

 胡萍萍1slpkl66 2019-06-15




Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the importance of team spirit and communication in the workplace. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.



The Power of Team Spirit and Communication in Working

There is a famous saying going like this, “People with one mind will remove Mount Tai.”, which informs us of the significance of team spirit in our work. In addition, the good communication among work colleagues has been an essential quality that has been promoted in the working environment over recent years.

For one thing, we should always bear in mind that in such a competitive world, no individual or organization can achieve success without collaboration. If every individual in a group can work together actively, those once deemed unrealizable tasks for one single person can be efficiently accomplished through joint efforts. For another, I personally agree that an argument may be a shortcut between two hearts, which indicates that communication among people is of utmost importance. Communication, which has been recognized to improve the working efficiency is the basis of our work. Some problems in our work can only be solved through active and effective communication.

It is evident that without the mentioned elements above, working relationships can break down, so we can never neglect the role of team morale and communication played in the workplace.


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the importance of mutual understanding and respect in interpersonal relationships. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.



The importance of mutual understanding and respect in interpersonal relationships

Everyone has his own will and his own ideas about things. As a result, there are always differences between us, which may cause conflicts between people. How can we solve this problem? The answer is to have mutual understanding and respect in interpersonal relationships. The reasons are as follows.

       On the one hand, mutual understanding and respect in interpersonal relationships helps to maintain good and healthy relationships between friends and colleagues. Only the two sides involved are willling to put themselves  into other people’s shoes can they understand each other fully, which builds a solid foundation for a deeper relationship and further cooperation. One the other hand, by mutual understanding and respect, people can easily avoid conflicts and solve problems. On may occasions, mutual understanding makes it easy for both parties to reach an agreement on the topic they are discussing. This may help to solve the toughest questions amony different cultures and countries.  

      To sum up, it is of great importance for people to gain mutual understaning and respect in interpersonal relationships, for they are the basis for deep and lasting friendships and a harmonious world.


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the importance of motivation and methods in learning. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.



The Importance of Motivation and Method in Learning

As we all know, intelligence and diligence are important for learners, but motivation and method are the key factors to determine one's success or failure in learning. So the importance of motivation and method in learning should be clearly understood by everyone.

For one thing, motivation provides learners with driving force and direction. Learning is a long-term task full of problems and difficulties, and motivation can help us stick to it. When we have a strong motivation in learning, we can focus all our energy on it. For another, the importance of learning methods is self-evident. Good methods can make us learn twice the result with half the effort, and bad methods will make us twice the result with half the effort. So in the learning process we must find a learning method that is really suitable for us .

Judging from the evidence offered above, we may safely draw the conclusion that motivation and method are crucial to learners. Therefore, each of us should have a strong motivation and find good learning methods in our study.




Section A: 1-8

Conversation One

W: Hi, my name’s Cathy. Nice to meet you!

M: Nice to meet you too, Kathy. My name’s John. I’m a university friend of the bride.

What about you? Who do you know at this party?

W: I am a colleague of Brenda. I was a little surprised to be invited, to be honest. (1)We’ve only been working together the last six months, but we quickly became good friends. We just wrapped up a project with a difficult client last week. I bet Brenda is glad it’s done with, and she can focus on wedding preparations.

M: Oh, yes, so you’re Cathy from the office. Actually I’ve heard a lot about you, and that project. The client sounded like a real nightmare.

W: Oh, he was. I mean we deal with all kinds of people on a regular basis. It’s part of the job, but he was especially particular, enough about that. What line of work are you in?

M: Well, right out of college, I worked in advertising for a while. Recently though, I turn my photography hobby into a small business. (2)I’ll actually be taking photos during the big event as a wedding gift.

W: That sounds wonderful, and very thoughtful of you. I bake just as a hobby but Brenda has asked me to do the cake for the wedding. (3)I was a bit nervous saying yes, because I’m far from a professional.

M: Did you bake the cookies here at the party tonight?

W: Yes, I got the idea from a magazine.

M: They’re delicious. You’ve got nothing to worry about. You’re a natural.

W: You really think so?

M: If you hadn’t told me that, I would have guessed they were baked by the restaurant. (4)You know, with your event planning experience, you could very well open your own shop.

W: One step at a time. First I’ll see how baking the wedding cake goes. If it’s not a disaster, maybe I’ll give it some more thought.

Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

1. What did Kathy and Brenda finish doing last week?

2. What is John going to do for Brenda?

3. How did Kathy feel when asked to bake the cake?

4. What does the man suggest the woman do?

1. C) A project with a troublesome client.

2. A) take wedding photos.

3. B) Nervous.

4. A) start her own bakery.

Conversation Two

M: You are heading for a completely different world now that you are about to graduate from high school.

W: I know it’s the end of high school, but many of my classmates are going on to the same university and we are still required to study hard, so what’s the difference?

M: (5) Many aspects are different here at university. The most important one is that you have to take more individual responsibility for your actions. It’s up to your own self-discipline how much effort you put into study. Living in college dormitories there are no parents to tell you to study harder or stop wasting time. Lecturers have hundreds of students and they are not going to follow you up or question you if you miss their lectures. 

W: Nobody cares you mean?

M: It’s not that no body concerns about you. It’s just that suddenly at university (6)you are expected to behave like an adult, that means concentrating on the direction of your life in general and your own academic performance specifically.

W: For example?

M: Well, like you need to manage your daily, weekly and monthly schedules so that you will study regularly. Be sure to attend all classes and leave enough time to finish assignments and prepare well for examinations.

W: Okay, and what else is different?

M: Well, in college there are lots of distractions and you need to control yourself. You will make interesting friends, (7)but you need only keep the friends who respect your student commitments. Also, there are a lot of wonderful clubs, (8)but you shouldn’t allocate too much time to club activities, unless they are directly related to your study. It’s also your choice if you want to go out at night, but you will be foolish to let that affect your class performance during the day.

W: Well, I’m determined to do well in the university and I guess I am going to have to grow up fast.

5. What does the man say about college students as compared with high schoolers?

6. What are college students expect to do according to the man?

7. What kind of friends does the man suggest the woman make?

8. What kind of club activities should college students engage in according to the man?

5. C) They have to be more responsible for what they do.

6. D) Behave like adults.

7. B) Those who respect her student commitments.

8. D) Those conductive to their academic studies.  

Section B: 9-15

Section B ——Passage1

Most successful people are unorthodox persons whose minds wander outside traditional ways of thinking. Instead of trying to refine old formulas, they invent new ones. When John Claude Kelly made the French national ski team in the early 1960s, he was prepared to work harder than anyone else to be the best. At the crack of dawn, He would run up the slopes with his skis on and unbelievably backbreaking activity. In the evening, he would do weight lifting and running. But the other team members were working as hard and long as he was. He realized instinctively that simply training harder would never be enough. Kelly then began challenging the basic theories of racing technique, each week he would try something different to see if he could find a better、faster way down the mountain. His experiments resulted in a new style that was almost exactly opposite the accepted technique of the time. It involves skiing with his legs apart for a better balance, and sitting back on the skates when he came to a turn, he also used ski poles in an unorthodox way to propel himself as he skied. The explosive new style helped cut Kelly’s racing time dramatically, in 1966 and 1967, he captured virtually every major ski trophy, the next year, He won three gold medals in the winter Olympics, a record in ski racing that has never been topped. Kelly learned an important secret shared by many creative people: Innovations don't require genius, just a willingness to question the way things have always been done.

9. What does the speaker say about most successful people?

10. What does the speaker say about Kelly’s experiment?

11. What is said to be Kelly’s biggest honor in his skiing career?

9. A) They break away from traditional ways of thinking.

10. B) They resulted in a brandnew style of skiing technique.

11. C) He won three gold medals in one Winter Olympics.

Passage two

Scientific experiments have demonstrated incredible ways to kill a guinea pig, a small fairy animal. Emotional upsets generate powerful and deadly toxic substances. 12.Blood samples taken from persons experiencing intense fear or anger when injected into guinea pig have killed them in less two minutes. Imagine what these poisonous substances can do to your own body.13.Every thought that you have affect your body chemistry within a split second, remember how you feel when you're speeding down the highway and a big truck suddenly brakes twenty meters in front of you, a shockwave shoot through your whole system. Your mind produces instant reactions in your body. The toxic substances that fear, anger, frustration, and stress produce not only kill guinea pigs but kill us of in a similar manner. 14.It is impossible to be fearful, anxious, irritated, and healthy. At the same time. It is not just difficult, it is impossible. Simply put your body's health is a reflection of your mental health. Sickness will often then be a result of unresolved in a conflicts which in time show up in the body. It is also fascinating how our subconscious mind shapes our health. Do you recall falling sick on a day when you didn't want to go to school? Headaches brought on by fear? The mind body connection is such that if, for example, we want to avoid something, very often, our subconscious mind will arrange it. Once we recognize that these things happen to us, we are halfway to doing something about them.

