

 东山高山图书馆 2019-07-04

如果你认为,每周里有几个夜晚喝上一杯葡萄酒对身体没有什么坏处,请把它类比为抽上5至10支香烟。这是期刊《BMC公共卫生》(BMC Public Health)的一项新研究得出的结论。研究人员在其中将导致癌症的恶习之一——吸烟与另一种恶习进行了对比。

这项研究重点研究了每周喝一瓶葡萄酒对于寿命的绝对风险。按照梅约诊所(Mayo Clinic)的定义,绝对风险是指一个人在一生中罹患某种疾病的概率。例如,美国男性平均有12%的绝对风险罹患前列腺癌。这意味着100个美国男性里平均有12个会得前列腺癌,有88个不会。



不过这并不意味着饮用酒精就没有缺点。美国国家癌症研究所(National Cancer Institute)指出,美国卫生与公共服务部(U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)将饮用酒精列为了已知致癌因素,并认为它与乳腺癌、结肠癌、食道癌与肝癌都有关系。(财富中文网)


If you think a glass of wine a few nights a week can’t be that bad for your health, consider that it could be the healthy equivalent of smoking five to 10 cigarettes. That’s according to a new study published in the journal BMC Public Health, in which researchers looked at how one type of vice that causes cancer—smoking—compared with another.

The research focused on the absolute lifetime risk of drinking one bottle of wine a week. Absolute risk, as defined by the Mayo Clinic, is how likely a person is to develop a condition over their entire life. So for example, on average, American men have a 12% absolute risk of developing prostate cancer, meaning 12 out of 100 will develop the cancer, and 88 out of 100 men will not.

In the case of drinking a bottle of wine every week, non-smoking men’s absolute risk increased 1%, or roughly the equivalent of smoking five cigarettes. In non-smoking women, the absolute risk rose 1.4%, the equivalent of smoking 10 cigarettes, with a 0.8% absolute risk of breast cancer. In other words, depending on an individual’s other risk factors and lifestyle choices related to their likelihood of developing cancer, drinking that much wine could further elevate their risk rate.

The link between cancer and using tobacco products and smoking is relatively well understood, but when it comes to drinking, the study authors noted that the risks of even somewhat moderate alcohol consumption are often a little less obvious to the public.

But that doesn’t mean that drinking alcohol doesn’t have its drawbacks. The National Cancer Institute notes that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services lists the consumption of alcohol as a known human carcinogen and accordingly, it is linked to various cancers including those of the breast, colon, esophagus, and liver.

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