
针灸 Acupuncture

 河南豫东中医馆 2019-07-10


As for acupuncture, an acupuncturist usually inserts acupuncture needles at critical points in the human body for multi-medicinal purposes. It is thought that there exists a web of pathways called channels that link all parts of the body and more than 360 acupuncture points are located at these channels. Qi, or vitality,flows through these channels and pass these points to support tissue,  muscles and organs; and when qi is blocked at critical points, the function of tissue,muscles and organs will be weakened. So an acupuncturist inserts acupuncture needles at these points to help qi flow, correct qi imbalances, and raise the level of internal energy.


Patients have different sensations toward the treatment of acupuncture. They may feel sore, numb, warm and swelling; but many say they feel relaxed when the needle is inserted beneath their skin. Many doctors generally use six to eight needles during treatment most of the times but they may use ten or more needles if two or more symptoms need acupuncture treatment at the same time. Some acupuncturists insert as many as 30 or more needles at the same time.

  患者对针灸的治疗有不同的感觉。他们可能会感到酸痛,麻木,温暖和肿胀;但许多人说,当针插入皮肤下时,他们感到放松。许多医生一般在治疗期间大多数时间使用六到八针,但如果两个或更多症状需要针灸,他们可能会使用十针或更多针 同时治疗。一些针灸师同时插入多达30个或更多的针头。

Generally speaking, each treatment takes 20 to 30 minutes; but this relies on the sensitivity andcondition of the patient as the disease is treated. In short, the success of a treatment depends on the experience and skill of the acupuncturist, on a correct diagnosis of symptom, accuracy in hitting acupuncture points, timing, the depth and angle of insertion and so on.


   ——以上英文来自北京大学出版社 出版的《中国文化》

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