12. What happens to guinea pigs, when blood samples of angry people are injected into them?

13. What does the speaker say about every thought you have?

14. What does the speaker say is impossible?

15. What does the passage say about our mind and body?

12.D) They die almost instantly.

13.A) It has an instant effect on your body chemistry.

14. D) To enjoy good health while in dark moods.

15. A) They are closely connected.

Section C: 16-25

Recording One

Teachers and students alike have experienced the curious paradox that beginners, as a rule, tend to think too little about what they are doing because they think too much about what they are doing. Take, for example, people who are learning to play basketball or the piano. They have to give so much thought and attention to the low-level mechanics of handling the ball or fingering the keys or reading the music, that they are unable to give any thought to the thing that matters—the game, or the music, respectively.

(16) With experts, it's just the other way around. They're open to the tactical possibilities and the musical challenges precisely because they're freed, through skill, from the need to pay attention to the low-level details of how to play. Indeed, when the expert pays attention to the mechanics, this is liable to disrupt performance. This has led some to say that the expert operates in a zone “beyond thought”, in a state of flow. But this is misleading. Expert performance is not beyond thought. (17) Smart basketball players or skilled musicians need to pay close attention to the demands of high performance, to the challenges to be overcome. What they don't need to do—what would be a distraction—is to have to think about where their fingers are, or how to control the ball while running. It's not mechanics, but the play itself, that absorbs the expert’s intelligence.

(18) A nice video published online last month sheds light on expertise and the conscious mind. The video reports a new study using an eye-tracking device. It turns out that the less skilled pianist spends more time looking at her fingers than does the expert who, in contrast, is more likely to be looking at the sheet of music, or looking ahead at keys he's not yet playing. In general, the expert’s gaze was calmer and more stable.

This is not a surprising finding. It supports what we might almost think of as conventional wisdom. But it's remarkable for all that, nonetheless. The eye tracker gives expert and learning performers a glimpse into what they do without thinking about it. The topic of the nature of skill—and the differences between beginners and experts—has been one of considerable discussion in cognitive science and philosophy.

Questions 16 to 18 are based on the recording you have just heard.

16. What does the speaker say about beginners and expert pianists?

17. What do smart basketball players do according to the speaker?

18. What do we learn about the new study published in an online video?

16. B) They focus their attention on different things.

17. D) They attach great importance to high performance.

18. C) It supports a piece of conventional wisdom.

Recording Two

Every summer when I top up my selection of summer outfits from the department stores, my eyes would nearly pop out of my head. (19)I'm overwhelmed with a wide range of different slimming products each year.  And more shockingly, these products are often advocated by very slim models. Having lived in Asia for almost 10 years now, I've seen various dieting tips come and go. I remember in Japan, people heading directly to the fruit section in the supermarket, when the banana diet was at its peak. Then there was the black tea and oolong tea diet, followed by the soybean diet and the tomato juice diet. The list goes on and on. 

Apart from what people eat, I've also seen many interesting slimming products. (20)In Hong Kong, I've seen girls wrapping their whole body or both legs up with a special type of slimming tape which is supposed to help make them thinner. But it just reminded me of the roasted ham my mother usually puts on the dinner table at Christmas. 

Then there were the face slimming rollers that were said to improve your blood circulation and make your face smaller. (21)Personally I do not believe in any of the slimming gadgets and I think I have a very different perspective when it comes to the definition of what is beautiful. 

Asian women prefer to avoid the sun, because being pale or white is considered beautiful whereas a tanned complexion is considered much more beautiful and sexy in the West. It is most certainly shaped by a person's culture as well as how they were raised in their childhood. 

As each summer season approaches, there's no escape from it. But it's not only women who are affected by this pressure to look good. Men aspired to be able to show off their 6 packs, or their v-shaped backs and there's a growing market of slimming pills aimed at men too. 

