

 金苹果6 2019-06-25


译者 韩洪涛


The Truth About Rodrigo’s ‘Concierto de Aranjuez’



by Graham Wade

作者 格拉汉姆·韦德

翻译 韩洪涛


JoaquínRodrigo’s Concierto deAranjuezis one of the miraculous compositions of the 20th century. My library of recordings contains over a hundred versions, yet the work retains its freshness and spontaneity however many times I hear it.


One of my most treasured possessions is a copy of the miniature score signed with a sweet inion by the composer and dated April 6, 1993. Some guitarists have ventured to criticize Rodrigo’s scoring, though it would be difficult for them to tell what they would put in its place. Such criticism is like finding fault with the perfect action of a Swiss clock that has been keeping accurate time for half a century, or seeing imperfections in a painting by the French painterJean-Antoine Watteau.


【语言注释】1. 第二段中的sweet inion的sweet一词,在此处不能理解为“甜蜜的”,而是“亲切的”之意。2. score一词是多义词,可以表示“得分”。但在音乐中主要有两个意思:一是名词,“曲谱”;二是动词,“作曲、谱曲”。


Of course,various mythologies have spun themselves around the creation of the Aranjuez—charming but highly questionable. One familiar fable, for example, is that Rodrigo and his wife Victoria de Kamhi spent their honeymoon in Aranjuez, Spain, and that was a large inspiration for the piece.

当然,关于《阿兰胡埃斯》创作产生本身就有各种各样的神秘之处 – 它既魅力诱人,但同时又疑问重重。例如,一个为人所熟知的传闻是:罗德里格和他的妻子维多利亚·de·卡米在西班牙的阿兰胡埃斯度蜜月时,给了他创作这部作品的主要灵感。

What happened was that the couple married on January 19, 1933, and the next day traveled to Madrid to set up their first home. Victoria’s diary gives the facts:


After the wedding banquet, Joaquín and I went for along walk along the beach . . .The following morning we set out for Madrid byautomobile . . .The first months in Madrid passed tranquilly. We had rented afurnished apartment on Castelló Street . . . . On sunny days we made excursionsto Aranjuez, Alcalá de Henares—how sick I was after eating tripe there—to ElEscorial and to Toledo.

婚宴之后,我和华金沿着海滩漫步了很长时间… 次日早上,我们启程乘汽车前往马德里…在马德里的头几个月度过的非常宁静。我们在卡斯特罗大街上租了一套带有家具的公寓… 天气晴好的时候,我们会外出远行去阿兰胡埃斯和阿尔卡拉·德·埃纳雷斯游玩– 在那里我吃了牛肚之后非常不舒服。我们也去了艾斯克里亚尔和托莱多。

Such“excursions” were not languid stays in hotels, for the couple was without moneyor employment. These were day-trips by train (hardly what could be called a“honeymoon”). Aranjuez, it should also be remembered, is often a miserableplace in winter, with cold winds and desolate spaces.


【语言注释】1. 第三自然段中的spun一词是spin的过去分词,本意指“旋转”,在本文中指某事“纠缠不断”的意思。2. 注意后面的around一词不要单纯地理解为“围绕”,在此处相当于about和around的结合含义。3. large inspiration中的large一词,不要翻译成“大的”,而根据汉语习惯翻译成“主要的”。


But when Rodrigo completed his new composition in 1939, he was in need of a title. He may have considered a resonant name from among the places the couple had visited five years previously. After Victoria’s experience of eating tripe, the concierto could hardly be named Conciertode Alcalá de Henares. Moreover, Concierto Escorialwould celebrate a historical monument, but the place is formidably grim, different from the musical atmosphere evoked.Concierto de Toledoat that time would be too clearly political, following a famous siege there during the Spanish Civil War.


These days, Conciertode Aranjuezsits harmoniously on the Spanish tongue (though not easy for foreigners to pronounce!). Since the naming of the concerto and its extraordinary fame, a kind of cult has arisen round Aranjuez. The town is now presumed (especially by those who have not been there) to be the most enticing paradise in Spain. Yet an English writer, John Lomas, writing in 1902, commented that if the Spanish court were absent, Aranjuez was an “otherwise dull and monotonous place.”


In summer,the Aranjuez gardens are beautiful, indeed. But such is the lure of Rodrigo’smusic that nowadays one cannot walk through its leafy avenues without thinkingof the Aranjuez. Thecomposer has mesmerized the world with his wonderful inspiration, and madeAranjuez his very own.


Another pervasive myth is that the slow movement was a cry of pain written concerning Victoria’s miscarriage in the spring of 1939. Many tears have been shed ’round this myth and much passion expended. But the story contradicts information in a letter Rodrigo wrote in 1943.


The writing of the Aranjuezwas sparked by a dinner in Santanderin September 1938, a pleasant evening shared by Rodrigo, guitarist Regino Saínzde la Maza, and the Marqués de Bolarqué. During this occasion, it was suggested Rodrigo should compose a guitar concerto, to which he agreed.


On October11, 1943, Rodrigo wrote:


I remember also (I don’t know why, but everything relating to the Concierto de Aranjuez remains in my memory), that one morning,two months afterwards, I found myself in my little study in the rue SaintJacques, in the heart of the Latin quarter [in Paris],thinking vaguely about the concert. . . I heard the complete theme of the adagio singing inside my head, all at once without any hesitation, and almost identical to that which you will hear.And then immediately, with hardly any transition, came the theme of the thirdmovement, exactly the same as appears in the work . . .


If the adagio and the final allegro transported me asif by inspiration. . . . I came upon the first movement by way of reflection,calculation, and willpower. This was the last of the three to be written, so Iended the work where it actually began. For that I had no more awareness thanthat I was just writing a movement, the first.

如果说慢板和最后的快板乐章似乎是灵感突发随即而得的话… 我是通过深思熟虑、不懈努力的方式而得到的第一乐章。这一部分是三个乐章中最后一个完成的,所以我是从作品的开始部分结束这部作品的创作的。这部分的创作中,我非常清楚地意识到自己只不过需要完成一个乐章,即第一乐章。

Two monthsafter the Santander dinner would be November 1938, not the following May (whenVictoria suffered the miscarriage). If Rodrigo could retain in his memory everything relating to the Aranjuez,it would seem strange that the loss of a child was not mentioned.


That Rodrigo himself may have helped to perpetrate myths about his own masterwork is not surprising. He was the supreme poet of 20th-century Spanish music, the maker of songs and legends. Rodrigo was not a man who would let crude facts interfere with a good fable. Whatever the accretions of mythology, the music itself bears testimony to his genius.


TheConcierto de Aranjuezremains the immortal final statement of the great traditions of Spanish romanticism.


【语言注释】1.倒数第2段一开始的That是个引导词,不能理解为“那个”之意,它引导一个主语从句,而且不能省略(宾语从句的that经常省略)。2. crude在此处之事实最本来的面目和状态。3. statement可以指“声明,宣言”,在此处灵活地处理成“证明”。

【音乐纪录片:纪念罗德里格- 阿兰胡埃斯】




承办: 上音现代器乐与打击乐系

协办: 华天吉韵古典吉他教育促进会

时间: 2016年10月25日至28日

地点: 上海音乐学院

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