
The Current State of Data Center Safety 数据中心的安全现状...

 yi321yi 2019-06-26

Data centers areunique spaces that come with unique challenges. Each DC is designed differentlydepending on its geographic location, service providers, data storage types,etc. Cooling and power concerns are typically the biggest expense and thereforealways top of mind. As a result, most feature restricted spaces that includenarrow aisles and/or overhead/ground-level obstructions. And, no matter howthey are configured, the handling of servers and other expensive, sensitiveequipment is an often-overlooked challenge.


Rack-mounteddata center devices are expensive, large, and oftentimes heavy. They shouldnever be lifted by hand. 30 pounds is the limit for a person carrying items inan office or in another non-physical role. In a warehouse or industrialsetting, the recommended limit for manual lifting of equipment from OSHA onlygoes up to 50 pounds. In any case, with dimensions of at least 17 incheswide and 30 inches deep, even the lightest of rack-mounted servers are awkwardto handle, physically speaking.

机架部署的数据中心设备昂贵、体积大、通常比较重,他们不应该徒手搬运。一个人在办公室搬运物品,或一个非体力劳动者,30磅是一个上限。在仓库或工厂里面,根据OSHA,徒手搬运设备的上限可以提高到50磅。客观地讲,在任何场合,徒手搬运一个至少17英寸宽,30 英寸深,哪怕是最轻的机架式服务器,也是尴尬的。

Some of the most common injuries in the IT industry include strains andsprains of the arms, shoulders, and back. “The probability of an incident andits potential severity while conducting this type of work in a DC issignificant,” notes Walter Leclerc, Director, Environmental Occupational Healthand Safety at Digital Realty. 

IT行业最常见的受伤是胳膊、肩膀和背部的拉伤和扭伤。“当在数据中心执行这样的工作时,事故的可能性和其潜在危害是非常大的。”Walter Leclerc说,数字地产的环境职业健康和安全总监。

The Data Center Cultural Shift



The good news isthat a global cultural change is taking place in data centers. The baselineexpectation for safety standards in DC facilities is starting to shift quickly.


“Early on in thehistory of data centers . . . there was a lot of bootstrapping and thereweren’t a lot of established standards. And one of the things we are seeing isthat the industry is maturing. Facilities are starting to consolidate intosimilar kinds of standards across the world. A baseline expectation of facilitysafety and standards for most data centers has developed within the DC culturalconsciousness,” says Brandon Budd, Vice President of Operations at ServerLIFTCorporation.

“在数据中心的历史早期···有很多砸脚事故,也没有建立那么多的标准,我们看到一个事情就是这个产业正在成熟。设施正加强全球通用的类似标准,设施安全和标准的底线预期,对多数数据中心已经融合进数据中心文化意识中”Brandon Budd说,ServerLIFT公司运营副总裁。

Expectations are increasing for both physical and digital standards. On thephysical side of the spectrum, there is a greater focus on safer workingconditions, improved compliance, and the reduction of bodily injuries. Newoccupational health and safety standards are being crafted in response. Informed anddemanding customers now have a better understanding of the significantworkplace hazards hidden within a data center.


“The culturalchange has been brought on by incidents, an increased enforcement posture bygovernment agencies, a better understanding in the workplace of safety hazardsas well as rules and regulations, design improvements, and an overall cultureshift in the DC industry,” says Leclerc.


Data Centers at Risk    数据中心的风险

Manual liftingcarries great risk for both the operator and their employer. Injuries drive upthe data center costs while limiting growth and expansion capabilities. Thereis a battle over the short supply of technical talent as it is,making losing a tech to a preventable injury or downtime even more costly.Aside from the significant threat to employee safety, there is also thepotential damage to storage, processing, and distribution equipment. Theserisks are no longer going unnoticed in the industry. 


A strategic roadmap to better safetystandards, improved productivity, and cost reduction in the data center shouldinclude a physical solution that offsets the dangers and costs of injuries andaccidents.


Safety First: Mechanical Server Handling 


A mechanical data center lift brings risk levels down to nearly zero whenused properly. It is a safety-focused solution, designed for use in an ITinfrastructure environment.

在正确使用时,机械的数据中心提升机可以将风险水平降低几乎为0. 它是一个聚焦安全的解决方案,为IT设施环境使用而设计。

“I can see how atech might not want to bring out the lift just to move one 50-pound server. But it would only take one time for a tech to trip or drop that,and then they have to replace a $25,000 piece of equipment that only weighed 50pounds,” says Budd.  



A server handling lift does the following for data center operations:


  •  Speeds up work/efficiency


  •  Server support with precise positioning and   angling


  • Complies with global regulations


Getting Results with an Assisted Lifting Device


Digital Realty Manager of Remote Hands Services John Scoggins describes the process his operators used to move equipment before they purchased an ALD (assisted lifting device): “When installing a heavy piece of equipment into a cabinet, we would install a temporary equipment shelf using use the two-man rule while we lifted the equipment onto the shelf, to install it at a high-level RU position. Once the equipment was secure, we would remove the shelf.”

遥控手服务部数字地产经理约翰·斯考金斯(John Scoggins)描述了他的操作员在购买辅助提升设备之前移动设备的过程:“在把一件重设备安装到柜子里时,我们会在把设备抬到架子上的时候,使用两个人的规则来安装一个临时设备架,把它安装在一个高级的RU位置。一旦设备安全了,我们就把架子搬走。”

Scoggins says their first ALD was purchased when they had to install heavier customer-provided equipment. He says they were also getting requests from customers asking if they had a server handling device to assist with installations. Size and mobility were their top concerns. They now use it for server, switch, and router moves. “It sure makes the job safer and easier when they do use the ALD,” says Walter Leclerc.


Does Every Data Center Need an ALD? 每个数据中心都需要ALD?

“Any DC that has multiple racks and definitive aisles is probably big enough to benefit from it,” says Budd. “Even if they only need to install or remove a piece of equipment once or twice a year, the risk or chance of getting hurt or damaging something is high enough that it is worth making a one-time capital investment into something that prevents or mitigates against those risks.”


Leclerc says the ALD purchase feeds into that overall cultural change he is fostering within his company, Digital Realty. “I think this is really about the well-being of our employees, our safety culture, and continual improvement.”

Leclerc说,购买ALD是他在Digital Realty公司中培养整体文化变革的一部分。“我认为这关系到我们员工的幸福,关系到我们的安全文化和持续改进。”

Priority and risk variables come into play for safety issues, and they need to be considered before an ALD purchase. DC design is another factor: “How high are the racks? How narrow are the aisles? Is growth part of the business plan? Purchasing something that can do it all is really the number one thing,” says Budd.


Best Practices Leave Manual Lifting Behind


Many DC managers and owners have already made the switch to reduce costs and increase safety. The creation of a safe environment is weighed against budget and often results in a shift in overall mindset.


“What an ALD can do for a DC in terms of efficiency, cost reduction, morale of the staff, is all really just a bonus. At the end of the day, it tends to be a win-win for everyone,” says Budd.


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