I think no matter what diets we follow or what streaming products we obsess ourselves with, at the end of the day there's no magic trick to shape up for the summer. Eat in a balanced way and incorporate the right level of physical activity. For me, this still seems to be the best plan. 

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the recording you have just heard. 

19. What overwhelms the speaker when she buys her summer outfits each year?

20. What does the speaker think of girls wrapping her legs up with slimming Tape? 

21. What does the speaker think affects people's interpretation of beauty? 

19. D) The great variety of slimming products.

20. B) They appear strange.

21. A) Culture and upbringing.

Recording Three 

Skin may seem like a superficial human attribute, but it's the first thing we notice about anyone we meet. As a zoologist focusing on the studies of apes and monkeys I've been studying why humans evolved to become the naked ape and why skin comes in so many different shades around the world.  We can make a very good estimate from the fossil record that humans probably evolved naked skin around 1.5 million years ago and meanwhile they mostly lost their coat of fur. Today we have a few patches of hair remaining on various parts of our bodies. But compared with apes and monkeys we have very little. (24)Basically we turned our skin darker to serve as a natural sun protector in the place of the hair we lost. (23)We think we lost this hair because of the need to keep ourselves cool when we were moving around vigorously in a hot environment. We can't really lose heat by breathing quickly and loudly like dogs. We have to do it by sweating. So we evolve the ability to sweat plentifully and lost most of our fur. Most animals protect themselves from the sun with fur. (24)What we did in our ancestry was to produce more permanent natural coloring in our skin cells. This was really an important revolution in human history because it allowed us to continue to evolve in equatorial environments. It really made it possible for us to continue along the path toward modern humans in Africa. For most of human history we all had dark skin. What we see today is the product of evolutionary events resulting from the dispersal of a few human populations out of Africa around 60000 to 70000 years ago. Our species originated around 200000 years ago and underwent tremendous diversification culturally technologically linguistically artistically for 130000 years. (25)After that a few small populations left Africa to populate the rest of the world. These early ancestors of modern Eurasians dispersed into parts of the world that had more seasonal sunshine and much lower levels of sun radiation. It's in these populations that we begin to see real changes in the genetic makeup of natural coloring. Today skin color is evolving a new mixtures of people coming together and having children with you mixtures of skin color genes. We can see this in almost every large city worldwide. Not only the coloring genes but lots of other genes are getting mixed up to. 

22. What does the speaker mainly talk about? 

23. What had probably cause humans to lose most of their hair 1.5 million years ago? 

24. What does the speaker say protected early humans from the sun?

25. What happened after humans migrated from Africa to other parts of the world?

22. A) The relation between hair and skin.

23. B) Adaptation to the hot environment.

24. C) The skin coloring.

25. A) The genetic makeup began to change.


Section A: 1-8

1. D) Why so many girls adored Audrey Hepburn.

2. B) Her physical condition.

3. A) She was not an outgoing person.

4. D) Her family benefited from other people’s help.

5. A) Give a presentation

6. C) No staff will be dismissed

7. B) The reasons for restructuring

8. B) By emailing questions to the man or the woman

Section B: 9-15

9. C) It uses therapy animals to soothe nervous passengers.

10. B) Finding their way around.

11. A) Schedule their flights around the animal visit.

12.C) At the site of an ancient Roman mansion.

13.A) A number of different images.

14.D)The impressive skills and costly dyes.

