

 奥林国际英语 2019-04-04



1do [causedamage to sb (sth对某人或某物造成损害。如:

The accident did not do much damage to either of the cars. 两辆汽车在事故中均未受到很大损害。

The storm caused [did] serious damage to the crops. 暴风雨对农作物造成了严重的危害。

2whats the damage多少钱?

AI need a new coat. 我需要买件新外衣了。

BOh, yes? What’s the damage? 是吗要多少钱?


1. Theres danger in (doingsth 做某事有危险。如:

There is danger in climbing a high mountain. 爬高山有危险。

There’s danger in telling her what you know. 把你知道的告诉她,那会有危险。

注:通常不说 (the) danger to do sth

2. (thedanger of (doingsth ()某事的危险。如:

Is there any danger of fire? 有发生火灾的危险吗?

The child did not realize the danger of playing on the road. 这小孩没有意识到在马路上玩的危险。

注:通常不说 (the) danger to do sth

3in danger of (doingsth 有发生某情况的危险。如:

The bridge is in danger of collapse. 桥有倒塌的危险。

You’re in danger of catching cold. 你有着凉的危险。

We’re in danger of being hit by a stone. 我们有被石头砸的危险。

4out of danger 脱离危险。如:

The patient is now out of danger. 病人已脱离危险。


1be dangerous to do 做某事是危险的。如:

Fire is dangerous to play with. 玩火是危险的。

The river is dangerous to swim in. 在这河里游泳很危险。

2. Its dangerous (for sbto do sth 做某事(对某人)很危险。如:

It is dangerous to swim in the river. 在这条河里游泳很危险。

It’s dangerous for women to walk alone at night. 晚上女人独自行走是危险的。


1darent have done sth。过去未敢做某事。如:

Mother dare not tell father she had given away his old jacket. 母亲不敢告诉父亲她把他的旧上衣送人了。

I didn’t like their new house though I daren’t have said so. 我不喜欢他们的新房子,虽然我没敢这样说过。

2dare sb to do sth 激怒某人做某事,挑战某人做某事。如:

He dared me to jump. 他用激将法要我跳。

I dare you to tell your mother. 我谅你也不敢告诉你母亲。

注:有时只说 I dare you, 意为:我谅你也不敢。如:

Throw it at him! I dare you! 用它砸他呀我谅你也不敢。

3. I dare say 我想,大概,很可能。如:

I dare say things will improve. 我想情况会好起来的。

I dare say (that) it’ll rain tomorrow. 明天可能下雨。

注:I dare say 也可写成 I daresay


1in the dark 在黑暗中。如:

Cats can see in the dark. 猫在黑暗中能够看见。

All the lights went out and we were left in the dark. 灯全部熄了,我们面前一片漆黑。

注:这样用的 in the dark 也可换成 in the darkness

2. (bein the dark (about对……一无所知或被蒙在鼓里。如:

I’m in the dark about their marriage. 我对他们的婚事一无所知。

We are still in the dark about the cause of the fire. 我们还不清楚起火的原因。

3at (afterbeforedark 在天黑时(后,前)。如:

They turn the light on at dark. 他们在黄昏时开灯。

He got home after (before) dark. 他天黑后()到家。


1date back to / date from 从回溯至……,从……开始。如:

This church dates back to the 13th century. 这个教堂是13世纪建的(即可以回溯到13世纪)

The custom dates from ancient times. 这个习俗是从古代开始的。

注:date back to  date from 两者大致同义,前者侧重从现在往过去回溯,而后者则侧重从过去往现在推移,其实两者均可解释为 have existed from, 所以两者通常都与一般现在时连用。

2. (begoout of date 过时的,不再用的,失效的。如:

My passport is out of date. 我的护照已经过期了。

These words have gone out of date. 这些词已经不再用了。

3to date 到目前为止。如:

We haven’t got any further information to date. 到目前为止我们尚未获得进一步的消息。

To date there has been no improvement in his condition. 到目前为止,他的条件还没有改善。

4up to date 新式的,适合目前的,载有最新资料的。如:

The book is up to date. 这本书载有最新资料。1

He’s very up to date in his method of teaching language. 他的语言教学法是非常新颖的。


1at (beforedawn 在黎明时()。如:

You must start at (before) dawn. 你必须在天亮时()动身。

The postman has to get up at (before) dawn every day. 邮递员每天必须天亮时()起床。

2from dawn till dark [dusk从早到晚。如:

We work from dawn to dark. 我们起早摸黑地工作。

注:该短语属书面用语,口语或非正式文体中用 from morningto night


1day after day 日复一日,多日,连续地。如:

Day after day went by, and still no message arrived. 一天天过去了,一直还没有消息。

Day after day he waited in vain for her to telephone him.


