

 timtxu 2019-07-07

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The phoniness 

of the adult world






Habits of truly 

genuine people



























The Catcher in the Rye:

Are you real or phony?

 Hello, my friend!

I'm John Smagula. 

The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger is considered one of the best English-language novels of the 20th century. Published in 1951, the book continues to sell nearly one million copies a year and has been translated into numerous languages. I first read the novel for a high school English class, and just re-read it to share the story with you.

J.D. Salinger

The novel’s protagonist is Holden Caulfield, a 16-year-old boy from New York City. He flunked out of three prestigious boarding schools because he doesn’t apply himself, and the story centers on his three days of living on the streets of New York City to avoid going home.

He wanders in a state of extreme emotional distress, smoking and drinking, staying out in the cold without a winter coat, and sleeping very little. As the time goes on, we witness his fall into a mental breakdown. He may even have gotten TB, and he writes the story from a rest home. 

As he wanders New York, he longs to make connections with other people. He tries bonding with taxi drivers, flirts with women at bars, calls upon some acquaintances, and engages in some dangerous behavior in an effort to connect with people. Yet he fails in all these attempts, becomes alienated, and withdraws into himself as a form of self-protection.

Holden also struggles with having to grow up, and he mourns the loss of childhood innocence. He finds comfort in thinking about his 10-year-old sister Phoebe, in whom he sees the innocence, curiosity, and honesty of children.

One night, Holden sneaks into his own family’s apartment to avoid seeing his parents. Phoebe is happy to see him, but accuses him of not having any ambitions. He retorted that he does have a fantasy: to rescue children playing in a field of rye before they run off a cliff and lose their innocence. He bases this image on a Robert Burns poem, Comin’ Thro the Rye, written in 1782.

In the book’s most famous quote, Holden says to Phoebe, “I’m standing on the edge of some crazy cliff…I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliff—I mean if they’re running and they don’t look where they’re going. I have to come out from somewhere and catch them. That’s all I’d do all day. I’d just be the catcher in the rye and all.”

The phoniness of 

the adult world

Phoniness is a prominent theme of The Catcher in the Rye. In all the interactions he has with adults, Holden finds superficiality, hypocrisy, pretension, and shallowness. He is seeking authentic friendship, but becomes overwhelmed by others’ politics and personal agendas.

For example, Holden goes to a bar in Greenwich Village to see a jazz pianist named Ernie. Holden acknowledges that Ernie plays well, but thinks he plays too well. Ernie also knows he’s good, but he pretends to be humble. Holden thinks Ernie’s false modesty makes him phony, so he discredits his piano-playing abilities and mocks him. 

Then later at the bar, Holden sees a woman who used to date his older brother, who has since become a screenwriter in Hollywood. She wants Holden to have drinks with her and her date, but Holden believes that she is being cordial simply because she wants access to Holden’s brother. Holden concludes she’s a phony and shuns her, and he just leaves the club.

Holden believes that adults are phonies—but that they can’t see their own phoniness. Lying and deception are part of being phony, and Holden particularly derides self-deception. He scorns people who think that they are something they are not or who refuse to acknowledge their own weaknesses. This disgust provides him an excuse to withdraw into cynical isolation.

Habits of truly

genuine people

Like Holden, many of us value “genuine” people and think poorly of those who are being “fake.” Even though a phony person is motivated to appear more appealing or impressive, being fake has the opposite effect. We are much more likely to trust a genuine person than a fake one. Those who are true to themselves are also likely to be more honest with us.

One key aspect of self-improvement is to live a more authentic life. If you are tired of wearing a mask, tiptoeing around others to try to save face, or stunted in the process of self-discovery, here are six habits to consider. Of course, it’s important not to overdo any of these, as moderate goals may be more effective than extreme ones. 


Genuine people first figure out their own opinions, and then they share them with others. Genuine people are usually more comfortable sharing ideas and letting those views speak for themselves, whereas fake people try too hard to persuade others they are right.


A “yes-man” is a weak person who always agrees with an associate or superior, endorsing or supporting their views without criticism. To be genuine, though, is to be guided by your own beliefs and standards. Sometimes these ideals conflict with those that are imposed upon us, so being authentic is often associated with being brave.

I have attended many college recruiting fairs in China, where parents and children have different ideas of which major to choose. For example, students may want to study art, but the parents want them to study business or science. I suggested a compromise and major in advertising. Students would take courses in marketing (business) and advertising design (art).


Once you are comfortable expressing your views and following your internal expectations, your inner compass will guide you on how to pursue your passions and find your purpose. You may take a traditional path or create an entirely new one. When you are authentic, you make your own choices. Even though you consider others’ views, you blaze your own trail


Conventional paths are considered “safe,” but forging your own path could lead to failure. To be genuine is not to fear failure. In fact, failure is a key part of the journey, where you learn and acquire new experiences.


In the novel, Holden was repulsed by people who were unaware of their weaknesses as well as those who knew their weaknesses but didn’t admit them. He considered them all phony. Perhaps in his mind, we should be self-reflective and confront the bad along with the good. This way, we recognize our shortcomings and take responsibility for our actions.

Holden particularly reviled those who “fooled themselves to fool others.” Rather than admit their faults, they first lied to themselves, pretending the weakness didn’t exist. And then, these people undauntedly tried to get others to see the situation in their same distorted way.


When you accept your own faults and embrace your individuality, you may become more accepting of others. With less bias, you will have a purer perspective on life that leads to more honest relationships. Your focus becomes more upon pursuing your own mission, and less on judging or criticizing others.

Ironically, despite Holden’s awareness of others’ faults, he is unaware of his own. He often exhibits the same phoniness he shuns, pretending to be someone he is not. And rather than be true to himself and seek the true love and friendship he craves, he alienates himself. Perhaps if he practiced these six habits, he may have avoided the mental breakdown.

My friend, The Catcher in the Rye teaches us that being phony is unhealthy for us personally and also damages our relationships. The novel calls us to be genuine so we can maximize our potential, build solid relationships, and enhance our self-esteem. Be true to who you are…as that will take you far in this journey.

{  今日英文速记卡  }

麦田里的守望者 来自老桑说 01:08


\ dis-ˈkre-dət \ 

a)含义:v. 怀疑;不信


i.Holden thinks Ernie’s false modesty makes him phony, so he discredits his piano-playing abilities and mocks him. 


ii.It is unprecedented for prosecutors to discredit their own star witness.  


c)近义词: disgrace, reproach, shame

2.Phony \ ˈfō-nē \

a)含义:adj. 假的;欺骗的


i.Even though a phony person is motivated to appear more appealing or impressive, being fake has the opposite effect.


ii.I always hate phony people like that.  


c)近义词:artificial, contrived, fake

3.Endorse \ in-ˈdȯrs \

a)含义:v. 赞同;背书


i.A “yes-man” is a weak person who always agrees with an associate or superior, endorsing or supporting their views without criticism. 


ii.I can endorse his opinion wholeheartedly.


c)近义词:advocate, back, support

4.Revile \ ri-ˈvī(-ə)l \

a)含义:v. 辱骂;斥责


i.Holden particularly reviled those who “fooled themselves to fool others.” 


ii.No man should reproach, revile, or slander another man.  


c)近义词: abhor, detest, loathe

5.Undaunted \ ˌən-ˈdȯn-təd \

a)含义:adj. 勇敢的;无畏的


i.And then, these people undauntedly tried to get others to see the situation in their same distorted way. 


ii.But it's not a problem for such an undaunted person like me.  


c)近义词:brave, courageous, fearless

Thank you for watching me to inspire, encourage, and accompany you. 

See you next time.



John Smagula

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