

 hercules028 2019-04-15


在最新一期的《市场月报》中,从事股票研究逾18年的摩根大通私人银行投资组合经理Jack Caffrey先生与摩根大通私人银行投资策略师Jake Manoukian先生共同探讨了股息和股息增长向市场传递的信息,分析投资者在构建股息投资组合配置时应重点考虑的因素,以及阐释市场中目前存在的机会和风险。
























Ideas & Insights

What you want to know about dividends

When investors think about dividends as part of their portfolio, most feel positively because they are delivering cash flow. But there is more to dividends than this. Dividend stocks can be attractive in times of uncertainty because of the consistent cash payout, and the belief that companies which have committed to paying dividends are more prudently managed. 

In the April edition of our Markets Monthly, Mr. Jake Manoukian, Investment Strategist at J.P. Morgan Private Bank, and Mr. Jack Caffrey, Portfolio Manager at J.P. Morgan Private Bank, discuss what dividends and dividend growth really tell you about the health of a company, what to focus on when constructing a portfolio with dividend stocks, and what is making them excited and worried right now in the market.

To watch the video interview, please click “Read More”.


Dividends are a sign of the health of a company and a signal about how they view their investors in the company.

Sometimes it’s not enough just to have a high absolute dividend yield. Really, the growing dividend seems to be more indicative about the underlying health of the business.

What we find really exciting right now is what’s going on in the technology industry, whether it’s the rise of cloud computing or the evolution from fourth generation to fifth generation wireless.

A way an investor can deal with the risk of heightened volatility due to lack of liquidity is investing in those companies with that consistent cash flow stream that a dividend provides.

What do dividends signify?

We think dividends can offer three important signals to an investor. The first is that the earnings the company is reporting are real, because it’s really hard to fake a check that you have to write to your investors every quarter or every year. Second, we think dividends can force management to make better decisions. Once you’ve made the commitment to pay a dividend, you have to be more careful in how you invest the company’s assets. Lastly, we think dividends are a real sign that management views its investors as their partners in the business. As the business becomes more valuable, they should share that growing wealth with their investors as a partner rather than just as a capital provider.

Therefore, we see dividends as a sign of the health of a company and a signal about how they view their investors in the company. More specifically, they are an indicator of the health of the business, the health of the reporting, and the health of the relationship ultimately with the markets.

How to include dividend stocks into your portfolio?

There are three important things you need to focus on when constructing a portfolio with dividend stocks. The first is trying to have a portfolio yield above that of the market. That would provide some stability to your portfolio on a day-to-day basis.

The second is looking to dividend growth as a driver of capital appreciation over time. If, say, your cash flow from a company’s dividend payments is growing at 7%-10%, we think it’s reasonable to think that the share price of that company could be rising in line with that cash flow returned to you.

Lastly, we think that you can try to look for situations which might be seen as underestimated or underappreciated in the market. You might end up being rewarded for better understanding and appreciating the business and the cash flows they might get from it.

Why does dividend growth matter?

We like the concept of dividend growth because sometimes it’s not enough just to have a high absolute dividend yield. The growing dividend seems to be more indicative of the underlying health of the business.

If you take a truly longer-term perspective with a multi-decade horizon for investment, whether it is intended to fund a college, a retirement or a charitable cause, ultimately what you have got from your investment is the earnings, or more specifically, the dividends being paid out of the growing earnings stream. So it’s really important to think about the stability and, ultimately, the relevance of the businesses you look to invest in.

If you don’t like tech, you don't like the market

What we find really exciting right now is the technology industry. There are so many interesting things going on in the tech space, whether it’s the rise of cloud computing or the evolution from fourth generation to fifth generation wireless. The tech sector has historically given rise to a number of high-growth businesses and is now getting more mature and becoming one of the largest cash returners in the market. We think that makes it even more compelling from an investor’s perspective.

Tech companies now represent about 21% of the market value of the Standard & Poor's 500 Index. When you think about the market, the largest and most important sector is technology. So if you don’t like the 20% of the market, it is hard to like the whole.

A ballast in times of volatility

We are still in the longest bull market in history, which has been largely supported by no one wanting to take the other side for the last eight years. December was just a taste of what happens when people decide to be selling during a time with less liquidity in the market. This has left some investors wondering what is the right risk tolerance in their portfolios, and whether they’re positioned themselves accordingly for a later-cycle environment.

Investing in companies that offer consistent cash flow of dividends can be a way for investors to effectively safeguard returns in times of heightened volatility resulting from a lack of liquidity. And knowing you’re going to get some money every three or six months can help you sleep a little better at night. 

For ideas on how to incorporate these views appropriately into your portfolio, we invite you to contact your J.P. Morgan advisor.


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