2day by day 一天一天地,逐日。如:

Things are getting worse day by day. 情况一天天变糟。

He is getting better day by day. 他一天天地好起来。

Day by day he learnt more about his job. 他日益了解自己的工作了。

注:day by day  day after day 都可表示一天天,但前者通常指一个连续不断的动作(a continuous action) 往往有随着时间的推移(as time goes by)而连续不断之意。 后者表示动作在反复发生,往往暗示时间之久(for many many days)。另外从句法功能上看,day by day 在句中通常用作状语;而 day after day 除用作状语外,还可用作主语或宾语。

3day and night 日夜不停地。如:

He worked day and night. 他日夜不停地工作。

注:该短语也可说成 night and day

The machines kept running day and night [night and day]. 机器日夜不停地运转。


1be deaf in [of耳聋。如:

He is deaf in [of] one ear. 他一只耳朵聋了。

2be deaf to sth 对某事听不进。如:

He was deaf to all advice. 他听不进任何劝告。

注:有时也说 turn a deaf ear to sth。如:

He turned a deaf ear to our warnings and got lost. 他对我们的警告充耳不闻,结果迷失了方向。

3the deaf 耳聋的人。如:

The school is set up for the deaf. 这所学校是为耳聋的人办的。


1a good [greatdeal (of)

(1) 许多,大量。如:

He spent a good deal of money on it. 他对此花了不少钱。

At the end of the year there was a great deal to do. 年底有很多事要做。

We’ve heard a great deal about the writer. 关于这位作者的情况我们听说了很多。

(2) 经常,非常,……得多。如:

They see each other a great deal. 他们经常见面。

The woman was a good deal surprised. 这个女人非常吃惊。

He knew a great deal more than I did. 他所了解的比我了解的多得多。

2deal in 做……买卖,出售,经营。如:

The shop deals in clothes. 这家商店经营服装。

We deal in hardware but not software. 我们经营硬件但不经营软件。

3deal out 分配,分给,分发。如:

The money was dealt out fairly. 钱分配得公平合理。

I dealt out two apples to each child. / I dealt out eachof the children two apples. 我给每个小孩发了两个苹果。

4deal with

(1) 处理,对付,对待。如:

How shall we deal with this matter? 这事我们怎么处理?

I don’t know how to deal with him. 我不知怎样与他相处。

(2) 论述。如:

The next chapter deals with verbs. 下一章论述动词。

This book deals with educational problems. 这本书论述教育问题。

(3) 做买卖,有商业关系。如:

We often deal with that shop. 我们经常在那家商店买东西。

(4) 与……打交道。如:

He is difficult to deal with. 他很难打交道。

We don’t deal with terrorists. 我们不与恐怖分子打交道。


1be in (out ofdebt (不欠)债。如:

Now he is in (out of) debt. 他现在欠(不欠)债。

He was still $5000 in debt. 他仍欠5000美元。

Out of debt, out of danger. 无债一身轻。

2be in ones debt / in the debt to sb 欠某人的情, 对某人感谢不尽。如:

You have been so kind to us that we shall always feel weare deeply in your debt. 你待我们太好了, 我们将永远感激不尽。

I am in debt to him for all his assistance to me. 对于他的种种帮助,我感谢不尽。


3get [runinto debt 负债。如:

So he got into debt to the boss. 因此他欠了老板的债。

How did he run into debt? 他是怎样欠债的?

4get out of debt 还清欠债。如:

It is much easier to get into debt than to get out of it. 借债容易还债难。


1decide to do sth 决定做某事。如:

We’ve decided to hold a meeting. 我们决定召开一个会议。

He decided to go to Paris for his holidays. 他决定去巴黎度假。

2decide not to do sth 决定不做某事。如:

He decided not to go. 他决定不去。

He decided not to change his job. 他决定不改变工作。

注:该结构也可说成 decide against doing sth。如:

He decided against going.

He decided against changing his job.

2decide on (doingsth

(1) 决定做某事。如:

We decided on leaving. 我们决定离开。

He decided on going abroad. 他决定出国。

注:该结构有时可 decide to do sth 互换。如:

We decided to leave.

He decided to go abroad.

(2) 对……作出决定,选定。如:

We’ve decided on Paris (=that we should go to Paris) forour next holiday. 我们决定下次去巴黎度假。

He decided on a computer(=on buying a computer / to buy acomputer). 他决定买台电脑。


1make [takea decision 作出决定。如:

I hope you’ve made [taken] the right decision. 我希望你作出了正确的决定。

We talked for a long time but couldn’t take a decision. 我们谈了很久,但没能作出决定。

2reach [arrive atcome toa decision 作出决定,下定决心。如:

We expect to reach [arrive at, come to] a decision soon. 我们希望很快作出决定。

We haven’t reached [arrived at, come to] a decision about it. 我们还没有对此作出决定。

3the decision to do sth做某事的决定。如:

His decision to become an actor surprised us all. 他决定要当演员使我们大家吃了一惊。

We took the difficult decision to leave. 我们好不容易才作出离开的决定。


1declare against sb (sth声明反对某人或某事物。如:

They all declared against war. 他们都声明反对战争。

The students declared against cheating. 学生表示反对舞弊。

2declare for sb (sth表明支持某人或某物。如:

They declared for the plan. 他们表明支持这项计划。

3declare sb (sthto be……宣布某人或某事物为……。如:

They declared John (to be) the winner of the game. 他们宣布约翰是比赛的获胜者。

He declared himself (to be) a member of their party. 他自称是他们团体的成员。


1in defence of

(1) 为了保卫……。如:

They fought in defence of their country. 他们为保卫祖国而战斗。

(2) 为辨护……。如:

He spoke in defence of the nation’s foreign policy. 他发言为国家的外交政策辨护。


1defend oneself 自卫。如:

When the dog attacked me, I defended myself with a stick. 那狗向我扑来时,我用棍子自卫。

2defend sb (sthfrom [againstsb (sth保卫某人或某物免受某人或某物的侵袭(危害等)。如:

The safety devices defend workers from danger. 安全措施使工人免受危险。

Our duty is todefend the country against theenemies. 我们的职责是保卫祖国不受敌人侵袭。

The wall was built to defend the road from being washedaway by the sea. 建造这座堤是为了保护这条路不被海水冲垮。


1by degrees 逐渐地。如:

By degrees their friendship grew into love. 他们的友谊慢慢地变为爱情。

2to a degree

(1) 在很大程度上,非常。如:

He is careful to a degree. 他非常小心。

The film was boring to a degree. 这部电影非常枯燥。

(2) 有点儿,稍微,部分地。如:

I think that’s true to a degree, but the situation isn’t quite as simple as that. 我想那有些是事实,但情况不完全像那样简单。


1delay doing sth 推迟做某事。如:

They have put off leaving. 他们已推迟动身。

They delayed publishing the report until after the election. 他们把这个报告的发表推迟到选举之后。

2delay sth until 把某事推迟到。如:

We decided to delay our vacation until next month. 我们决定把休假推迟到下个月。

3delay in doing sth 推迟做某事。如:

My delay in going abroad is due to my illness. 我推迟出国是由于我生病了。

I have again delayed long in answering your letter. 我又迟迟没给你回信。

注:名词 delay 后可接 in doing sth, 但一般不接 of doingsth;另外动词 delay 后有时也可接 in doing sth, 但以省略in 为常见。

4without delay 不耽误,立即。如:

Do it without delay. 请马上做它。

We must leave without delay. 我们必须立即离开。


1be delighted to do sth 很高兴地做某事。如:

I’m really delighted to see you. 见到你我真高兴。

I was delighted to hear the news of your success. 听到你成功的消息,我很高兴。

2be delighted with (atbysth ()某事感到高兴。如:

He was delighted at [by] the news. 听到这个消息他很高兴。

He was very much delighted with the results. 他对结果十分满意。

3delight in (doingsth 喜欢()某事。如:

He delights in (listening to) music. 他喜欢()音乐。

Boys delight in listening to stories. 男孩子喜欢听故事。

4take delight in (doingsth 喜欢做某事,从做某中取乐。如:

Now many people take delight in watching TV. 现在许多人都喜欢看电视。

He takes great delight in proving others wrong. 他的极大乐趣是证实别人是错的。

5to ones delight 使某人高兴是。如:

To our great delight the day turned out fine. 使我们感到十分高兴的是,天气转晴了。

To his delight his novel was accepted for publication. 使他大为高兴的是,他的小说被接受出版了。

6with delight 高兴地。如:

I have read your letter with delight. 我高兴地拜读了你的来信。


1. (thedemand for sth 对某事物的需求。如:

There is a great demand [much demand] for teachers here.


The workers’ demand for higher wages seemsreasonable. 工人增加工资的要求是合理的。

2demand sth of [fromsb 向某人要求某事物。如:

He demanded an apology from her. 他要她道歉。

He demanded too high a price of me. 他向我索价太高。

3demand to do sth 要求做某事。如:

She demanded to see the manager. 她要求见经理。

He demanded to know the truth. 他要求知道事实真相。

4demand of sb to do sth 要求某人做某事。如:

They demanded of me to go with them. 我们要求我同他们一起去。

He demanded of us to tell him everything. 他要求我们把一切都告诉他。

注:该结构中的介词 of 不能省略,即 demand 不能接不定式的复合结构作宾语(即不用于 demand sb to do sth)

5in demand 有需求的,吃香的。如:

Newly-published novels are always in great demand. 新出版的小说需求量总是很大。

Special attention should be paid to the things always in demand by the public. 要特别注意那些公众始终需求的东西。


1depend on [uponsb (sth依靠或依赖某人或某事物。如:

Whether we’ll go camping depends on the weather. 我们是否去野营要看天气。

I haven’t got a car, so I have to depend on the buses. 我没有汽车,所以我得乘公共汽车。

2depend on [uponsb (sthfor sth 依靠某人或某物提供某物。如:

We depend on the radio for news. 我们靠收音机听新闻。

Children depend on their parents for food and clothing. 儿童的衣食靠父母。

3depend on [uponsb (sthdoing [to dosth 指望某人或某事做某事。如:

I’m depending on you to do the work. 我指望你做这工作。

You can’t depend on the train arriving on time. 千万不要认为火车能正点到达。

We all depend on you to come tomorrow. / We all depend onyou [your] coming tomorrow. 我们都指望你明天来。

4depend on [uponwh-clause 根据……而定,依靠……而定。如:

The amount you pay depends on where you live. 你付多少钱要看你住什么地方。

Our success depends on whether everyoneworkshardornot. 我们的成功取决于每个人是否努力。

注:该结构中的 on [upon] 后可接 wh-从句, 但一般不能直接接 that-从句,否则需借助 it。如:

You may depend on it that he will join our club. / You may depend on him to join our club. 你可以指望他加入我们的俱乐部。

5. It (alldepends. / That depends那要看情况。如:

I want to leave early but it all depends. 我想早点离开,但那要看情况。

AAre you going too? 你也去吗?

