

 玺石气象 2019-04-18

稀土在农牧养殖业应用技术知识问答Application of Rare Earth in pastoral farming technical knowledge quiz



Seven, began when China's rare earth farm?


Rare farm is our country since the beginning of the 1970s the rise of new fields of application. Successively as a national 'Plan', 'Plan' key project, 'July', 'August' national key projects to promote, national Spark projects.


Eight, rare earth farm which research?

  我国稀土农用受到10个部委的高度重视和支持,先后取得科研成果120多项,获得省部级以上科技奖励100多项,发表相关论文800多篇,技 术90项,专著、专辑、各种声像、丛书、宣传广告25种。全国有三十个省市和解放军系统的数百家科研院所和企事业单位参加了上述工作。

China's rare earth farm 10 ministries and commissions under national attention and support, has made more than 120 scientific research, access to provincial and ministerial level scientific and technological awards more than 100, more than 800 articles published related papers, 90 patents, monographs, albums, each kinds of audio and video, books, advertising 25 kinds. There are thirty provinces and cities nationwide system of hundreds of PLA research institutes and enterprises to participate in the Working Group.


Nine, currently there are those rare types of agricultural products?


At present, China rare earth agricultural products mainly include four series, the first one is the rare earth fertilizer, the second is the Rare Earth Multi fertilizer, ammonium bicarbonate third rare earth fertilizer, feed additives fourth is rare.


Ten, why is it called rare earth fertilizer?


Country from 1972 onwards, began to earth for agricultural experiment and found that it crops are physiological effects and minimal usage per acre, so people called 'rare earth fertilizer.' After many years of research to prove that earth is not essential crop nutrients, but it also has to make crop production and improving the quality of the role, is a growth regulating hormone.


Eleven, what characteristics of agricultural earth?


Farm with light rare earth is mainly nitrates, of the formula R (NO3) 3.6 H2o (R represents mischmetal), rare earth oxide content of 37% to 40%, was slightly purple powder (also liquid), particle size <5mm, m.p. 90 ± 2. Rare earth should be sealed, otherwise easily deliquescence water, but still failed.


Agriculture is a kind of light rare earth-based nitrates, and its formula R (NO3) 3.6 H2o (R represents rare twelve mixed rare earth agricultural production What is the mechanism?

  稀土元素对植物生理影响的研究表明:适当地使用稀土元素,会促进植物的生长发育,并达到作物增产的效果。植物的干物质累积来源于光合作用,而稀土元素 可提高叶绿素的含量和光合速率;促进值物生根、加快根的生长,加强根的离子吸收活动和生理机能,并影响植物固氮以及某些酶的活性;用原子示踪法测定发现, 稀土可促进植物对氮、磷、钾的吸收和运转。至于稀土元素对植物生理作用是直接的,还是间接的仍有待进一步深入研究。

Rare earth elements on plant physiology research shows that: the proper use of rare earth elements, will promote plant growth and development, and achieve the effect of crop yield. Plant dry matter accumulation from photosynthesis, and rare earth elements can be increased chlorophyll content and photosynthetic rate; promote the value of physical root, root growth to accelerate and strengthen root ion uptake activity and physiological function and affect the plants and certain enzyme nitrogenase activity; atomic labeling method found that rare earth can promote plant of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium absorption and running. As for the rare earth elements on plant physiological role is direct, or indirect, pending further study. 

稀土在农牧养殖业应用技术知识问答Application of Rare Earth in pastoral farming technical knowledge quiz



XIII Rare Earth on soil contamination do?

  稀土是以轻稀土元素为主要成份的商品。经测定稀土产品的α比放为1.5×10-9居里/公斤、而尿素的α比放为4.9×10-9居里/公斤,磷矿粉的 α比放为53.9×10-9居里/公斤,尿素和磷矿粉的比放高于农用稀土3~35倍,后者在每亩农田中施用几十公斤,前者仅施50~100克,谈不上对土 壤的污染。为了弄清稀土本身的毒性和对环境的影响,卫生研究组织通过大量的试验研究,明确得出结论:“稀土属低毒物质,就目前农业上使用量来看,不致影响 农田及周围水域中水生生物及有益昆虫的正常生长,不会引起对环境和农作物的任何放射性污染”。

Rare is the main component of the light rare earth products. The determination of rare earth products α release was higher than 1.5 × 10-9 Ci / kg, while the ratio of urea α release was 4.9 × 10-9 Ci / kg, rock phosphate α ratio was 53.9 × 10-9 home put Lane / kg, urea and phosphate rock placed higher than the rare Earths from 3 to 35 times in the application of the latter in the tens of kilograms per mu of farmland, the former applying only 50 to 100 grams, not to mention the soil contamination. In order to understand the toxicity of rare earth itself, and the impact on the environment, health and research organizations through a lot of experimental research, clearly concluded: 'Rare is a toxic substance, on the current use of agricultural point of view, will not affect the farmland and surrounding waters aquatic organisms and beneficial insects normal growth of crops on the environment and does not cause any radioactive contamination. '


Fourteen, the application of rare earth produce harmful do?

