
(2019年)TIM 每周星运02.10– 02.16(完)

 昵称华明房产 2019-02-11



蒂姆·斯蒂芬斯(Tim Stephens),加拿大著名占星师,超过40年的占星经验,因准确预测过许多时政大事结果闻名。

所有时间和日期使用的都是太平洋标准时间(PST)(Pacific Standard Time Zone) 。PST是英格兰格林威治时间之前的8小时。例如,如果PST是中午12点,英国是晚上20点,中国是次日清晨4点。

不宜非常规的人事物(Start Nothing)-- PST:【周天】15:48~17:28,【周二】14:26 ~【周三】 01:32,【周五】04:48~06:03.

【女生请同时参考:上升、月亮、太阳】---- 【男生请同时参考:上升、太阳、月亮】

☆☆☆序文-- 译者:芋圆

我建议2018 12.24-27 去买股票。新闻最近报道了 这个一月份是美国股市行情最好的一月自30年以来。



☆☆☆ 白羊座 (03.21~04.19)-- 译者:cynthia_13b






☆☆☆ 金牛座 (04.20~05.20)-- 译者:简娜

本周:仍然雄心勃勃,金牛座。与父母,老板,权威人士和贵宾打交道 - 一般来说,他们都对你有好处。周二为未来7年,7年更大的抱负以及集中的职业或地位重点提供了线索。这一次会有点压力(因为如此雄心勃勃),但没有周二那么紧张。

所有2月份都以一种温和幸运的方式推动您的法律,知识,文化和旅游领域。此外,现在到3月初,你会很多地和快乐的朋友聊聊/发短信 - 也许还有一个调情的人。星期四开始了六周的增强性感,更坚实的目标和决心。

到周日下午5点。 (欧洲到周一凌晨2点;中国到周一上午9点):低调,休息,避免竞争。计划 - 展望未来。

从周日下午6点到周三凌晨1点(欧洲从周一上午3点至周五上午10点;中国周一上午10点至下午5点):你的活力,魅力,运气和时间感飙升。成为领导者,开始重要的冒险。联系远方的人(周一)。你可能会感到压力,脖子僵硬等。这是一个“信号”,推动你采取放松技巧。 (园艺最好,但运动也很好。)成功存在!

周三凌晨2点到周五早上5点(欧洲周三上午11点至周五下午2点;中国周三下午6点至周五晚上9点): 寻求金钱。支付账单,收钱,买便宜货,要求加薪或培养客户等。再次,几乎一切顺利。然而,在周三和周四黎明前,你的金钱活动可能会在浪漫,调情,朋友和/或愉快的事情上陷入困境。从好的方面来说,周四可能会出现一个绝佳的机会。这一天(欧洲,亚洲的星期五)以成功结束!


☆☆☆ 双子座(05.21~06.20)— 译者:二两

本周:温和的爱已经开始在你的头顶上和思绪中酝酿 – 并且如果你是单身,这份爱可能是一个困境,因为你正在或将要(在2019年)面临两个求婚者或前景/选项。现在你的想法是直接的、呆板的、膨胀的。远途旅行、智力、出版、文化、哲学/宗教的以及法律上的“目的地”是有利的。

完全和共同沉浸在爱情中?然后使用周四晚些时候去提议、回复和设置一个日期。周四开始了为期6周的希望,这份希望与管理、政府,或者机构有关 – 抑或是一个精神/慈善方面的小组。周四同样开始了历时7年的更为紧张的调研、幕后的活动、隐藏的忠诚。

本周起始到周日下午5点(欧洲为直到周一凌晨2点;中国为直到周一上午9点):乐观、生活乐趣、朋友、人气 – 享受这一切!出门去见面吧!


