
Square Silicone Europe BVBA

 昵称vNt9E 2019-07-10

Square Silicone Europe BVBA is a veteran diamond manufacturer in Hovenierstraat in Antwerp. It has a 50-year history of diamond processing and has provided diamond services to many international brands.

  Square Silicone Europe BVBA(中译:斯瑰尔思康欧洲有限公司)是安特卫普Hovenierstraat大街的老牌钻石加工厂商,具有50年钻石加工历史,曾为众多国际品牌提供钻石服务。

Square Silicone Europe BVBA

  In September 2016, Moissanite's production patents were opened globally, and Square Silicone saw the potential of Moissanite, and then founded the independent department of Moissanite for research and development. Relying on mature optimization technology and years of experience in diamond processing, the most advanced and excellent diamond technology is applied to the development of Moissanite.

  2016年9月,莫桑石生产专利全球开放,Square Silicone看准莫桑石潜力,随即创立莫桑石独立部门进行研发。依赖成熟的优化技术和多年的钻石加工经验,将最先进优秀的钻石工艺运用到莫桑石开发上,历经近3年钻研,于2019年终于孕育出真正D色莫桑钻,并随之命名为“魔星”。

Square Silicone Europe BVBA

Square Silicone Europe BVBA

  After nearly 3 years of research, the true D color Moissanite-Diamond was finally born in 2019, and it was named Square. Silicone Moissanite.

  随着这个消息公布,立即撼动珠宝业界,令无数珠宝爱好者为之沸腾。2019年6月Square Silicone将进军全球最大的莫桑石市场中国,将魔星莫桑钻带给期待已久的消费者。

Square Silicone Europe BVBA

  商务合作 : SquareSilicone@moissanite.be

  官方网站 : www.moissanite.be

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