

 yi321yi 2019-04-06

Tier Certification for Modular and Phased Construction


Special care must be taken on modular and phased construction projects to avoid compromising reliability goals. Shared system coordination could defeat your Tier Certification objective


原文作者:Chris Brown


Today, we often see data center owners taking a modular or phased construction approach to reduce the costs of design, construction, and operation and build time. Taking a modular or phased construction approach allows companies to make a smaller initial investment and to delay some capital expenditures by scaling capacity with business growth.


The modular and phased construction approaches bring some challenges, including the need for multiple design drawings for each phase, potential interruption of regular operations and systems during expansion, and the logistics of installation and commissioning alongside a live production environment. Meticulous planning can minimize the risks of downtime or disruption to operations and enable a facility to achieve the same high level of performance and resilience as conventionally built data centers. In fact, with appropriate planning in the design stage and by aligning Tier Certification with the commissioning process for each construction phase, data center owners can simultaneously reap the business and operating benefits of phased construction along with the risk management and reliability validation benefits of Tier Certification Constructed Facility (TCCF).




The terms modular construction and phased construction, though sometimes used interchangeably, are distinct. Both terms refer to the emerging practice of building production capacity in increments over time based on expanded need.


Figure 1. Phased construction allows for the addition of IT capacity over but time but relies on infrastructure design to support each additional IT increment.


However, though all modular construction is by its nature phased, not all phased construction projects are modular. Uptime Institute classifies phased construction as any project in which critical capacity components are installed over time (see Figure 1). Such projects often include common distribution systems. Modular construction describes projects that add capacity in blocks over time, typically in repeated, sequential units, each with self-contained infrastructure sufficient to support the capacity of the expansion unit rather than accessing shared infrastructure (see Figure 2).

然而,尽管所有模块化建造都按其性质分阶段,但并非所有分阶段建设项目都是模块化的。Uptime Institute将分阶段建设归类为关键能力组件的安装是随着时间的推移进行的。这类项目通常包括共同的分配系统。模块化建造描述随着时间的推移逐块增加容量的项目,通常是重复按序的单元,每个单元都独立基础架构,具有支持扩容单元容量的能力,而不是使用共享的基础架构。

Figure 2. Modular design supports the IT capacity growth over time by allowing for separate and independent expansions of infrastructure.


For example, a phased construction facility might be built with adequate electrical distribution systems and wiring to support the ultimate intended design capacity, with additional power supply added as needed to support growing IT load. Similarly, cooling piping systems might be constructed for the entire facility at the outset of a project, with additional pumps or chiller units added later, all using a shared distribution system.


Figure 3. Simplified modular electrical system with each phase utilizing independent equipment and distribution systems


For modular facilities, the design may specify an entire electrical system module that encompasses all the engine-generator sets, uninterruptible power supply (UPS) capacities, and associated distribution systems needed to support a given IT load. Then, for each incremental increase in capacity, the design may call for adding another separate and independent electrical system module to support the IT load growth. These two modules would operate independently, without sharing distribution systems (see Figure 3). Taking this same approach, a design may specify a smaller chiller, pump, piping, and an air handler to support a given heat load. Then, as load increases, the design would include the addition of another small chiller, pump, piping, and air handler to support the incremental heat load growth instead of adding onto the existing chilled water or piping system. In both examples, the expansion increments do not share distribution systems and therefore are distinct modules (see Figure 4).


Figure 4. Simplified modular mechanical system with each phase utilizing independent equipment and distribution systems expansions of infrastructure.



Organizations desiring a Tier Certified data center must first obtain Tier Certification of Design Documents (TCDD). For phased construction projects, the Tier Certification process culminates with TCCF after construction. (For conventional data center projects the Tier Certification process culminates in Tier Certification of Operational Sustainability.) TCCF validates the facility Tier level as it has been built and commissioned. It is not uncommon for multiple infrastructure and/or system elements to be altered during construction, which is why Tier Certification does not end with TCDD; a facility must undergo TCCF to ensure that the facility was built and performs as designed, without any alterations that would compromise its reliability. This applies whether a conventional, phased, or modular construction approach is used.

希望获得Tier认证数据中心的组织必须首先获得Tier 设计认证(TCDD)。对于分阶段建设项目,Tier认证流程在施工完成后的TCCF认证后结束。(对于传统的数据中心项目,Tier认证流程以获得运营可持续性的TCOS认证结束。)TCCF在建造和调试时验证设施的等级。在施工期间更改多个基础设施和/或系统因素并不少见,这就是Tier认证不以TCDD结束的原因; 设施必须经过TCCF认证,以确保设施的建造和执行按设计的要求,没有任何会影响其可靠性的改造。无论是使用传统的,分阶段的还是模块化的建造方法,这都适用。

In a phased construction project, planning for Tier Certification begins in the design stage. To receive TCDD, Uptime Institute will review each phase and all design documents from the initial build through the final construction phase to ensure compliance with Tier Standards. All phases should meet the requirements for the Tier objective.