周三凌晨2点到周五早上5点(欧洲为周三上午11点到周五下午2点;中国为周三下午6点到周五晚上9点):你的能量、魅力、效率,以及影响力飙升。(我通常会拥有“时间感”,但你的时间安排需要小心 – 需要警觉! -- 直到2020年5月。)你会取得成功,所以开始项目、招募帮手、呼吁支持。走出门去,看看外面的世界,也让自己被外界看到。

直到3月早些时候,你职业环境中仍有许多谈话。亲密行为和财务事宜都吸引着你 -- 并且会得到好的结果。但是一定要诚实,清楚自己的动机,否则一切将会落空。周三直到午餐时分,一个微小的障碍或交际失误可能发生。

周五早上6点直到周六(欧洲为周五下午3点到周日早晨;中国为周五夜间10点到周日早晨):周五,去购物或追逐金钱。成功等待着你。但周六不要再这样做 – 障碍、延迟、“不情愿的的消费”占上风。

☆☆☆ 巨蟹座 (06.21~07.22)— 译者:临安细雨






☆☆☆ 狮子座 (07.23~08.22)-- 译者:qimisaaaa








☆☆☆ 处女座 (08.23~09.22)-- 译者:星尘

本周:主要是处处们的琐事和苦差事的最后一周。 你的选择:热爱工作并未雨绸缪。 但是,不要超越财务承受能力,性或医疗需求/要求 - 这些就像编织在你工作中的线索。 你可能想买机器。 (周一,周二,周四晚和周五最好。)确保电子元件坚固。

你可能会经历突然的吸引力,强大,性和不稳定。 如果你想利用这些,你最好在周四之前这样做。 另一方面,周四开始六周,性吸引力可能导致婚礼。 或者,加入的夫妻将倾向于结合资产。 为期7年的明智心理活动将于3月开始,将您的工作与合法,出版或旅游活动联系起来。 现在就会出现这种情况,尤其是周二 到周日下午5点(欧洲周一凌晨2点;中国周一上午9点):性,金融,医疗或生活方式主题“要求”你做出反应,迅速决定或抓住它们。

周日下午6点到周三凌晨1点(欧洲周一凌晨3点到周三10点;中国周一10点到周三5点):智力,学习,外国海岸,媒体/出版,统计和生活中更大的问题造访。现在。 爱是温柔的,广泛的,植根于心理和社会的和谐。那个性主题可能会跳起来说,“好吧?好?你会不会采取行动?“我没有任何建议,只是说这是长期趋势的最后一幕。 周一最好的 - 甜蜜的吸引力,爱的爱抚,伙伴关系的可行性。

周三凌晨2点到周五早上5点(在欧洲周三上午11点到周五下午2点; 在中国周三下午6点到周五晚上9点):雄心勃勃,追逐推广,声望,贵宾,老板,父母。 周三你不会很成功。 到周四黎明前(太平洋标准时间)。 在此之后,机会和成功的企业在召唤。 房地产或家庭可能有机会。

周五上午6点到周六(在欧洲周五下午3点到周日早上; 中国周五晚上10点到周日上午)。周五很棒,到周六,周六接下来的时间更复杂。 整个过程中,焦点在于乐趣,调情,社交乐趣,受欢迎程度,乐观和娱乐 - 以及与特殊人士的快乐。 周六白天(太平洋标准时间)这转向:我们是否合作?

☆☆☆ 天秤座 (09.23~10.22)-- 译者:天使爱撒旦








☆☆☆ 天蝎座 (10.23~11.21)-- 译者:蕉下客

这是最后一周你把精力放在房子上,家庭,孩子,安全,花园,房地产等。好好休整自己。凝视你周边的关系和项目- 下决心挥别那些陈腐,去拥抱新生。直到三月份,你都很有沟通的运气,亲和力强,特别是配偶或伴侣之间。从周四开始为期六周,你的浪漫情愫和爱情都会变得强烈起来。







☆☆☆ 射手座 (11.22~12.21)-- 译者:大风蓝色预警


整个二月你的收入和金钱前景都很不错。买个昂贵的东西吧。从现在到三月初,你的家庭会想和你交谈。一段拖了挺久感情现在要结束了 — 你还有为数不多的一点点时间来抓住它。周四将开启为期六周的高强度工作 — 还有一些来自工作环境的小把戏。

到周日下午五点(欧洲时间周一早上两点;中国时间周一早上九点):浪漫、爱、创意或是投机性的突发奇想、寻找娱乐、美丽 — 投入任意一件。一个普通的来自周围朋友的爱人可能会慢慢现身。

周日下午六点到周三早上一点(欧洲时间周一早上三点到周三早上十点;中国时间周一早上十点到周三下午五点):处理杂事。进食、注重穿着。这是一个适合购买机械的好时间,一直到尤其是(太平洋时间)早上十一点,旅行或通讯设备(如汽车 — 软件也算机械设备)。周二追逐异性时不要胆怯 — 可能又是一段从美妙的吸引/惊喜建立起来的关系。 有两个人在周二可能会加入并且和你持续争论下去。



