
跟骨骨折(Calcaneal Fracture)-双语学习

 渐近故乡时 2019-06-27

Calcaneal fractures can be extra-articular fracture or intra-articular fractures. However, extra-articular calcaneal fractures are the most common type.

跟骨骨折分关节外骨折和关节内骨折, 而关节外跟骨骨折是最常见的类型。

An extra-articular calcaneal fracture can be an anterior process fracture. These fractures results from forced plantar flexion and inversion. They are commonly missed and/or misdiagnosed as an ankle sprain. When they are diagnosed, the treatment is usually conservative, but surgery is done for large displaced fragments.


One important extra-articular fracture type is the tuberosity avulsion fracture. This type of injury is usually due to sudden dorsiflexion of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles, which pull the Achilles tendon upwards, causing an avulsion fracture of the calcaneus. The avulsion fracture may cause skin compromise at the back of the heel. Some predisposing factors of avulsion fractures include diabetes and osteoporosis. Additionally, there are several type of avulsion fractures. These include type I, the “sleeve” type tuberosity fracture, type II, also knowns as the “beak” type avulsion fracture, or type III, an infrabursal fracture. The last type of avulsion fracture is rare.


Another type of extra-articular calcaneal fracture is the tuberosity body fracture. This type results from an axial body load injury. A CT scan may be needed to rule out an intra-articular extension injury.


The sustentacular type of calcaneal fracture results from heel loading accompanied by forced inversion of the foot. The flexor hallucis longus tendon is then lodged underneath the sustentaculum. Surgery is rarely needed for this type of fracture.Most calcaneal fractures are closed injuries that are treated non-operatively, but can be treated with surgery when the fracture is intra-articular and displaced. The surgery is usually done after improvement of the soft tissue condition. Avulsion fractures are different- they require urgent care for reduction and fixation of the fracture. This will eliminate the risk of skin complications and restore the function of the Achilles tendon.


The calcaneal stress fracture is another type of extra-articular fracture. This type of fracture is typically felt deep in the bone and produces a vague complaint of heel pain. Stress fractures of the calcaneus are usually seen in athletes who are over-training, using improper footwear, or those who have mechanical abnormalities. The pain from a stress fracture will appear suddenly, but remain constant. Additionally, the pain and swelling may be felt and seen no both sides of the heel. The pain associated with a stress fracture can usually be reproduced be squeezing the heel from both sides. However, this pain can be confused with plantar fasciitis, but the pain from plantar fasciitis is most severe in the morning and when first standing.


Imaging tests may be helpful to confirm diagnosis of a stress fracture. However, the fracture may be difficult to be seen on x-rays until it starts to heal, and therefore early x-rays are usually negative. X-rays at 4–6 weeks will show the fracture line on the posterior aspect of the calcaneus as a radiodense vertical line. If the clinical picture is not clear, MRI is helpful in the diagnosis of a stress fracture.


The treatment for a calcaneal stress fracture is usually conservative in nature. The patient will need to avoid activities such as running or jumping, use proper footwear to cushion the heel (orthotics), and/or be non-weight bearing for 6 weeks utilizing a boot or cast.




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