BThat depends. 那要看情况。

6. It (alldepends on [upon]wh-clause。根据某情况而定。如:

It depends (on) whether you can afford it. 这要看你是否买得起。

It all depends how you do it. 那要看你怎么办。

注:该句式中的介词 on, upon 常可省略。


1be dependent on [uponsb (sth依靠某人或某物。如:

Success is dependent on hard work. / Success is dependent on how hard you work. 成功取决于努力与否。

Whether we go or not is dependent on the weather. 我们是否去要看天气。

Children are always dependent on their parents. 儿童依靠父母。


1describe doing sth 描述做某事的情况。如:

He described going downstairs and finding his mother lying on the floor. 他讲述了他走下楼发现他母亲躺在地板上的情景。

2describe sb (sthto [forsb 给某人描述某人或某事物。如:

Describe your new boy-friend to me. 请给讲讲你新交的男朋友。

Could you describe what you saw to [for] me? / Could you describe to [for] me what you saw? 请你将你所见到的情况描述给我听听好吗?

3describe sb (sthas 把某人或某物形容为(说成是)。如:

He described himself as a doctor. 他自称是医生。

He was described as (being) very clever. 据说他很聪明。

I hesitate to describe him as really clever. 我很难说他真聪明。


1be of good (poordesign 设计好(不好)。如:

The house is of good (poor) design. 这座房子设计很差。

2by design 故意地,蓄意地。如:

We don’t know if it was done by accident or by design. 我们不知道那是偶然做的还是故意做的。

3have designs on sb (sth企图或图谋某人或某物。如:

He has designs on the girl. 他想打这个姑娘的主意。

He has designs on her life (money). 他要谋他的命()

4be designed for 为……而计划或设计。如:

This house is designed for a large family. 这座房子是为大家庭而设计的。

The dictionary is designed for foreign students. 这本词典是供外国学生用的。

5be designed to do sth 计划或设计做某事。如:

The book is designed to improve the students’ spoken English. 编写这本书的目的是为提高学生的英语口语。

The weekend party was designed to bring the two leaders together. 这次周末聚会的用意是要使两位领导人见面。

6be designed as ()计划或设计用作……。如:

The room was designed as the children’s playroom. 这间房间计划用作儿童游戏室。

This course is designed as as an introduction to the subject. 这门课程是作为该科目的入门课而开设的。

7design sb (sthfor 为某目的或用途而计划某人或某事。如:

His father designed him for a lawyer. 他父亲打算要他当律师。

We designed that day for our departure. 我们预定那天启程。


1desire to do sth 希望做某事。如:

He desires to live in the country. 他希望住在乡下。

What do you desire me to do? 你希望我做什么?

2desire sb to do sth 希望某人做某事。如:

We desire you to come at once. 我们希望你立即来。

He desires her to marry him. 他希望她能嫁给他。


We desire that you (should) come at once.

He desires that she (should) marry him.

3have (adesire for [to dosth 渴望()某事物。如:

They had little desire for [to get] money. 他们对钱没有多大欲望。

He has a strong desire for success [to succeed]. 他渴望成功。

注:有时不连用动词 have。如:

He was filled with a desire to see his family again. 他心中充满了再见家人的愿望。

He told her of his desire for success. 他告诉了她渴望成功的愿望。


1be determined to do sth 决定做某事。如:

I am determined to go and nothing will stop me. 我已决定要去,什么也阻止不了我。

He is determined to find out who is to blame. 他决定要查出谁该负责。


I have determined to go abroad. 我已决定出国。

I am determined to go abroad. 我已下定决心要出国。

在前一句里,determine 是界限动词,强调一时的动作;在第二句里,determined 用作形容词,说明的是一种状态, 即一种坚定不移的决心。

2determine on [upon] (doingsth 决定做某事。如:

We determined on an early start. 我们决定早点出发。

He determined on living alone. 他决定一个人生活。

3determine sb against (doingsth 使某人决定不做某事。如:

That determined her against leaving home. 那件事使她不离开家了。

The news determined her against further delay. 此消息使她不再拖延。

4determine to do sth 决定做某事。如:

He determined to learn French. 他决定学法语.

She determined to work harder. 她决定更加努力工作。

注:determine to do sth 有时可以与 determine on doing sth转换。如:

He determined to leave. / He determined on leaving. 他决定离开。

5determine sb to do sth 使某人决定做某事。如:

What determined you to accept the offer? 是什么使你接受此项提议?

His encouragement determined me to carry on with the work. 他的鼓励使我下定决心要把工作继续干下去。


1devote sth to (doingsth 把时间(钱,精力等)献给某事物。如:

They devoted a great deal of money to the improvement of the railway station. 他们花了一大笔钱来改善火车站的条件。

He devoted all his free time to playing the piano. 他把所有的业余的时间都用来弹钢琴。

2devote oneself to sb (doing sth)

(1) 献身于或致力于()某事。如:

After he graduated he continued to devote himself to research. 毕业之后他继续致力于研究工作。

He devoted himself to helping the poor. 他致力于帮助穷人。

(2) 专用于。如:

The newspaper devotes two pages to comics. 这份报纸用两页版面刊登连环漫画。

(3) 喜欢,热爱。如:

She devoted herself to tennis in her teens. 她在少女时代热衷于网球。

3be devoted to sb (doing sth)

(1) 致力于,献身于。如:

The students are devoted to their studies. 学生们专心于学习。

(2) 专用于。如:

This dictionary is devoted to explaining word usage. 这本词典是解释词的用法的。

(3) 喜欢,疼爱。如:

She is devoted to her children. 她疼爱她的孩子。

The couple were devoted to each other. 两夫妻感情很好。


1keep [writea diary 记日记。如:

I keep [write] a diary in English. 我用英语写日记。

A diarist is a person who keeps [writes] a diary. 日记作者即是写日记的人。

注:表示记日记,用动词 keep  write 均可, 但总的说来,用 keep 的情形较多,两者的细微区别是:用动词 keep 侧重指记日记的习惯,用动词 write则侧重指的具体动作,因此要表示往日记里写什么东西时,通常要用 write。如:

He took out his diary and began to write. 他拿出日记本就写了起来。

He wrote everything he saw in his diary. 他把所看到的情况都写进日记里。


1consult a (thedictionary 查字典。如:

Have you consulted a dictionary? 你查过字典吗?