在分阶段建设项目中,Tier认证计划从设计阶段开始。要获得TCDD,Uptime Institute将审查从初始建造到最终建造阶段的每个阶段和所有设计文档,以确保符合Tier标准。所有阶段都应满足Tier目标的要求。

Certification of each incremental phase of the design depends on meaningful changes to data center capacity, meaningful being the key concept. For example, upgrading a mechanical system may increase cooling capacity, but if it does not increase processing capacity, it is not a meaningful increment. An upgrade to mechanical and/or electrical systems that expands a facility’s overall processing capacity would be considered a meaningful change and necessitate that a facility have its Certification updated.


In some cases, organizations may not yet have fully defined long-term construction phases that would enable Certification of the ultimate facility. In these situations, Uptime Institute will review design documents for only those phases that are fully defined for Tier Certification specific to those phases. Tier Certification (Tier I-IV) is limited to that specific phase alone. Knowing the desired endpoint is important: if Phase 1 and 2 of a facility do not meet Tier criteria, but subsequently Phase 3 does; then, completion of a TCCF review must wait until Phase 3 is finished.

在某些情况下,组织可能还没有完全确定长期建设的阶段,以便能够对最终设施进行认证。在这些情况下,Uptime Institute将审查那些适用于Tier认证阶段已完全定义的设计文档。

TCCF includes a site visit with live functional demonstrations of all critical systems, which is typically completed immediately following commissioning. For a phased construction project, Tier Certification of the Phase 1 facility can be the same as Tier Certification for conventional (non-phased) projects in virtually all respects. In both cases, there is no live load at the time, allowing infrastructure demonstrations to be performed easily without risking interruption to the production environment.


Figure 5. Simplified phased electrical system with each additional phase adding equipment while sharing distribution components


The process for Tier Certification of later phases can be as easy as it is for Phase 1 or more difficult, depending on the construction approach. Truly modular expansion designs minimize risk during later phases of commissioning and TCCF because they do not rely on shared distribution systems. Because modules consist of independent, discrete systems, installing additional capacity segments over time does not put facility-wide systems at risk. However, when there is shared infrastructure, as in phased (not modular) projects, commissioning and TCCF can be more complex. Installing new capacity components on top of shared distribution paths, e.g., adding or upgrading an engine generator or UPS module, requires that all testing and demonstrations be repeated across the whole system. It’s important to ensure that all of the system settings work together, for example, verifying that all circuit breaker settings remain appropriate for the new capacity load, so that the new production load will not trip the breakers.


Pre-planning for later phases can help ensure a smooth commissioning and Tier Certification process even with shared infrastructure. As long as the design phases support a Tier Certification objective, there is no reason why phased construction projects cannot be Tier Certified.


COMMISSIONING AND TIER CERTIFICATION TCCF demonstrations align with commissioning; both must be completed at the same stage (following installation, prior to live load). If a data center design allows full commissioning to be completed at each phase of construction, Tier Certification is achievable for both modular and non-modular phased projects. TCCF demonstrations would be done at the same expansion stages designated for the TCDD at the outset of the project.

TCCF测试与调试一致; 两者必须在同一阶段完成(安装后,在真实负载之前)。如果数据中心设计允许在每个施工阶段完成全面调试,则可以实现模块化和非模块化分阶段项目的Tier认证。在项目开始时,TCDD认证中的特定阶段也会进行TCCF测试。

For a modular installation, commissioning and Tier Certification demonstrations can be conducted as normal using load banks inside a common data hall, with relatively low risk. If not managed properly, load banks can direct hot air at server intakes, which would be the only significant risk. Obviously this risk can be prevented.


For phased installations that share infrastructure, later phases of commissioning and Tier Certification carry increased risk, because load banks are running in common data halls with shared distribution paths and capacity systems that are supporting a concurrent live load. The best way to reduce the risks of later phase commissioning and Tier Certification is to conduct demonstrations as early in the Certification as possible.


Figure 6. Simplified phased mechanical system with each additional phase adding equipment while sharing distribution components


Shared critical infrastructure distribution systems included in the initial phase of construction can be commissioned and Tier Certified at full (planned) capacity during the initial TCCF review, so these demonstrations can be front loaded and will not need to be repeated at future expansion phases.


The case studies offer examples of how two data centers approached the process of incorporating phased construction practices without sacrificing Tier Certification vital to supporting their business and operating objectives.