☆☆☆ 摩羯座 (12.22~01.19)-- 译者:马小川







☆☆☆ 水瓶座 (01.20~02.18)-- 译者:我的心是AYKASHI






☆☆☆ 双鱼座 (02.19~03.20)-- 译者:青莲泥巴











I advised you to buy stocks Dec. 24 to 27, 2018. The newswire just reported that U.S. stocks had their best January in 30 years. *** ***

Okay, this is weird: Google used to report that the heaviest percentage readership of this blog was in Trinidad. Today (Jan. 30) Fox News just reported that the highest concentration of ISIS members was in (or came from?) Trinidad! Hope there’s no connection. *** ***

Corey Booker will not be U.S. President. *** ***


ARIES: March 21-April 19

This week: Just like last week, Aries — social delights, rising popularity, flirtations, entertainment, optimism and a joy in being alive! You are starting to receive favours or favourable attention from higher-ups — lasts the rest of Feb. Thursday, Mars starts a new six-week $ trend — more will come your way, but you might also spend way too much — be on guard. Your money situation/prospects are about to change in big ways, next month to early 2026.

To 5 pm Sun.(to 2 am Mon. in Europe; to 9 am Mon. in China):Make an impression! Lead, start important projects. You’re in power, charismatic and effective.

6 pm Sun. to 1 am Wed.(3 am Mon. to 10 am Wed. in Europe; 10 am Mon. to 5 pm Wed. in China) :Follow the money. A new earnings picture is about to come (see “This week” above), you receive hints now, especially late Tues. All goes well, so charge ahead. Pay bills, collect $, shop for bargains or quality goods. A sensual attraction could result in boudoir action. If you need to memorize anything, do it now. Good interval to break a bad habit: your willpower is strong now.

2 am Wed. to 5 am Fri.(11 am Wed. to 2 pm Fri. in Europe; 6 pm Wed. to 9 pm Fri. in China):Errands and casual contacts consume your time. So do travel, communications, easy tasks and paperwork. A talkative person catches your attention. Not the best time to interface with gov’t or administrative types. But overall this is an easy interval, with opportunities in law, education, publishing, cultural venues and far travel. Race ahead — luck’s good. Be curious!

6 am Fri. through Sat.(3 pm Fri. to Sun. morn in Europe; 10 pm Fri. to Sun. morn in China):Steer toward home, hug the kids, garden, cook, nap, repair, decorate, and nap again. Friday’s great, especially for confidential discussions and making plans. Saturday, not so easy — forget co-operation, just be quietly diplomatic, restful.

TAURUS: April 20-May 20

This week: Remain ambitious, Taurus. Deal with parents, bosses, authorities and VIPs — in general, they favour you. Tuesday holds a clue to the 7 years ahead, 7 years of bigger ambitions, and of concentrated career or status focus. This time will be a bit stressful (because so ambitious) but not as stressful as Tuesday.

All Feb. boosts, in a mildly fortunate, affectionate way, your legal, intellectual, cultural and travel zones. Also, now to early March, you’ll talk/text a lot with happy friends — maybe with a flirtatious one, too. Thursday starts six weeks of enhanced sex appeal, firmer goals, and determination.

To 5 pm Sun.(to 2 am Mon. in Europe; to 9 am Mon. in China):Lie low, rest, avoid competition. Plan — see the future.

6 pm Sun. to 1 am Wed.(3 am Mon. to 10 am Wed. in Europe; 10 am Mon. to 5 pm Wed. in China) :Your energy, charm, luck and sense of timing soar. Be a leader, start significant ventures. Contact someone who is far away (Mon.). You might feel stress, stiff neck, etc. This is a “signal” nudging you to take up relaxation techniques. (Gardening the best, but exercise works well, also.) Success exists!

2 am Wed. to 5 am Fri.(11 am Wed. to 2 pm Fri. in Europe; 6 pm Wed. to 9 pm Fri. in China): Seek money. Pay bills, collect money, buy bargains, ask for a raise or cultivate clients, etc. Again, almost everything goes well. However, your money activities might snag on romance, flirting, friends and/or a pleasure foray, Wed. and pre-dawn Thurs. On the plus side, a splendid opportunity might appear Thurs.; and this day (Friday in Europe, Asia) ends with success!