I consulted the dictionary for the meaning of this word. 我查字典寻找这个词的词义。

2look up sth in a (thedictionary 查字典。如:

Look up these words in the dictionary. 在字典查查这些词。

If you want to know how a word is used, look it up in the

dictionary. 你要想知道一个词的用法,就去查字典。

3look up a (thedictionary 查字典。如:

I spend more time looking up the dictionary than reading

the book. 我读这本书时查字典的时间还多些。

Look up the dictionary and explain the meaning of the italicized words. 查字典然后解释斜体词的意思。



1die from 死于……,因……而死。如:

He died from a heart attack. 他死于心脏病发作。

Many villagers die every year from snake bites. 每年都有许多村民死因被蛇咬而死亡。

2die of 死于……,因……而死。如:

Her grandfather died of cancer. 他祖父死于癌症。

The animals died of starvation in the snow. 这些动物在雪地里饿死了。

注:关于 die from  die of 的区别:有人认为若死因存在于人体之上或之内,一般用介词 of 若死因不是存在人体之内或之上,而是由环境造成的,则一般用介词 from 但在现代英语中两者常可混用。

4be dying for sth [to do sth迫切想要()某事。如:

He is dying for something to eat. 他极想弄点东西吃。

She is dying to know where he has gone. 他迫切想知道他到哪里去了。

5die away (声音、风、光线等)渐息,渐弱。如:

THe breeze has died away. 微风渐渐止住了。

The sound of the car died away in the distance. 汽车的响声消失在远处。

6die down (慢慢)熄灭,平静下来。如:

The fire died down. 火慢慢熄了。

His anger has died down a bit. 他的怒气已消了一点。

7die off 一个一个地死去(die one by one)。如:

As he grew older, his relatives all died off. 随着他年龄的增长,他的亲人都一个一个地死去了。

8die out (家族、种族、习俗、观念等)灭绝,绝迹。如:

Many old customs are dying out. 许多旧习俗正在消失。


1the difference between ……之间的差别。如:

The difference between 6 and 15 is 9. 615相差9

What’s the difference between the two words? 这两个词有什么不同?

3make a (nodifference (没有)差别,有(没有)影响,起(不起)重要作用等。如:

The sea air has made a difference to her health. 海上的空气改善了她的健康状况。

It makes no difference to me whether he goes or not. 他去不去对我没影响。


ADoes that make any difference? 那很重要吗?

BYes, it makes all the difference. 是的,很重要。

The rain didn’t make much difference to the game. 这场雨对比赛没什么影响。


1. (bedifferent from [tothan与……不同。如:

He is different from [to, than] me. 他与我不同。

American cars are different from [to, than] ours. 美国造的汽车和我们的不一样。

注:在英国英语中通常用 to, 在美国英语中通常用 than, 但两者均不如用 from 普遍。


1. It is difficult to do sth 做某事很困难。如:

It’s difficult to learn Japanese. 学日语很难。

It was difficult to decide which one to buy. 要决定买哪个很困难。

2sth is difficult to do 做某事很困难。如:

The work is difficult to do. 这项工作很难做。

Such books are difficult to read. 那样的书很难读。

注:该结构用 sth 作主语,它必须是其后不定式的逻辑宾语,并且这类结构通常可与 it’s difficult to do sth 互换。如:

The mountain is difficult to climb. / It is difficult to climb the mountain. 这座山很难爬。

The question is difficult to answer. / It is difficult to answer the question. 要回答这个问题是困难的。


1have difficulty with [insth 对某事有困难。如:

Do you have any difficulty with [in] English? 你对(学习)英语有困难吗?

He has some difficulties with pronunciation. 他的发音有些困难。

2have difficulty (indoing sth 做某事有困难。如:

We have much difficulty (in) understanding what he says. 我们要理解他说的话有不少困难。

I had the greatest difficulty in persuading him. 为了说服他,我费了好大的力气。

注:该句型中的动词 have 有时可用 find, (there) be 换之。如:

He finds little difficulty learning English. 他觉得学习英语没什么困难。

There is much difficulty in finding his office. 没费什么力劲就找到了他的办公室。

3with difficulty 困难地,费力地。如:

That man walked with difficulty. 那个人走路很费力。

He did it, but with difficulty. 他做是做了,但颇为费力。

4without difficulty 容易地,不费力的。如:

He did it without much (any) difficulty. 他完成那件事没费什么(任何)劲。

The taxi driver found the house without much difficulty. 出租车司机没没费什么力就找到了这座房子。


1direct sb to do sth 命令某人做某事。如:

The officer directed his men to advance slowly. 那军官命令部下缓慢前进。

2direct sth to (doingsth

(1) (精力、注意力等)集中在……。如:

We will direct our energies to improving conditions. 我们将要集中精力改善条件。

(2) 把……的方向指给……。如:

Can you direct me to the railway station? 请你告诉我去火车站怎么走好吗?

(3) (邮件)寄给……。如:

Shall I direct this letter to his business address or to his home address? 我是把这封寄到他的办公地点,还是寄到他家里?

