

 昵称50368963 2019-08-02


to subscribe
to hug each other
to abstain
to be bored
acercarse a
to approach
acordarse de
to remember
to go to bed
acostumbrarse a
to get accustomed
to shave oneself
aficionarse a
to become interested in
to be alarmed
to become happy/pleased/glad
alejarse de
to get away from/ distance oneself
to cheer up
apartarse de
to move away from/out of the way
apoderarse de
to seize (control)
apoyarse en
to support (oneself)
apresurarse a
to hurry (oneself)
aprovecharse de
to profit from / take advantage / exploit
to enroll
to hurry up
to fix (one-self) / get dressed / made up
arrepentirse de
to regret
to kneel down
to lean out / look out
to get scared
atreverse a
to dare
to make oneself absent
to be lowered / to climb down / to get off (something)
to take a bath
to kiss one another
to be erased
burlarse de
to make fun of
to fall (down)
to become quiet / shut up
to calm down
to get changed
cansarse de to get tired of
casarse con to marry
cepillarse to brush (Ones teeth)
colocarse to get a job
comerse to eat
compadecerse de to take pity on
complacerse en to take pleasure in
comportarse to behave
comprarse to buy oneself something
comprometerse to commit to doing something
concentrarse to concentrate (the mind)
conducirse to conduct oneself
conformarse con to be content
constiparse to catch a cold
contentarse con to cheer up, to make do
convertirse en to become, to convert
cortarse to cut (hair, nails)
creerse to believe something
dañarse to be damaged
darse to give oneself (+ lots of Spanish expressions)
darse cuenta de to realize
darse vuelta to turn around
deberse to be caused by
decidirse a to make up one's mind
dedicarse a to dedicate oneself to (profession, activity, etc.)
deformarse to deform itself (or oneself)
dejarse to leave an aspect of oneself alone
deprimirse to become depressed
desmayarse to faint
desnudarse to undress oneself / strip off
desorientarse to become disoriented
despedirse de to say goodbye
despertarse to wake up
despojarse de to remove
despreciarse to be wasted
desvestirse to undress oneself
detenerse to stop oneself
dirigirse a to go toward
disculparse to apologize
disgustarse to feel displeased / dislike
disponerse a to get ready
divertirse de to have fun
divorciarse to get divorced
dolerse to hurt somewhere in particular
dormirse to fall asleep
ducharse to take a shower
echarse a to begin to
emborracharse to get drunk
emocionarse to be moved / touched (emotionally)
empenarse en to insist on
empeñarse to make an effort
enamorarse de to be in love with
encargarse de to deal with
encogerse to shrink oneself / itself
encogerse hombros de to shrug (shoulders)
encontrarse con to meet with
enfadarse to get angry
enfermarse to become (get) sick
enforzarse en enforce on
enojarse to become (get) angry
entenderse con to get along with
enterarse de to find out, to realize
entristecerse to become sad
entusiasmarse to become enthusiastic / get excited
equivocarse to make a mistake (oneself)
escaparse to escape (oneself)
escribirse to write to one another
esforzarse to try hard / strive to achieve something
exasperarse to get worked up / become exasperated
explicarse to express oneself
exponerse de to expose oneself (to risks / the elements)
fastidiarse to damage / ruin (slang)
fiarse to trust (someone)
figurarse to imagine / think (used mainly in expressions)
fijarse en to pay attention (to something) / notice
fracturarse to fracture a part of oneself
fumarse to smoke (with emphasis on the individual doing the action)
habituarse to become used to something / someone
hacerse to make oneself something
identificarse to identify oneself / identify with someone else
ilusionarse to build up one's (own) hopes / get excited
inclinarse to lean / be inclined towards something
instalarse to settle oneself
irritarse to become irritated / annoyed
irse to go away, to leave
jactarse to brag / boast
jubilarse to retire
lastimarse to hurt oneself(not always physically)
lavarse to have a wash / wash oneself
levantarse to get up
limpiarse to clean oneself
llamarse to call oneself
llevarse to carry away
mancharse to stain / dirty oneself
maquillarse to put on makeup
meterse en to go/come into/place onself
meterse con to pick on
mirarse to look at oneself / look at each other
molestarse to be disturbed / bothered (also, to go through the trouble of doing something)
morirse de to die (of)
moverse to move oneself
mudarse to move (change residence)
necesitarse to need one another
negarse a to refuse
nublarse to cloud over / become overcast
obsesionarse con to be/get obsessed with
ocuparse de to look after
ofenderse to be offended
olvidarse de to forget
oponerse to oppose something
pararse to stop (with emphasis on the individual doing the action)
parecerse a to look like
pasarse to go off (food) / to overdo something (used in a lot of other Spanish expressions)
pasearse to go for a walk / stroll (with emphasis on the individual doing the action)
peinarse to comb or do ones hair
peinarse to comb / brush one's hair
pensarse to think something through
perderse to get lost
permitirse to allow oneself / afford
pesarse to weigh oneself
pintarse to put on makeup
ponerse en camino to get on (your) way
ponerse to put oneself somewhere (used in a lot of Spanish expressions)
ponerse decuerdo a to agree
portarse to behave
preguntarse to wonder
preocuparse por to worry
prepararse a to prepare to
presentarse to turn up
probarse to try on
quebrarse to break (a bone)
quedarse to stay (to stay put)
quejarse de to complain about
quemarse to burn (oneself, one's body)
quererse to love one another
quitarse to take off of oneself
rascarse to scratch oneself
recuperarse to recover from something (for example, illness)
reirse de to laugh about
reírse to laugh (with emphasis on the individual doing the action)
relacionarse to be related (to something)
relajarse to relax (with particular emphasis on the individual doing the action)
resfriarse to catch a cold
resignarse a to resign oneself to
resolverse a to resolve oneself to
retirarse to withdraw oneself / pull out
reunirse to get together / meet
romperse to tear (clothes);
romperse to break (arm, leg)
salirse to escape / overflow from something
saludarse to greet one another
secarse to dry off (dry oneself)
sentarse to sit (oneself) down
sentirse to feel (emotion, illness)
servirse de to use
situarse to be position / to position oneself
solucionarse to be solved / resolved
soportarse to put up with one another
sorprenderse de to be surprised
subirse to be raised / to climb up / to get on (something)
suicidarse to commit suicide, to kill oneself.
suicidarse to commit suicide
superarse to better / outdo oneself
terminarse to run out / come to an end
tirarse to throw oneself
torcerse to twist (part of oneself, for example, one's ankle)
tranquilizarse to calm oneself down
trasladarse to move / transfer oneself
tratarse de to be about / to be treated
valorarse to be valued
venderse to be sold
verse to see oneself
vestirse to get dressed
violarse to be violated
volverse to turn around / to become (for example, fussy, unpleasant, etc.)

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