Modular and phased construction approaches can be less expensive at each phase and require less up-front capital than traditional construction, but installing equipment that is outside of that specified for the TCDD or beyond the capacity of the TCCF demonstrations puts not only the Tier Certification at risk, but the entire operation. Tier Certification remains valid only until there has been a change to the infrastructure. Beyond that, regardless of an organization’s Tier objective, if construction phases are designed and built in a manner that prevents effective commissioning, then there are greater problems than the status of Tier Certification.


A data center that cannot be commissioned at the completion of a phase incurs increased risk of downtime or system error for that phase of operation and all later phases. Successful commissioning and Tier Certification of phased or modular projects requires thinking through the business and operational impacts of the design philosophy and the decisions made regarding facility expansion strategies.


Design decisions must be made with an understanding of which factors are and are not consistent with achieving the Tier Certification, these are essentially the same factors that allow commissioning. In cases where a facility expansion or system upgrade cannot be Tier Certified, Uptime Institute often sees that is usually the result of limitations inherent in the design of the facility or due to business choices that were made long before.

设计决策必须建立在了解哪些因素与实现Tier认证不一致,这些因素实质上与允许调试的因素相同。在设施扩建或系统升级无法通过Tier认证的案例中,Uptime Institute经常会发现这通常是在设施设计中固有的限制或由很久以前做出的业务选择所造成的。

It is incumbent upon organizations to think through not only the business rationale but also the potential operational impacts of various design and construction choices.


Organizations can simultaneously protect their data center investment and achieve the Tier Certification level that supports the business and operating mission including modular and phased construction plans by properly anticipating the need for commissioning in Phase 2 and beyond.


Planning design and construction activities to allow for commissioning greatly reduces the organization¹s overall risk. TCCF is the formal validation of the reliability of the built facility.


Case Study: Tier III Certification of Constructed Facility: Phased Construction

案例研究:基础设施Tier III认证:分期建设

An organization planned a South African Tier III facility capital infrastructure project in two build phases, with a shared infrastructure(i.e., non-modular, phased construction). The original design drawings specified two chilled-water plants: an air-cooled chiller plant and an absorption chiller plant, although, the absorption chiller plant was not installed initially due to a limited natural gas supply. The chilled-water system piping was installed up front, and connected to the air-cooled chiller plant. Two air-cooled chillers capable of supporting the facility load were then installed.

一个组织计划在南非分两期建设一个Tier III等级基础设施投资项目,共享基础设施(即非模块化,分期建设)。最初的设计图纸规划了两个冷冻水机组:一个风冷冷水机组和一个吸收式冷水机组,但由于天然气供应有限,开始没有安装吸收式冷水机组。冷水系统管道安装优先安装,并连接到风冷冷水机组。 然后安装了两台能够支撑设施负荷的风冷冷水机组。

The organization installed all the data hall air-handling units (AHUs), including two Kyoto Cooling AHUs, on day one. Because the Kyoto AHUs would be very difficult to install once the facility was built, the facility was essentially designed around them. In other words, it was more cost effective to install both AHUs during the initial construction phase, even if their full capacity would not be reached until after Phase 2.


The facility design utilizes a common infrastructure with a single data hall. Phase 1 called for installing 154 kilowatts (kW) of IT capacity; an additional 306 kW of capacity would be added in Phase 2 for a total planned capacity of 460 kW. Phase 1 TCCF demonstrations were conducted first for the 154 kW of IT load that the facility would be supporting initially. In order to minimize the risk to IT assets when Phase 2 TCCF demonstrations are performed, the commissioning team next demonstrated both AHUs at full capacity. They increased the loading on the data hall to a full 460 kW, successfully demonstrating that the AHUs could support that load in accordance with Tier III requirements.

设施设计利用通用基础设施支持单个数据机房。第1阶段要求安装154千瓦(kW)的IT容量; 在第2阶段将增加306千瓦的容量,总计划容量为460千瓦。第一阶段TCCF测试首先针对该设施最初支持的154 kW IT负载进行。为了在执行第2阶段TCCF验证时最大限度地降低IT资产的风险,调试团队接下来同时验证两个满负荷的AHU。他们将数据机房的负载增加到460千瓦,成功地证明了AHU可以根据Tier III的要求支持该负载。

For Tier Certification of Phase 2, the facility will have to demonstrate that the overall chilled water piping system and additional electrical systems would support the full 460-kW capacity, but they will not have to demonstrate the AHUs again. During Phase 1 demonstrations, the chillers and engine generators ran at N capacity (both units operating) to provide ample power and cooling to show that the AHUs could support 460 kW in a Concurrently Maintainable manner. The Phase 2 demonstrations will not require placing extra load on the UPS, but they did test the effects of putting more load into the data hall and possibly raising the temperature for the systems under live load.