6 am Fri. through Sat.(3 pm Fri. to Sun. morn in Europe; 10 pm Fri. to Sun. morn in China):Errands, swift decisions, easy chores, paperwork, travel and communications fill this interval. Friday’s great, ditto pre-dawn Sat., but later Sat. slows down, could stir opposition

GEMINI: May 21-June 20

This week: Gentle love has already begun stirring in your head, your thoughts — and might be a dilemma if you’re single, as you are or will be (in 2019) faced with two suitors or prospects/ choices. Your thoughts now are fair, ponderous, expansive. Far travel, intellectual, publishing, cultural, philosophical/religious and legal “destinations” are favoured.

Totally and mutually in love? Then use late Thurs. to propose, answer or set a date. Thursday starts six weeks of hopes attached to management, gov’t, or institutions — or a spiritual/ charitable group. Same day starts seven years of more intense research, background activities, hidden loyalties.

To 5 pm Sun.(to 2 am Mon. in Europe; to 9 am Mon. in China):Optimism, joie de vivre, friends, popularity — enjoy! Get out and meet!

6 pm Sun. to 1 am Wed.(3 am Mon. to 10 am Wed. in Europe; 10 am Mon. to 5 pm Wed. in China):Retreat, rest, lie low. Ponder, plan. Contact gov’t or admin workers, apply for aid, be spiritual and charitable. Your energy and charisma are low, so this isn’t the best time to chase romance or gambling wins. You might hear one last message, or have one last rush of hope, around a love. If it doesn’t begin now, Tues., or Thurs., it flees on the gusting wind of time, as in “time’s up.”

2 am Wed. to 5 am Fri.(11 am Wed. to 2 pm Fri. in Europe; 6 pm Wed. to 9 pm Fri. in China):Your energy, charm, effectiveness and clout surge upward. (I would usually include “sense of timing,” but your timing needs care — needs alertness! — until May 2020.) You’ll succeed, so start projects, enlist helpers, call in favours. Get out, see and be seen.

Much talk in your career environment until early March. Both intimacy and finances draw you — and to good results, BUT be honest, clear about your own motives, or all can fall. A wee snag or miscommunication Wed. until lunchtime.

6 am Fri. through Sat.(3 pm Fri. to Sun. morn in Europe; 10 pm Fri. to Sun. morn in China):Go shopping or chase $ Fri. Success awaits. But dial it back Sat. — snags, delays, “reluctant purchases” prevail.

CANCER: June 21-July 22

This week: The mystery of life, the hidden nuggets — going into the tunnel to look for gold or treasure — this week’s like that. The “gold” can be sexual intimacy, research results, financial actions, medical actions, or lifestyle decisions. Most of these will demand commitment, and produce consequences. Could be good consequences; in fact, are likely to be so. This week is like a wave: it rises early, then falls softly, then rises again.

To 5 pm Sun.(to 2 am Mon. in Europe; to 9 am Mon. in China): Ambition steers your best actions. You might want to launch a new career or business project (even into Wednesday) but the platform you’re basing it on, or the environment, is about the change or end. Wait until you see the “new” lay of the land — April 2019.

6 pm Sun. to 1 am Wed.(3 am Mon. to 10 am Wed. in Europe; 10 am Mon. to 5 pm Wed. in China): Yes, wishes can come true! (Especially, these few days, wishes around intimacy, finances or investment, or a medical situation.) Delay launching new projects. Career surprises possible. Your optimism, happiness and popularity get a wee boost. A wee flirt, too?

2 am Wed. to 5 am Fri.(11 am Wed. to 2 pm Fri. in Europe; 6 pm Wed. to 9 pm Fri. in China): Retreat from the bustling crowd. Seek solitude, quietude. Rest, nap, ponder and plan. Background activities (e.g., confidential talks) go well. (But don’t rely on the law or your own ideals, beliefs Wed./Thurs. morn.) A job opportunity might arise. Re-read “This week” above — you might find the “gold” Thurs. pm.

