
阅途课堂丨Book Talks: Learning and Love of Reading

 supergrass001 2019-07-06

Book Talk是一种适合融入阅读课堂的演讲和互动活动。它能够锻炼学生的听、说、读、写四项基本能力,提升学生对图书内容的理解程度,同时培养学生的阅读兴趣和习惯。想要做好一次Book Talk,学生必须真正读懂一本书。因此,Book Talk的准备过程,不仅能够锻炼学生的写作能力,还要求学生学会使用多种阅读策略,例如对图书内容的归纳整理、对故事情节的复述、对图书主题的总结等等。学生可以通过Book Talk与同龄人分享自己对一本书的喜爱,既能够加深自己对图书内容的理解和记忆,锻炼自己的口语表达能力,也能够激发其他学生的阅读兴趣。教师也可以在Book Talk结束后,安排简短的提问互动环节,既能够活跃课堂氛围,也能够实现学生英语听说能力的练习。

什么是Book Talk?

Book Talk是对一本书的简短陈述,目的是说服别人来阅读这本书。比起读书报告和书评,Book Talk的说服力更强,它的目标是吸引听众,为所推荐的书做一个有意思的、令人感兴趣的广告。Book Talk可以突出书里的情节,或者某个有趣的人物角色,也可以通过渲染自己的阅读感受来激发听众的好奇心,吸引他们阅读。

例如下面这个简短的关于 Matilda 这本书的Book Talk,演讲者通过讲述Matilda这个角色的故事,吸引听众对Matilda在学校的经历产生好奇,从而引发听众对这本书的阅读兴趣。

Do you like reading? So does Matilda in Roald Dahl's book about Matilda a young girl who loves reading well seems to be born into a rock the wrong family.Matilda has a very hard time growing up and she has to take care of herself and make sure that she gets herself to the library to get all the books that she wants. One day she begs her parents if she can start going to school when they finally agree she finds out that her school is just as nasty as her family except for one person, Miss Honey, her teacher understand Matilda the way nobody has her whole life. 

Read Roald Dahl's Matilda to find out more about Matilda's adventures and the magic and the reading that ensues. 

如何在课堂上做Book Talk?

Book Talk所需的时间很短,一本书的Book Talk只有1-5分钟,加上问答互动环节,整个活动的时间也可以控制在10分钟之内,非常适合作为一本新书的导读活动,或者作为对之前读过的图书的课前简短回顾。

Book Talk的基础就是选书演讲者(教师或者学生)可以选择自己喜欢的任何一本书来推荐。虽然图书的类型不限,但是也有一些书非常适合用来做课堂上的Book Talk,例如初高中的学生大多对冒险、校园、家庭、友谊、成长和爱情等主题的图书很感兴趣,那么选择这类主题的图书来做Book Talk,很大可能会引起听众的共鸣。教师也可以根据教学内容的需要来推荐一些书单,例如三月可以推荐一份女性主题的书单让学生们挑选阅读,或者推荐一些以第一人称写的图书,让学生通过感受书中人物的故事,将自己的经历与书中的内容产生更多联系等等。

选好书后,演讲者(教师或学生)需要开始准备自己的Book Talk。在准备过程中,教师可以为学生提供一些指导,以下是一些Tips,能够帮助演讲者更好地设计自己的Book Talk。

★ 学会在阅读时记笔记。在开始准备工作之前,演讲者首先要读懂这本书。你可以边阅读边记下那些有趣的故事情节、让你感到惊讶的场景或者让你产生感慨的部分等,这些都可能成为你的Book Talk中的素材。

★ 设计一个有趣的开场,可以是一个问题,或者描述故事中一段扣人心弦的情节或场景等等。

★ 向听众展示你推荐的书。与图片相比,一本真正摆在面前的书会更让人感兴趣,你可以拿着书,在演讲时向听众展示,这会让Book Talk的效果更好。

★ 结尾留个悬念。一个让人好奇或产生疑问的结尾能让听众对图书更感兴趣。想想这本书的作者是如何让你在阅读这本书的时候保持好奇和专注的?你可以尝试将作者的方法用在你的Book Talk中。

★ 记住演讲的要点,不要试图背诵演讲稿。

★ 在演讲时带入自己的表演。比起声音毫无起伏的干巴巴的讲述,带有抑扬顿挫和感情的演讲更吸引人。

★ 如果你愿意,可以在演讲中设计一些与听众互动的环节,例如向听众提问,让他们回答yes or no,或者猜猜书里的故事接下来会如何发展等等。

Book Talk的拓展活动

在学生们已经学会并适应做Book Talk后,教师可以尝试使用下面两个拓展活动,给学生提供一些挑战。

Book Talk挑战:Book Talk需要演讲者向听众分享自己喜欢的图书,那么,如果这本书是演讲者不喜欢的书呢?演讲者如何读懂这本书,并说服听众来阅读这本书?他们必须强迫自己去阅读并读懂一本不感兴趣的主题或是内容的图书,并从中挑选出可能会吸引其他听众的信息,运用自己的语言表达能力来说服听众阅读这本书。这是对学生阅读和表达能力的更高挑战。