Case Study: Tier III Expanded to Tier IV

案例研究:Tier III扩展至Tier IV

The design for a U.S.-based cloud data center validated as a Tier III Certified Constructed Facility after the first construction phase calls for a second construction phase and relies on a common infrastructure (i.e., non-modular, phased construction). The ultimate business objective for the facility is Tier IV, and the facility design supports those objectives. The organization was reluctant to make expenditures on the mechanical UPS required to provide Continuous Cooling for the full capacity of the center until it had secured a client that required Tier IV performance, which would then justify the capital investment in increasing cooling capacity.

在第一个建设阶段之后,经过验证的Tier III认证建造设施的美国云数据中心的设计需要进行第二个建设阶段,并依赖于共用的基础设施(即非模块化,分期建设)。该设施的最终业务目标是Tier IV,设施的设计支持实现这些目标。该组织不愿意为中心的全部容量提供连续制冷所需的UPS设备支出,直到它确认客户需要Tier IV的性能,这样才能证明增加冷却能力的资本投资是合理的。

The organization was only able to achieve this staged Tier expansion because it worked with Uptime Institute consultants to plan both phases and the Tier demonstrations. For Phase 1, the organization installed all systems and infrastructure needed to support a Tier IV operation, except for the mechanical UPS, thus the Tier Certification objective for Phase 1 was to attain Tier III. Phase 1 Tier Certification included all of the required demonstrations normally conducted to validate Tier III, with load banks located in the data hall. Additionally, because all systems except for the mechanical UPS were already installed, Uptime Institute was able to observe all of the demonstrations that would normally be required for Tier IV TCCF, with the exception of Continuous Cooling.

该组织只能实现这一阶段的Tier扩展,因为它与Uptime Institute的顾问合作规划了两个阶段和Tier验证。对于第1阶段,组织安装了支持Tier IV运营所需的所有系统和基础设施,除了UPS设备,因此,第1阶段的Tier认证目标是达到Tier III级。第1阶段Tier认证包含通常用于验证Tier III的所有必要测试,其中负载库位于数据机房内。此外,由于已经安装了除UPS设备之外的所有系统,Uptime Institute能够观察到Tier IV TCCF通常所需要的所有测试,除了连续制冷。

As a result when the facility is ready to proceed with the Phase 2 expansion, the only demonstrations required to qualify for Tier IV TCCF will be Continuous Cooling. The organization will have to locate load banks within the data hall but will not be required to power those load banks from the IT UPS nor simulate faults on the IT UPS system because that capability has already been satisfactorily observed. Thus, the organization can avoid any risk of interruption to the live customer load the facility will have in place during Phase 2.

因此,当设施准备进行第2阶段扩建时,达标Tier IV TCCF要求的唯一测试将是连续冷却。组织必须在数据机房内安装负载库,但不需要从IT 的UPS为这些负载库供电,也不需要模拟IT UPS系统的故障,因为这些性能已经被完美地观察过了。因此,组织可以避免任何在第2阶段期间具有将实际客户负载中断的设施风险。

The Tier III Certification of Constructed Facility demonstrations require Concurrent Maintainability. The data center must be able to provide baseline power and cooling capacity in each and every maintenance configuration required to operate and maintain the site for an indefinite period. The topology and procedures to isolate each and every component for maintenance, repair, or replacement without affecting the baseline power and cooling capacity in the computer rooms should be in place, with a summary load of 750 kW of critical IT load spread across the data hall. All other house and infrastructure loads required to sustain the baseline load must also be supported in parallel with, and without affecting, the baseline computer room load.

Tier III认证的基础设施测试要求并行可维护性。数据中心必须能够提供基准电源和冷却能力,以支持无限期运行和维护站点所需的每个维护配置。在数据机房中分布着750 kW的关键IT负载的情况下,应该采用在不影响计算机房基准电源和冷却能力的情况下隔离每个组件以进行维护,修理或更换的拓扑和程序,所有其他用于支持维持基线负载所需的房屋和基础设施负载,需与其并行支持,以不影响基准计算机房负载。

Tier Certification requirements are cumulative; Tier IV encompasses Concurrent Maintainability, with the additional requirements of Fault Tolerance and Continuous Cooling. To demonstrate Fault Tolerance, a facility must have the systems and redundancy in place so that a single failure of a capacity system, capacity component, or distribution element will not impact the IT equipment. The organization must demonstrate that the system automatically responds to a failure to prevent further impact to the site operations. Assessing Continuous Cooling capabilities require demonstrations of computer room air conditioning (CRAC) units under various conditions and simulated fault situations.

Tier认证的要求是向下兼容的;Tier IV包括并发可维护性,以及容错和连续冷却的附加要求。为了测试容错,设施必须具备体系和冗余,这样提供能力的系统,组件或分配元件的单一故障不会影响IT设备。组织必须证明系统对故障的自动响应以防止站点进一步操作的影响。评估连续制冷性能需要在各种条件和模拟故障情况下测试计算机房空调(CRAC)单元。



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