

 昵称32901809 2019-06-12



In many parts of the world, children and teenagers are committing more crimes. Why is this case happening? How should children or teenagers be punished?




1 孩子接触各类媒体节目,其中不乏很多暴力色情内容,孩子年少缺乏判断,会模仿;

2 孩子玩很多电脑手机游戏,而很多游戏的设计本身就很暴力,例如“吃鸡”,导致孩子们也有暴力倾向;

3 家长和学校管教不力;



1 严格惩罚,少管所,限制自由,但同时也让孩子们受教育;

2 开除学籍,防止影响其他学生;


Globally, the climbing crime rate of children and teenagers is a serious problem confronting many governments. Though measures have been taken to combat juvenile delinquency, it shows no sign of decrease. There are actually many factors contributing to the steady increase of youth crime.

To start with, owing to frequent exposure to crime scenes on screen, children today are more likely to imitate what they believe is cool and then conduct violent behavior which may even break the law. To attract eyeballs, directors and producers usually design various crazy and violent fights, especially in action movies and science fiction movies. Children who are in nature curious and immature tend to learn their idols’ violent way of speaking and behaving. Consequently, there are more fights and bullies at school. Even worse, the competition among children to be the strongest one encourages more violent behavior.


Secondly, children spent too much time on video games that are full of violent fights and killings. Instead of participating in outdoors activities with peers, children today would like to immerse themselves in computer games after school. It is beneficial for children to play games with education function, but what they usually choose to play is more or less aggressive and violent. From Street Fighters, an old game issued by Nintendo decades ago, to Player Unknown’s Battleground, an online game recently popular around the whole world, most video games encourage players to fight ferociously, in order to win and rise in rank. Gradually, children who get used to the thinking mode in those games are highly likely to become violent and aggressive.

More strict measures should be taken to punish young criminals, in order to correct their behavior and avoid more serious crimes. For young criminals, there should be a special prison where they learn how to behave and continue their academic study. It is important for a nation to effective guarantee the healthy development of youth and successfully combat youth crime.


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