  有人计算,人类自古以来每日大约食入2毫克稀土氧化物。在稀土农用研究中,到达籽粒中的稀土含量是作物施入量的百分之几,对施用过稀土和对照未施稀土 的样品进行化验,其稀土含量无明显差异。经研究,稀土在动物体内的蓄积量极微,致畸和生殖试验,未发现明显异常。经短期致突变筛选试验,绝大部分 获阴性结果,根据毒性试验及远期生物效应实验结果,初步提出成人每日可容许从食物中摄入混合稀土硝酸盐的量为12~120毫克(以氧化物计为5~50毫 克),大大超过施用稀土后可能达到的日摄入量。最终的评价:“稀土对人群不致于发生有害影响,可以推广使用”。

After some calculations, humans since ancient times daily ingestion of approximately 2 mg rare earth oxides. Agricultural research in the rare earth, rare earth content reaches grain crop was applied to a few percent of the amount of administration and control over rare earth not applied for testing samples, no significant difference in their rare earth content. The health department study, rare earth accumulation in animals is minimal, teratogenic and reproductive tests found no obvious abnormalities. The short-term mutagenicity screening test, the majority was negative results, according to the biological effects of long-term toxicity tests and experimental results, the proposed preliminary permit adult daily intake from food mixed rare earth nitrate content of 12 to 120 mg (in oxides from 5 to 50 mg), significantly more than the administration of RE may reach daily intake. The final evaluation of the health sector: 'Rare occurrence of harmful effects on people Buzhi Yu, can be widely used.'


Fifteen per acre of farmland can increase the number of rare earth application?

  每亩农田施用稀土的用量随着作物的不同而变化,稀土对每一种作物显效范围都有一个使用量,低于这个量,显效不明显。高于这个量,则抑制作物的生 长、严重时可造成减产落叶和枯枝。因此准确地使用稀土才能达到增产的效果,一般粮食作物亩用量40~50克,蔬菜亩用量20克,果树等亩用量100克。

Amount of rare earth mu farmland administered varies with the crop, crop markedly for each earth has an optimum use of the range, lower than this amount, effective obvious. Above this amount, the inhibition of the growth of crops, can cause severe cut leaves and twigs. Therefore, in order to achieve accurate use of rare earth yield results, the amount of acres of food crops generally 40 to 50 g, 20 g amount of acres of vegetables, fruit, etc. the amount of acres 100 grams.


Sixteen, spraying time and number of rare earth how to choose?

  采用叶面喷洒时,选择喷施的时间是非常重要的。经试验证明:喷洒稀土溶液一周后,即进入显效期,三周后效果减小,一般20天是稀土的有效作用周期。根 据这种特点,进行选择能充分发挥促进生长作用的时期,如烟草、茶树、蔬菜等,多采用喷三次的方法增产。西瓜、葡萄、苹果喷两次。小麦、大豆、花生喷1~2次,而橡胶树则往往采用涂5~8次产量。所以次数的选择是与成本和产量相关的,以最合理的效益来决定。

Using a foliar spray, select the spraying time is very important. The test proved: RE solution sprayed after a week, enters markedly period of three weeks after the effect is reduced, usually 20 days the effective role of rare earth cycle. According to this feature, make selections, give full play to the role of promoting growth period, such as tobacco, tea, vegetables, etc., the use of spraying methods yield up to three times. Watermelon, grapes, apples sprayed twice best. Wheat, soybean, peanut spray a best, and coated rubber trees are often 5-8 times using the best yield. So the number of choices is associated with costs and yields, the most reasonable benefit to decide.


Seventeen, why is that not only makes rare crop output, income, improve quality, and can greatly reduce the nitrite content of harmful substances?

  由于稀土可使植株硝酸还原酶的活性明显提高,有利于植物体内无机硝态氮转化为有机氮化物(氨基酸、蛋白质),从而使植物体内硝态氮含量减少,氨基酸和 总氮含量增加。 土壤中的磷大部分是以迟效性状态存在,还原酶活性提高,有利于迟效磷向有效磷转化和促进作物对磷元素的吸收。 作物对磷元素的吸收与对氮、钾的吸收通常是有相应比例的,通过对磷的吸收,相应地也会增强对氮、钾的吸收而有利于作物增产。

Rare earth nitrate reductase activity in plants can significantly improve, is conducive to plant into organic of inorganic nitrate nitride (amino acids, proteins), so that the nitrate content is reduced in plants, amino acids and total nitrogen content increased. Most of the soil phosphorus status is delayed action exists reductase activity increased, is conducive to the late effect of phosphorus on phosphorus transformation and promote crop phosphorus absorption. Crops on phosphorus uptake and nitrogen, potassium uptake is usually a corresponding proportion, through the absorption of phosphorus, nitrogen will be enhanced accordingly, potassium uptake and is conducive to crop production.


Eighteen, rare earth to plant seeds of what role?


Can promote seed germination, can improve the germination rate and vigor index, reduce the decay process of seed germination, root volume increase.

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