生活产生影响的功能。
In other words, you use it to make a phone call. You use it for your GPS. 换句话说,就是你用手机打电话和进行定位。
You don't have it on the table when you're eating your dinner. 但是不会在吃晚饭时把手机放在桌子上。
You're using it but you're using it very moderately. 也就是,适度使用手机。
Now, there are less and less people that are doing that. 但是现在,这样做的人越来越少。  

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