6 am Fri. through Sat.(3 pm Fri. to Sun. morn in Europe; 10 pm Fri. to Sun. morn in China): You’re on top! Your energy, effectiveness and charm rise. Lead, start things (not career/business projects). Others admire your ideas, stance, personality. Friday’s great, smooth, fortunate. Saturday’s okay (starts with love, wisdom, water travel opportunities) but contains relationship factors — opposition might be more likely than co-operation.

LEO: July 23-Aug. 22

This week: Relationships, relocation, opportunities, co-operation or competition, remain as your main themes this week. Open, honest relationships. This isn’t the best time to start brand new alliances or bonds, as we’re at the end of a cycle. Same for legal, travel and publishing or educational choices. Soon, other prospects will enter, or a former love might return.

Your work place is fun, affectionate to March 1. Thursday begins six weeks of intense career or status activity. Those legal, publishing or educational choices might bear on this.

To 5 pm Sun.(to 2 am Mon. in Europe; to 9 am Mon. in China): A mellow, thoughtful time. See a foreign film or call someone far away. You might meet a person who makes your mind wander, and surrounds you in a pleasant atmosphere. This could arise again Tues. — but time is short, so short it might be impossible to turn this into a bond or lasting association.

6 pm Sun. to 1 am Wed.(3 am Mon. to 10 am Wed. in Europe; 10 am Mon. to 5 pm Wed. in China): Success! — Turn to your career, your social standing, dealings with higher-ups, authorities or VIPs. Check your ambitions: are they on track? Paying off? Ask these questions, because soon (Thurs.) you will begin 7 years of career/status “change”.

Opportunities, bonds/partnerships, relocation, reaching out to others (e.g., to the public generally) — and stress — will be a constant theme in your career now to 2026. Huge results possible, but learn relaxation techniques.

2 am Wed. to 5 am Fri.(11 am Wed. to 2 pm Fri. in Europe; 6 pm Wed. to 9 pm Fri. in China): This lovely social interval blesses both dawning and established loves. If unattached, a group or club might “hold” someone for you. Talk, text might go the wrong way Wed. to Thurs. pre-dawn (PST). But after this, there’s not a cloud in the sky: popularity, social joys, optimism and entertainment bless you. A lucky opportunity midday Thurs. Pursue someone this pm.

6 am Fri. through Sat.(3 pm Fri. to Sun. morn in Europe; 10 pm Fri. to Sun. morn in China): Retreat, seek quietude. Rest, contemplate and plan. Avoid competitive situations. Friday’s good, same to dawn Sat. — research, sex/intimacy, financial commitments, medical and gov’t interactions succeed. Saturday daytime, these are filled with snags and oppositions.

VIRGO: Aug. 23-Sept. 22

This week: Your last week of major chores and drudgery, Virgo. Your choice: you can either plod through or love your work and race ahead. But don’t race past financial, sexual or medical needs/requirements — these are like threads woven into your work rope. You might want to buy machinery. (Mon., Tues., late Thurs. and Fri. best for this.) Be sure the electronic components are solid.

You could experience a sudden attraction, powerful, sexual and erratic. If you want to take advantage, you’d better do so before Thurs. On the other hand, Thurs. starts six weeks in which a sexual attraction could lead to a wedding. Or, joined couples will tend to combine assets. A 7-year phase of bright mental activity will begin in March, tying your work to legal, publishing or travel events. Hints of this occur now, esp. Tues.

To 5 pm Sun.(to 2 am Mon. in Europe; to 9 am Mon. in China): Sexual, financial, medical, or lifestyle themes “ask” you to react, to decide or grab them swiftly.

6 pm Sun. to 1 am Wed.(3 am Mon. to 10 am Wed. in Europe; 10 am Mon. to 5 pm Wed. in China): Intellect, learning, foreign shores, media/publishing, statistics, and life’s bigger questions visit you now. Love is gentle, wide, rooted in mental and social harmony. That sexual theme might leap up and say, “Well? Well? Are you going to act or not?” I have no advice, except to say that this is the last act of a long trend. Monday’s best — sweet attraction, love’s caress, partnership viability.

2 am Wed. to 5 am Fri.(11 am Wed. to 2 pm Fri. in Europe; 6 pm Wed. to 9 pm Fri. in China): Be ambitious, chase promotion, prestige, VIPs, bosses, parents. You won’t be very successful Wed. to pre-dawn Thurs. (PST). After this, opportunities and successful ventures call. The opportunity might be in real estate or family.

