

 家有学子 2019-02-26
如:Tom is the youngest of the four.(形容词)
The bike rides comfortable. (形容词) 这辆自行车骑着很舒服。
The rabbit runs fatser than the turtle.(副词)
2、用 and 并列的两个比较级,表示“越来越......”。如:
It's getting colder and colder.(天越来越冷了)
3、“the 比较级…,the 比较级…”表示“越…...就越...…”。如:
The harder you work, the better you'll be. (你越努力学习,就越好。)
4、比较级前面可以加 much / a little / even 等,不能加 very 和 more,比如:
He is much taller. (他高得多)
Peter ran a little faster.(彼得跑得更快一点)
5、more 若果用于表示数量,前面可以加 some/ any/ no/ one/ two/ many/ several / a lot 等词。
I need some more exercise. (我还需要更多的一些练习)
He asked two more questions. (他又问了两个问题)
6、more 和 less 相反,more than=over; less than=under. 如:
more difficult 更难,less difficult 没那么难。
She must be more than 40 years old.= She must over 40 years old. 她肯定超过四十岁。
7、one of 最高级结构中,因为中心词是 one,谓语动词用单数。如:
One of the fastest cars is Ferrari.(最快的汽车之一是法拉利)
8、Which 和 Who 开头的问句中,如果有两个选项,用比较级。如果有三个选项用最高级。如:
Who is taller,Tom or Jerryi? (Tom 和 Jerry 谁高些?)
Which is the biggest city, Shanghai, New York or Beijing?
9、如果前后文中出现:both,either,neither,two,twins 这几个词,因为它们都有“两个”含义,常用到比较级;如果上下文含有 all,every 等,因为它们含有“全部”之意,常用到最高级。如:
--How about the bigger one?
--Neither one suit me.(--大点的那个咋样?--两个都不适合我。)
--Which book do you like best?
--All of them!(--你最喜欢哪本书?--全都喜欢。)
10、冠词 a 和 the 都可以出现在比较级之前,例如:
Which is the taller girl of them two? (两个女孩中哪个更高一些?)
This skirt is much shorter. Do you have a longer one? 这个短裙太短了,你们有个长一点的吗?


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