Book Talk合作:将学生两两分组,每组学生分别阅读同一主题下的不同图书,并在读完后向自己的合作伙伴做一个Book Talk介绍自己读的书。教师可以准备一个维恩图表发给每组学生,让他们在小组内Book Talk之后,利用维恩图来分析两本书之间的相似和不同之处。

Examples of Book Talk

第一个例子是一位老师对Mary Shelley的小说 Frankenstein 的Book Talk,我们可以作为高年级的课堂Book Talk参考:

For my book talk, I'm talking about the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. I chose this book because It's exceedingly famous I had heard of the horror movies and the stories before. I have an interest in horror films and horror stories, and also I'm really interested in the history of science fiction. I had done a little bit of background reading, and a lot of people say that Frankenstein is the first science fiction book ever written all of the history of Western civilization. So I thought It'd be worth checking out. 

When I read it, I found in fact it's not at all like any of the films that I had seen that had talked about Frankenstein. In the film, it's usually a big green Frankenstein guy with his arms out, slow and dumb, and super powerful, and Dr. Frankenstein does this mad scientist character. In fact, the book wasn't at all like that. In the story in the novel, Dr. Frankenstein is a young graduate student at a university in Europe. He's from a well-off family. And what he does is, well, he starts digging up bodies and finding cadavers and parts. He take all these parts and puts them together to create this thing that he'll just call basically the monster for the entire story. Dr. Frankenstein goes a little nutty throughout the beginning of the story, and it's interesting to track his progress as his psychologically falls apart, and as he's away from his family without giving anything away. Basically, he creates this monster, when it comes alive, it frightens him. He thinks that what happens was maybe a hallucination, until he goes back home to visit, and the monster starts terrorizing his family. 

Who else would like this book? I think anyone who likes a challenging book. The language in here is quite difficult. I found at least 50 vocab words from this book that I wanted to go back and research. Additionally, those who like horror movies and horror novels, If you're really interested in what is it that makes something scary this book works. Additionally, if you're interested in psychology or child development, if you're interested in that, this would be a really good book. There's a lot about how Frankenstein comes to be aware that he is a entity, a human-like creature, and it’s a lot like child psychology what I learned.  I learned that from Dr. Frankenstein, the character that obsession is kind of like madness, if you're too obsessed about something, you're kind of crazy. I also realized that we are responsible for what we create. That's a big theme in the book. What we do as scientists, as thinkers that we give birth to, we owe the world something for that, and why are we next. There's a book I have on early Greek thoughts that I'm planning on reading next, and thinking more about the psychology of how do we come to become humans.

第二个例子是一位学生对Kevin Henkes的作品 Wemberly Worried 的Book Talk,她在Book Talk中扮演了书中的角色Wemberly。我们也可以在Book Talk中,尝试一下使用第一人称来讲述一本书的故事。

Do you ever worry? If you do, you might not worry as much as this mouse. My book is called Wemberly Worried.

(Act a part of Wemberly)

Hi, I'm Wemberly, and I'm worried about everything, I mean everything. At home, the car, the playground everywhere have a problem. I worry so much that it is starting to take about my whole life. My parents and family and friends try to encourage me to stop worrying. It's sort of helps. At home, I worry about things like this huge tree falling in my house. Who wants that to happen? At the playground, I'm worried that the bolts of the swings are loose, and when I've got it, it's gonna break. My dog pedal is my precious bunny, I take her everywhere I need, everywhere! When I get nervous, I remember ears and it helps me calm down. That's what really helps me. One day, my mom introduced me to school, that was my No.1 worry. Now it's made me so nervous. Before I stepped into the school, I did not know what to expect. I met the teacher, her name was Mrs. Peach. Surprisingly, she was very nice. She introduces me to a girl over in the corner. Her name was Jewel. She was very lonely. She had a doubt just like me. She looked worried just like me. She seemed exactly like me. Jewel hung out for the rest of the day and I noticed I wasn't worrying at all. Mrs. Peach announced it was time to go. I mean, come on, I was having so much fun. But I was excited to come back to the next day for sure. 

I knew before I got this book whoever we had a tough life. Just by judging the cover, have you noticed why Wemberly changed from worried to calm? But she did. I can complete 100% to the story I used to worry 24/7, but now I'm not worried at all, from helps, from friends and family encouraging me. The theme of this book is don't worry, be happy or don't sweat the small stuff. This book is written by Kevin Henkes and as a third person. He wrote it in third person to show all sides of the story not just wonder loose. This book is for entertainment to children of all ages, no matter how worried they are, It's so much fun to read. This book has statements that all kids relate to, like what if the teachers mean or what if the kids make fun of my name. No matter what age I am 2-82, I will always love this book. 

我们也可以通过下面这个视频来看看作者对自己作品的一次Book Talk。在课堂活动中,学生也可以尝试扮演作者的身份,推荐一本自己喜欢的图书。

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