6 am Fri. through Sat.(3 pm Fri. to Sun. morn in Europe; 10 pm Fri. to Sun. morn in China): Friday’s great to dawn Sat., but the rest of Sat. is more complex. The focus, throughout, is on fun, flirting, social joys, popularity, optimism and entertainment — and happiness with someone special. On Sat. daytime (PST) this turns to: do we partner, or not?

LIBRA: Sept. 23-Oct. 22

This week: Your last week of “pure romance” for a while, Libra. If you’re single, there might be a last-minute marriage, a final choice at last. Better hurry if this is what you want, as the opportunity will flee on the cosmic wind — partially by Thursday, wholly by March 6. Be honest with yourself, and courageous: have you fallen in love? Truly? Then act, without delay. (Many of you have already done so, in the last 7 years.)

Creativity, pleasure and all that, too. Your home is, finally, a pleasant, affectionate place (until March). Lots of discussion and/or travel in your work — around Feb. 18, next week, you’ll see what it’s all about.

To 5 pm Sun.(to 2 am Mon. in Europe; to 9 am Mon. in China): Marriage, all significant relationships are in focus. Say yes, bind. Agree to a proposition or co-operative opportunity. You’ll feel, be affected at a gut level by someone or some pathway.

6 pm Sun. to 1 am Wed.(3 am Mon. to 10 am Wed. in Europe; 10 am Mon. to 5 pm Wed. in China): Sex, pregnancy, secrets, investigation, medical, lifestyle and financial commitments/ choices — any or all slated. Luck hovers around you, so think, decide, then act. A sudden joining or attraction — if a potential marriage is trembling on the edge; say yes, or let it go. A lot of “suddenness” here. Don’t seek love Tues. afternoon.

2 am Wed. to 5 am Fri.(11 am Wed. to 2 pm Fri. in Europe; 6 pm Wed. to 9 pm Fri. in China): A sweet, wise note enters. Now you can ponder — either ponder what just happened/is happening in love, or ponder a wider world. Far travel, education, media/publishing, culture and religion are in focus.

Wednesday and pre-dawn Thurs. are not the best time to act. After this, opportunities, love, friendly sharing/co-operation guide you to blissful harbour. (Anything from love’s seat, to a comfy seat at a foreign film.)

6 am Fri. through Sat.(3 pm Fri. to Sun. morn in Europe; 10 pm Fri. to Sun. morn in China): Be ambitious. Higher-ups are watching, noting. Show your skills, esp. your mental talents, and pursue goals. Friday’s splendid — same to dawn Sat. (7:49 am PST). But you might as well hang up your hat the rest of Sat., which pits home/family against work/career — everybody says no.

SCORPIO: Oct. 23-Nov. 21

This week: Is your last week of undue emphasis on your home, kids, security, garden, real estate, etc. Remain restful. Take a last, long look at your connections and projects — resolve to let go of the stale and embrace the growing. Communications are gracious, fortunate until March, esp. between spouses or partners. For six weeks starting Thurs., your romantic courage flares, and amour intensifies.

To 5 pm Sun.(to 2 am Mon. in Europe; to 9 am Mon. in China): Work waits to be done. You’ll do it quickly. Be cautious around electricity.

6 pm Sun. to 1 am Wed.(3 am Mon. to 10 am Wed. in Europe; 10 am Mon. to 5 pm Wed. in China): Relationships and opportunities face you — and might end with a wee tiff on the home front, or a dilemma of choice: the new bond or opportunity — or security, home, family? That aside, this is a splendid, affectionate, harmonious interval. Yes, love/marriage is a good subject, esp. Mon.

A possible surprise at work, or an electrical or computer “action.” Not bad, not good, but an end of something and a “birth” of something, perhaps a new job role? (If so, it might be temporary.)

2 am Wed. to 5 am Fri. (11 am Wed. to 2 pm Fri. in Europe; 6 pm Wed. to 9 pm Fri. in China): Intimacy, secrets, extra-marital temptations, financial opportunities, medical or lifestyle developments — these are triggered. Some glitches Wed. and pre-dawn Thurs. (which will prevent success in these) but opportunities and success after that. Be honest, ethical.