(4) 针对……而说()。如:

My remarks were not directed to all of you. 我的话并非指你们全体说的。


1in the direction

(1) 朝……方向。如:

We’re going in the direction of the east (the park). 我们将朝东(公园这个方向)走。

Tom walked in one direction and Jim in another. 汤姆往一个方向走了,吉姆朝另一个方向走了。

(2) 在……方面。如:

We are making changes in various directions. 我们正在多方面进行改革。

The town shows improvement in many directions. 这个城镇在很多方面都有改善。

2under ones direction 在某人的指导下。如:

We did the work under his direction. 我们在他的指导下工作。

The research center will be under his direction. 这个研究中心将由他指挥。


1be disappointed in [withsb 对某人感到失望。如:

I’m disappointed in you: I expected you to win. 你让我失望了,我本来指望你能赢的。

My parents will be disappointed in[with] me if I fail in the exam. 要是我考试不及格,我父母会对我感到失望的。

2be disappointed at [aboutdoing sth对发生某情况感到失望。如:

She was very disappointed at [about] losing the race. 她输了这场比赛,感到很失望。

I was disappointed at not finding her at home. 我发现她不在家,感到很失望。

3be disappointed with [aboutatinsth对某一事实或情况感到失望。如:

We are disappointed about [at] his failure. 我们对他失败感到失望。

I was disappointed at [with, in] the result. 我对那结果感到失望。

4be disappointed to do sth 对做某事感到失望。如:

I was disappointed to hear [=at] the news. 听到这个消息我感到很失望。

I was disappointed not to be chosen. 我未被选中,感到很失望。


1be a disappointment to sb 让使人失望。如:

Her children are a disappointment to her. 她的孩子让她感到失望。

His failure was a disappointment to his wife. 他的失败使他妻子很失望。

2to ones disappointment 使某人失望的是。如:

To my great disappointment, he wasn’t on that train. 使我大为失望的是,他不在那列火车上。


1discover how to do sth 发现如何做某事。如:

We never discovered how to open the box. 我们始终也没找到如何打开那个箱子。

They haven’t discovered how to improve their techniques. 他们还没有找到提高技术的办法。

2discover sb (sthto be 发现某人或某物是……。如:

We discovered her to be a good cook. 我们发现她很会煮饭。

We discovered him to be untrustworthy. 我们发现他很不可靠。

3discover sb (sthdoing sth 发现或撞见某人或某物在做某事。如:

He discovered her crying in the room. 他发现她在房里哭。

I discovered him kissing my wife. 我撞见他在吻我的妻子。


1discuss doing sth 讨论做某事的问题。如:

They discussed selling the house. 他们商量过卖房子的事。

We’re here to discuss Ann’s joining the club. 我们这次碰头是为了谈谈安入会的事。

注:discuss 后通常不接不定式,但若不定式之前有连接代词或连接副词,则可以用于其后。如:

We will discuss how to do it and who should do it. 我们要讨论怎样做这事以及由谁来做事。

2discuss sth (sbwith sb 同某人讨论某事。如:

She discussed her plans with her mother. 她同她妈妈讨论了她的计划。

Have you been discussing me with your friends? 你和你的朋友在议论我吗?


3discuss wh-clause 讨论是否做某事。如:

We discussed when we should go. 我们讨论了什么时候去。

We discussed whether we should close the shop. 我们讨论了是否应该把店关掉。

注:discuss 后可接 whether 引导的宾语从句,但不接 if 引导的宾语从句。


1at a (somedistance 在一定距离的地方,隔开一些距离, 有些距离。如:

The picture looks better at a distance. 这幅画远些看更好些。

2at [froma distance of 在……的地方。如:

You can see the tower at [from] a distance of 20miles你在20英里外就可以看到这座塔。

3from a distance 从远处()。如:

Many guests came from a distance. 许多客人从远方来。

It is a very beautiful house, especially from a distance. 这是一座漂亮的房子,尤其是从远处看更是如此。

4in the distance 在远处,在远方。如:

I saw some smoke in the distance. 我看到远处有些烟。

A ship could be seen in the distance. 可以看到远处有艘轮船。

5keep ones distance from 保持距离(用于本义或引申义)。如:

Keep your distance from that dog. 不要太接近那条狗。

Keep your distance from that man. 不要与那个人太亲近。

6keep sb at a distance 与某人保持距离,疏远某人。如:

She no longer kept her neighbours at a distance. 她不再对邻居冷淡了。

7with ……distance of 在……的距离内。如:

He lives within easy distance of his work. 他住在离上班很近的地方。

The beach is within walking distance of my house. 海滩离我家不远,走几步就到。


1divide sth into sth 把某物分成某物(指把整体分为部分)。如:

He divided the children into four groups. 他把孩子们分成四组。

The USA is divided into 50 states美国被分为50个州。

注:表示把某物分成两半, 可用 divide sth into halves, 也可用 divide sth in half / divide sth in [into] two

2divide sth among [betweensb (sth把某物分()给某人或某物。如:

We divided the work between us. 我们分担这份工作。

They divided the money between [among] themselves. 他们把那笔钱分了。

He divided his time between work and study. 他把时间分别花在工作和学习上。

3divide sth from sth 把某物与某一物分开。如:

The English channel divides England from France. 英吉利海峡把英法两国分隔开来。

A low brick wall divides our garden from our neighbor’s garden. 一堵矮砖墙把我们的花园与邻居的花园分开。

注:这样用的 divide 通常用 separate 代之。


1do away with 废除,除去,撤消。如:

The company did away with private offices. 公司取消了私人办公室。

2do doing sth 做某事。如:

Do he do (the, any) cooking? 他做饭吗?

