

 工业设计abc 2019-08-14

Niels Hemmingsens Gade大厦的翻新工程

Niels Hemmingsens Gade Building Renovation / Årstiderne Arkitekter

来自建筑事务所的描述。Niels Hemmingsens Gade大厦是一座具有历史意义的新古典主义建筑,经过精心的翻新和整修后为哥本哈根市中心地区提供了新功能。从2010年哥本哈根酒店学院搬离了这座城市以后, Niels Hemmingsens Gade大厦这座具有历史性的建筑就被闲置。现在,这座建筑被赋予了新功能,为哥本哈根市中心地区的发展做出了贡献。

Text description provided by the architects. The historic neoclassical property at Niels Hemmingsens Gade has been carefully renovated and revitalized with new functions to the benefit of the entire area in central Copenhagen. In 2010 Copenhagen Hospitality College moved out of the city, and since then the historic property in Niels Hemmingsens Gade has been empty. Now the building is revitalized with new functions and by that it contributes to the development of the entire area in central Copenhagen.


The neoclassical bank building was built for the Copenhagen Savings Bank in 1868. Since then, the property has been renovated and expanded several times, and has been functioning as a bank until 2003, where Copenhagen Hospitality College moved into the building.


The building contains several exceptional spaces – in example the former bank hall with beautiful vaulted ceilings, goldens pillars and neat details in glass, wood and wrought iron. These details, and other distinctive features of the building, is a part of the respectful restoration of the spaces just like the renovation of the building is implemented with respect of its history and original architecture – ie the beautiful coffered ceiling in one of the rooms was found during the process, and brought back to its original shape.


Throughout the entire process, our aim has been to preserve the original architecture, while still revitalizing the building with new functions. The main architectural thrust has been to open the property towards the city with large, open shopfronts on the ground floor. On the office floors daylight conditions are optimized with big windows facing both the yard and the street – this is to ensure new, attractive and modern office- and retail facilities.


Furthermore, we have installed new skylights, a new elevator and front stairs to create a new entrance without difference in level from the street. The outer areas are also optimized and new roof terraces are created on several floors. In the yard each facade will be decorated with hanging gardens, and the courtyard area will be designed to contain different activities. Today, several of the building’s spaces house the Danish design brand Paustian, which moved into a new shop measuring 1.300 m2 in December 2018.




照片摄影:Mads Frederik


机械工程:Oluf Jørgensen

合作方:Aktikon | Revco

Architects: Årstiderne Arkitekter

Location: Niels Hemmingsens Gade, København, Denmark

Category: Renovation

Photographs: Mads Frederik

Clients: PFA

Engineering: Oluf Jørgensen

Collaborators: Aktikon | Revco


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