Thursday starts six weeks of relationship intensity, perhaps with a co-worker. Proceed cautiously here. (Early March will add surprise, unpredictability to relations — for seven years. More on this in March.)

6 am Fri. through Sat.(3 pm Fri. to Sun. morn in Europe; 10 pm Fri. to Sun. morn in China): A sweet, mellow,, loving mood flows over you. The world is understandable, and, to a certain degree, in your palm: travel tickets, school, intellectual explorations, foreign films or teachers, import-export licences, etc.. Friday’s excellent, right to Sat. dawn (PST) — you receive good answers, but Sat. daytime creates opposition, demands choice… diplomacy wins.

SAGITTARIUS: Nov. 22-Dec. 21

This week: It’s your last week of “a bouquet of minor tasks.” Run errands, do paperwork, visit and call, peruse the media. It’s an easy but rushed time, and you’re getting a little tired of it. However, be assiduous, work hard to complete every email, call, contact, paperwork chore, as March will throw anything you haven’t finished into a fan that scatters everything.

Your income and money outlook is good through Feb. Buy a luxury item. The family wants to talk, now to early March. A fairly long romantic streak ends now — with a couple of last-minute opportunities to seize the day. Thursday starts six weeks of intense work — and work place shenanigans.

To 5 pm Sun.(to 2 am Mon. in Europe; to 9 am Mon. in China): Romance, love, creative or speculative forays, pleasure seeking, beauty — plunge into any of these. A casual friend-cum-lover might loom large.

6 pm Sun. to 1 am Wed.(3 am Mon. to 10 am Wed. in Europe; 10 am Mon. to 5 pm Wed. in China): Tackle chores. Eat, dress sensibly. A pretty good time to buy machinery, up to 11 am Tues. (PST) esp. travel or communications machines (e.g., car — software is machinery, too). Don’t bother chasing the opposite sex Tues. — yet a stunning attraction/surprise in a bond might occur. Two might join Tues., and argue forever.

2 am Wed. to 5 am Fri.(11 am Wed. to 2 pm Fri. in Europe; 6 pm Wed. to 9 pm Fri. in China): True relationships arise now. It’s quite simple: one who appears (or whom you chase, or a relationship that forms) Wed. or pre-dawn Thurs., carries snags and glitches. Anyone who relates to you after this, is cheerful, harmonious, and you will succeed as a team. (Temporary or not.)

6 am Fri. through Sat.(3 pm Fri. to Sun. morn in Europe; 10 pm Fri. to Sun. morn in China): The depths rise, your subconscious kisses the surface of your life. Intuition, investments, physical intimacy, medical procedures, all tend to succeed Fri. and into Sat. dawn. After this, money difficulties or possessiveness stop you. So act early!

CAPRICORN: Dec. 22-Jan 19

This week: The focus remains on money, income, purchases, clients, memory and casual sex. Overall, this is a mellow, easy week, studded with a couple of surprises in the property, security and home/family arena. (These surprises knell the bell for an end to one scenario, and the birth of a seven-year “awakening” in love and creative zones.)

You’re getting busy with trips, calls and paperwork, rest of Feb. Also the rest of this month, others see you as charming, discreet and attractive. Good time to cut hair, buy clothes.

To 5 pm Sun.(to 2 am Mon. in Europe; to 9 am Mon. in China): Sleep in or otherwise luxuriate at home. You won’t do this long before you jump into action. Maybe a hint of an end or new beginning on the home front. Some stress or nerves, but all’s well.

6 pm Sun. to 1 am Wed.(3 am Mon. to 10 am Wed. in Europe; 10 am Mon. to 5 pm Wed. in China): You’ll feel sweet about someone before this interval’s over. Love, self-expression, creativity, teaching children, risk-taking, claim your attention. A lucky few days. But Tues. afternoon might erect friction between the sexes. A home-based or security surprise might basically end a long domestic situation/concern, perhaps in an “instant”.

2 am Wed. to 5 am Fri.(11 am Wed. to 2 pm Fri. in Europe; 6 pm Wed. to 9 pm Fri. in China): Take up chores and protect your daily health with sensible habits and diet. You meet various niggly obstacles Wed. to pre-dawn Thurs. After this, to Fri. morning, all goes well. An opportunity might arise Thurs., involving chores, employment, management, gov’t or admin offices. Seize any opportunity, and advance with it immediately Thurs. day and night — you’ll succeed.