I did much washing yesterday. 我昨天洗了很多衣服。

3do up

(1) 扣,结,系。如:

This skirt does up at the back. 这条裙子从后面系扣。

(2) 包,扎,捆。如:

He told me to do up the package. 他叫我把包裹捆好。

(3) 梳妆,打扮。如:

Mary did herself up for the party. 玛丽为参加聚会而打份。

(4) 整理,装修,粉刷。如:

The house needs doing up. 这房子需要重新装修粉刷一下。

4do with

(1) 处置( what 连用)。如:

What shall I do with it? 怎样处置它好呢?

(2) 放置( what 连用)。如:

What have you done with my umbrella? 你把我的雨伞放到哪里去了?

(3) 利用( what 连用)。如:

I don’t know what to do with this strange object. 我不知道这怪东西有什么用。

(4) 想要,需要(常与 can, could 连用)。如:

I could do with a drink. 我想喝点什么。

You look as if you could do with a good night’s sleep. 看来你要好好睡上一夜。

(5) 忍受(用于否定句,与 can, could 连用)。如:

I can’t do with loud music. 我受不了喧闹的音乐。

(6) 打发时间,安排时间( oneself 连用)。如:

Tell me what you did with yourselves on Sunday. 告诉我你们星期天是怎样过的。

(7) 将就,凑合( can, could 连用)。如:

Can you do with cold meat for dinner? 晚餐吃冷肉你能将就吗?

(8) 与……有关。如:

It’s nothing to do with me. 这与我无关。

My job has to do with the government. 我的工作与政府有关。


My job has something (nothing) to do with the government.


5do without 没有(不用)……也行。如:

We can’t do without a telephone in our business. 我们做生意没有电话是不行的。

I don’t have enough money to buy a car, so I’ll just have to do without (one). 我没有那么多钱买汽车,只好作罢。

6make (somethingdo with 将就着,凑合着。如:

We don’t have any milk, so we’ll have to make do with water. 我们没有牛奶,所以我们只好用水将就了。


1go to [seea doctor 去看医生。如:

I’m going to see a doctor tomorrow. 我明天要去看病。

I think you’d better go to [see] the doctor about your chest. 我想你最好去找医生看看你的胸部。


1answer the door (听到门铃或敲门声)开门。如:

The maid answered the door. 女佣应声去开了门。

Tom took ages to answer the door. 汤姆耽搁了很久才开门。

2close [shutthe door to [on]

(1) (某人)关在门外。如:

As I was to follow him into the room, he closed the door on me. 我正要跟着他进屋,他竟把门关上了。

(2) 使没有可能。如:

The incident closed the door on his promotion. 这次事件使他不可能晋升了。

(3) 拒绝接纳。如:

The club has closed it’s doors to new members. 俱乐部已停止接纳新会员。

3from door to door

(1) 挨家挨户。如 

He sells books (from) door to door. 他挨家挨户推销书。

(2) 从一家到另一家。如:

Door to door, it’s exactly 100 miles to his house. 从我家到他家直接距离正好是100英里。

The journey takes about an hour, door to door. 从这家到那家的路程要用一个小时。

4in doors 在室内。如:

You’d better remain in doors. 我最好呆在室内。

5next door (to)

(1) 隔壁。如:

He lives next door (to us). 他住在(我们)隔壁。

Next door was Mr Smith. 隔壁住的是史密斯先生。

(2) 几乎,差不多。如:

I’m afraid it’s next door to impossible that we’ll be there on time. 看来我们几乎不可能准时赶到了。

6open the door to [for]

(1) 给……开门。如:

Don’t open the door to strangers, it’s not safe. 不要给陌生人开门,那不安全。

(2) 给……以机会,为……创造条件。如:

The agreement opens the door to advances in every field.


7out of doors 在户外。如:

We often have our food out of doors in summer. 我们夏天经常在室外吃饭。

They work out of doors. 他们在户外干活。

8show [seesb to the door 送某人到门口。如:

Mr Brown is leaving now. Will you show him to the door? 布朗先生要走了,你送他去门口好吗?

My secretary will see you to the door. 我的秘书将送你到门口。

9show sb the door 驱赶某人,下逐客令。如:

I showed him the door. 我把他撵走了。

After a long argument he showed me the door. 争论了好一阵之后,他向我下了逐客令。

10. two (threefour……doors away [offfrom ……隔壁第二(三、四)家。如:

He lives three doors away [off]. 他住在隔壁第三家。

She lived a few doors from Mary. 她住在玛丽隔壁几家。


1have (there isno doubt that-clause 肯定,毫无疑问。如:

There’s no doubt that he will come. 他肯定会来。

I have no doubt that he will pass the exam. 我敢肯定他考试能及格。

2have (there issome doubt whether-clause 怀疑,不敢肯定。如:

There is some doubt whether he will win. 他是否会赢,还不敢肯定。

3have doubt about [of对……表示怀疑。如:

I have some doubt about his words. 我怀疑他所述之言的真实性。

We had no doubt about [of] his honesty. 我们相信他是诚实的。

4in doubt 怀疑,犹豫,不肯定。如 

He is in doubt (about) what to do. 他还没有确定要做什么。

When in doubt about the usage, consult the dictionary. 对用法拿不准时,查一下字典。

5no doubt

(1) 肯定地。如:

