

 山地之仔 2019-03-28


Today, many people know full well that Diana and Charles eventually got a divorce after several long years together. However, what exactly was the final straw for the couple and what made Princess Diana agree to a divorce?

Why she eventually agreed to part ways with Prince Charles?


Despite her strong wishes for her family and marriage to stay together, Princess Diana’s attempts proved futile, although it was also partly due to the things she herself did.


In the early 1990s, Diana started speaking to the press to share her side of what had been going on. Notably, for example, she spoke to biographer Andrew Morton about her life, which turned into a famous book called Diana: Her True Story in Her Own Words.


In it, various scandalous details of Prince Charles’ affair as well as Diana’s own struggles with royal life became public for the first time. This led to, among other things, leaked tapes of Charles and Camilla having explicit conversations. Both the book and the tapes led to a decline in the royal family’s image.


The couple eventually parted ways for good in August 1996. 这对夫妇最终在1996年8月分道扬镳。

After all the negative press, Diana and Charles separated in 1992.


However, Diana still did not stop speaking to members of the press. In 1995, her most famous interview yet was released. This was a talk she had with journalist Martin Bashir for the BBC’s Panorama, where she discussed more about her husband’s affair and her life in the royal family.

然而,戴安娜仍然没有停止对媒体的采访。1995年,她最著名的采访发表了。这是她与英国广播公司(BBC)《全景》(Panorama)记者马丁巴希尔(Martin Bashir)的谈话,在谈话中,她更多地谈论了丈夫的婚外情和她在王室的生活。

At one point when describing her marriage, Diana told Bashir something that is still remembered to this day: “Well, there were three of us in this marriage, so it was a bit crowded.”


The interview created a media frenzy, which was ultimately the final straw for the couple. Queen Elizabeth was disappointed in both Diana and Charles and did not like that these embarrassing information about her family was being openly shared with the whole world. Shortly afterward, she decided to send a letter to the two of them, effectively ordering them to get a divorce.


Reportedly, their final settlement included a confidentiality agreement that forbade either one from sharing details about their divorce and marriage.


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