

 zdjphoto 2019-08-08
You Westlife
        The beauty of the Sognefjord, because the snow-capped mountains are tall and majestic, blue sky and white clouds, and thousands of waterfalls.


          When you are lucky, you can see the aurora.

                      【飞瀑万千 waterfalls

     The water in the fjord is clear and transparent, and the water surface is like a mirror.

     There is almost no waves on the surface when there is no cruise. When the sun shines, the surface of the water glows.

        The Sognefjord is Norway's largest fjord and the longest and deepest fjord in the world, with a total length of 204 kilometers and a depth of 1308 meters.The mountains and valleys on both sides of the river are deep, and the slopes at the bottom of the valley are steep and vertical, until the peak of 1500 meters above sea level.

       The rock formations on both sides of the fjord are very hard, mainly composed of granite and gneiss, and also a small number of limestone, dolomite and marble.





       There is the Fl?m Railway, known as the highest masterpiece of the world's railways.





 The cruise ship is slow in the green fjord, and the mountains are covered with snow-capped peaks; occasionally there are clouds that float around like a fairyland. 




          The colorful houses in the valley are scattered at the foot of the quiet mountain, quietly look like uninhabited.

                【京广水彩 . 挪威松恩峡湾系列

                【京广水彩 . 山重水复

                  【京广水彩 . 峡湾里的小木屋

             【京广水彩 . 峡湾里的小木屋


         this painting, leave there. ...

                 【京广水彩 . 峡湾里的小木屋】

    In spring and summer, the wildflowers are filled with valleys, which are full of vitality.

      在北欧夏天的好处就是白天时间长得不知道怎么打发(by Linda )。
        The advantage of summer in Northern Europe is that you don't know how to spend the day (by Linda). 

?         我总是忘记挪威的峡湾虽然看起来像河像湖,其实都是和大海相连的,水是咸的,当然会和大海一样有潮汐(by Linda )。
        I always forget that the fjords in Norway look like rivers and lakes. They are actually connected to the sea. The water is salty, and of course it will be as tidal as the sea (by Linda).


      '我们临时把车停靠在最近的餐馆,基本前不着村后不着店,这里竟然是一个啤酒坊,我惊喜发现阳台外窗台外的风景如此美丽!'(by Linda)
         'We temporarily parked the car in the nearest restaurant. Basically, we didn't have a shop in front of the village. It turned out to be a beer brewery. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the scenery outside the window sill outside the balcony was so beautiful!' (by Linda)

     在欧洲,夏天最流行的旅游方式是开着房车带上一家老小和狗还有自行车,走走停停两三周。所以露营地遍布各个角落(by Linda )。        

       In Europe, the most popular way of traveling in summer is to drive a RV, with family and dogs and bicycles, stop and go for two or three weeks. So the campsite is everywhere (by Linda).


        l don't want leave here. l feel l can live here all my life. and painting here all my life. ....

              京广 撰文、拍摄、绘画

              writing painting by Jean 

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