No doubt Tom is the cleverest. 汤姆肯定是最聪明的。

(2) 想必。如:

You no doubt know what’s happened. 你想必已经知道发生了什么事情。

6without (adoubt毫无疑问,一定地。如:

Without a doubt these theories are all wrong. 毫无疑问,这些理论都是错误的。


1dozens of 许多,若干。如:

She’s got dozens of boy-friends. 她的男朋友多极了。

I’ve been there dozens of times. 我去那儿去过几十次了。

2by the dozen 按打(出售)。如:

It’s cheaper by the dozen. 成打买可以便宜些。

The eggs are sold by the dozen. 鸡蛋按打出售。

3in dozens成打地。如:

Pack them in dozens. 按打装袋吧。


1dream of [aboutsb (sth)

(1) 梦见某人(某事物)。如:

He dreamt about [of] his dead father a few nights ago. 几天前的一个晚上,他梦见了他过逝的父亲。

He often dreamed of [about] his hometown in China. 他经常梦见他在中国的家乡。

(2) 梦想做某事。如:

He had always dreamed about [of] a trip to this country. 他曾一直梦想到这个国家来游览。

2dream of [aboutdoing sth

(1) 梦见做某事。如:

I dreamed about flying last night. 昨晚我梦见自己在飞。

(2) 梦想做某事。如:

He dreams of becoming a scientist. 他梦想当科学家。

We used to dream about living abroad. 我们曾梦想去国外生活。

注:与 not, little, never 等否定词连用,表示想不到。如:

I wouldn’t dream of cheating you. 我做梦也不会想骗你。

Little did I dream of succeeding so well. 我做梦也想不到会这样成功。


1be dressed in sth 穿某物。如:

She was dressed in white. 她穿着白衣服。

He was dressed in a uniform. 他穿着制服。

2dress oneself in sth 穿某物。如:

She dressed herself in a gown. 她穿着长袍。

3dress up

(1) 化妆,打扮。如 

He dressed up as Father Christmas. 他化妆成圣诞老人。

(2) 穿上盛装。如:

Don’t bother to dress up—come as you are. 用不着穿讲究的衣服——就穿平常的衣服来吧。


1drive sb to (doingsth

(1) 开车送某人到某处。如:

He drove me to the hotel. 他开车送我去宾馆。

She drove them to the party. 她开车送他们去参加晚会。

注:若后接副词,则不用介词 to。如:

Let me drive you home. 让我开车送你回家吧。

(2) 逼得某人做某事。如:

Failure drove him to despair. 失败使他绝望。

Despair drove him to suicide. 绝望使他自杀。

He drove her to admitting it. 他使她承认了这一点。

2drive sb to do sth 逼迫某人做某事。如:

Poverty and hunger drove them to steal. 贫穷和饥饿逼使他们偷窃。

It was her pride that drove her to do it. 是她的自尊心驱使做这件事的。


1drop in顺便访问,偶然访问,非正式拜访。如:

I’d like drop in and see you tonight. 我想今晚来看你。

I dropped in (up)on him just now. 我刚才顺便去看了他。

She dropped in at his office. 她去了他办公室找他。

注:表示访问某人,后接介词 on, upon;表示访问某地, 后接介词 at。有时也用 drop over (around, round, by)。如:

We’ll drop over this evening. 我们今晚来。

Drop around some time. 有空顺便来坐坐。

2drop off

(1) 打盹儿,打瞌睡。如:

I dropped off and missed the end of the film. 我打了个瞌睡,把影片的结尾给错过了。

(2) 减少,下降,散去。如:

Flowers are dropping off. 花朵在凋落。

His friends dropped off one by one. 他的朋友一个一个地走了。


1be due for sth 应得到,应有。如:

He is about due for a promotion. 他即将晋升。

I’m due for a increase in pay soon. 我不久就要加薪了。

2be due to do sth 按计划或预定要做(发生)某事。如:

He is due to leave very soon. 他很快就要离开。

His book is due to be published in October. 他的书计划10月份出版。

3be due to sb 应给与,应属于,应归于。如:

The credit is due to you. 荣誉应该归于你。

Respect is due to older people. 年长者应受到尊重。

Our grateful thanks are due to you. 我们衷心感谢你。

4due to 由于。如:

His illness is due to bad food. 他生病是由于吃了不好的食物。

The accident was due to careless driving. 这次车祸起因于驾驶疏忽。

注:due to 主要用作表语, 但在现代英语中用作状语的情况已比较普遍。如:

He arrived late due to the storm. 他因风暴而迟到。


1do duty for 充作,充当……用。如:

An old wooden box did duty for a table. 一个旧木箱当作桌子用。

2have a (theduty to do [of doingsth有责任或义务做某事。如:

A man has a duty to earn money for his family. 男人有挣钱养家的责任。

Every citizen has the duty of defending his country. 每个公民都有保卫祖国的责任。

3. Its ones duty to do sth 做某事是某人的义务或责任。如:

It’s my duty to help you. 帮助你是我的责任。

It’s our duty to obey the laws. 遵守法律是我们的义务。

4on (offduty()班,当(不当)班。如:

He goes on duty at 8 am and comes off duty at 5 pm. 他上午8点上班下午5点下班。

The policeman is on (off) duty now. 这个警察现在值班(下班了)

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