6 am Fri. through Sat.(3 pm Fri. to Sun. morn in Europe; 10 pm Fri. to Sun. morn in China): Relationships arise, significantly. Be co-operative, leap on opportunities, contemplate (or engage in) relocation, seek to join/merge. These flow very well Fri. and to dawn (PST) Sat. But the remainder of Saturday says: “Are you deeply serious and certain about a relationship?” If not, retreat.

AQUARIUS: Jan. 20-Feb. 18

This week: Your energy and charm, clout and sense of timing remain high. Others admire you. Continue to lead, to push favourite projects. Your inner world, private life, and dealings with civil servants and “head office” workers will be gracious, productive until March. You’re starting to see, discuss ways of making money. At work, you might be discussing a large acquisition now to early March. These projects should be finished before March, as a slowdown and confusion loom in that month.

To 5 pm Sun. (to 2 am Mon. in Europe; to 9 am Mon. in China):Call, write, visit — you’re active and succeeding!

6 pm Sun. to 1 am Wed. (3 am Mon. to 10 am Wed. in Europe; 10 am Mon. to 5 pm Wed. in China) :Aim toward home, kids, warmth and security. This is a smooth, gratifying interval. Good time to establish your place or “territory” at work, and socially. Embrace Mother Nature, hike, garden, etc. You might make or receive a surprising message. It says: “This is a final firework” (or something).

2 am Wed. to 5 am Fri. (11 am Wed. to 2 pm Fri. in Europe; 6 pm Wed. to 9 pm Fri. in China) : Romance calls, if you’re single. Creative, speculative, kid-oriented, beauty/pleasure pursuits, all “available”. Your path’s a little rocky or uncertain to pre-dawn Thurs. (PST) then opens to opportunities, new meetings, and triumph Thurs. and early Friday!

6 am Fri. through Sat.(3 pm Fri. to Sun. morn in Europe; 10 pm Fri. to Sun. morn in China): Work and health. These succeed Fri. into Sat. dawn (PST) but run into obstacles later Saturday. Time your actions accordingly. Machine/tool purchases or repairs fare best Fri.

PISCES: Feb. 19-March 20

This week: This is your last week of feeling slow, weary, burdened. Remain quiet, listen to your intuition/hunches. Meditate, ponder. Look at your life to date: how did you get here, and where do you want to go? Form plans. Deal with agents, advisors, psychics, civil servants. Above all, rest, recharge emotional, mental, physical batteries — you’re going to burst into action next week.

You’re talkative, and remain optimistic about a union or opportunity/relocation, all Feb. Thursday starts six weeks of swift action involving money — calls, papers, visits.

To 5 pm Sun. (to 2 am Mon. in Europe; to 9 am Mon. in China):Chase, collect $ — and spend, if you like, on electronics, computers, etc. A money opportunity might appear, must be grabbed quickly.

6 pm Sun. to 1 am Wed.(3 am Mon. to 10 am Wed. in Europe; 10 am Mon. to 5 pm Wed. in China) :Errands, visits, quick trips, calls, texts, paperwork, casual contacts fill these days. All’s good, just go ahead. Again, a swift or sudden money opportunity. Make sure this money won’t be from an accident settlement — drive carefully. (Oddly, Pisces race car drivers will succeed —so will Aries.)

2 am Wed. to 5 am Fri.(11 am Wed. to 2 pm Fri. in Europe; 6 pm Wed. to 9 pm Fri. in China): Home, family, property, gardening, nutrition, Nature, warmth, rest and family affection. These, and any related projects (e.g., repairs, new curtains) frustrate until pre-dawn Thurs., then succeed very nicely. For instance, buy house paint Thurs., not Wed. Perhaps wee spat with spouse Wed.

6 am Fri. through Sat. (3 pm Fri. to Sun. morn in Europe; 10 pm Fri. to Sun. morn in China): Passion, romance, beauty, pleasure, indulgence, charming children — your heart swims with small, potent joys. Wednesday’s spat with spouse, if it occurred, can be solved Friday.

All relationships flow with good will and quick understanding Fri. to dawn (PST) Sat. After this, a sober, sombre note enters in relationships… but it could be a good, gratifying note that raises your hopes about a union or a social situation.


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