15. D) He was a rich Italian merchant

Section C: 16-25

16. A) They encourage international cooperation.

17. D) Many of their projects have become complicated.

18. C) It lags behind other disciplines in collaboration.

19. B) Scientists discovered water on Venus.

20. A) It resembles Earth in many aspects.

21. C) It used to have more water than Earth.

22. C) Cultural psychology.

23. D) They generally sleep longer than East Asians.

24. C) By having wearing motion-detecting watches.

25. B) It has not explored the cross-cultural aspect of sleep.




Pasta is no longer开头

26-30     ILBNG       31-35   EOADC

26. I ) minimum

27. L) shooting

28. B) championed

29. N) systematic

30. G) lumped

31. E) contribute

32. O)weighing

33. A) adverse

34. D) contrary

35. C) clinical


The Best Retailers开头

36-40 MGDIC  41-45 HFOAK


Passage One——Professor Stephen开头

46-50   BCADC

46. B) It might be a blessing or a disaster in the making.

47. C) It was extremely important to the destiny of humankind.

48. A) The shift of research focus from the past to the future.

49. D)Super-intelligence may eventually ruin mankind.

50. C) They share the same concerns about AI as academics.

Passage Two——The market for products开头
51-55 BCDAB
51. B)They want to have a share of the seniors' goods market.
52. C)collect residents' feedback on their products.
53. D) It is a communication system via TV instead of a computer.
54. A) Winning trust from prospective customers.
55. B) They are quite at ease with high-tech products.



The dream开头

26-30   IOJBC       31-35  KHDAF 

26. I) pouring

27. O) ultimate

28. J) prototypes

29. B) detached

30. C) dual

31. K) random

32. H) outrageous

33. D) glamour

34. A) autonomous

35. F) odds


Companies Are Working with Consumers to Reduce Waste开头

36-40   FCMEG     41-45 NHBJD


Passage One——Effective Friday开头

46-50   DACAB

46. D) The negotiations between them had broken down.

47. A) It has reaped huge profits in recent years.

48. C) Extra pay based on sales revenues.

49. A) They are kept in the dark about many details of their job.

50. B) Changing the pay system would cause the industry more problems.

Passage Two——Officials at the White House开头

51-55 DCADB

51. D) To improve the traffic conditions in space.

52. C) Regulate the launching of new satellites.

53. A) Set interpersonal standards for the space flight industry.

54. D) Make a thorough analysis of any possible addition to the space debris.

55. B) Develop technology to address the space debris problem.




26-30  AJBEI     31-35 NCGHK

26. A) abruptly

27. J) fractures

28. B) additives

29. E) besieged

30. I) cracked

31. N) strived

32. C) approach

33. G) comparable

34. H) components

35. K) hollow


The future of personal satellite technology is here开头

36-40 ICBEK  41-45 FLGDJ


Passage One——When I re-entered the full-time workforce开头

46-50  DBBCD 

46. D) Building close relationships with his colleagues was not as important as he had expected.
47. B) Harmonious relationships are what many companies aim to cultivate. 
48. B) They are virtually irrelevant.
49. C) They are unwilling to make efforts to maintain workplace relationships.

50. D) They improve work efficiency.

Passage Two——In a few decades开头

51-55 BCDAB

51. B) Many abilities will cease to be unique to human beings.

52. C)Google has made huge progress in autonomous driving in a short time.

53. D) It is yet to be emulated by AI.

54. A) Cultivate original thinking.

55. B) By adopting a long-term perspective.




成语( Chinese idioms)是汉语中的一种独特的表达方式,大多由四个汉字组成。它

      Chinese idioms are a unique in Chinese, mostly composed of four Chinese characters. They are highly concise and formally fixed, but they usually express a profound meaning in an image. Most of the idioms come from ancient Chinese literary works, usually related to certain myths, legends or historical events. If you don’t know the source of an idiom, it’s hard to understand its exact meaning. Therefore, learning idioms helps people better understand traditional Chinese culture. Idioms are widely used in daily conversations and literary creation. Proper use of idioms can make a person’s communication more expressive and effective.




      China has a vast territory and a large population. In many places of China, people speak their own dialects. The dialects are very different in pronunciation, while there is little difference in vocabulary and grammar. Some dialects, especially those in the north and the south of China, are so different that it is often too difficult for people who speak different dialects to understand each other. The dialect is regarded as a part of the local culture, but the number of people who can speak dialects has been declining in recent years. In order to encourage people to speak more of their local dialects, some local governments have taken some measures, such as offering dialect classes in schools and broadcasting dialect programmes on radio and television, with a view to preserve the local cultural heritage.




Chinese is now the language with the largest number of native speakers in the world. One important difference between Chinese and western language is that it is composed of block characters rather than letters. Chinese is the oldest writing system still in use. In China, people from different regions may not understand each other's dialects, but because Chinese characters are written in a uniform form, they have little difficulty in communicating. The Chinese language has played an important role in uniting the Chinese nation in history. Nowadays, with the rapid growth and increasing global influence of Chinese economy, more and more individuals from foreign countries start to learn Chinese .

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