

 七烟 2019-08-15


佳士得 中国早期金银器精粹






拍品 501 春秋 金嵌松石羝形饰

估价 USD 30,000 - USD 50,000


George Eumorfopoulos (1863-1939) Collection.
Sotheby's London, 28 May 1940, lot 504.
Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK21.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 6.

拍品 502 公元前六/前五世纪 金镂空豹形圆饰

估价 USD 4,000 - USD 6,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no.CK23.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 3 (part).

拍品 503 公元前六/前五世纪 金镂空蹲麈形饰一组四件

估价 USD 25,000 - USD 35,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK25 and CK26.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 2 and lot 3 (part).

拍品 504 公元前三世纪 金兽首纹环饰

估价 USD 1,000 - USD 1,500


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953. no. CK27.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 9.

拍品 505 公元前三世纪 铸金六鳥首形釦

估价 USD 6,000 - USD 8,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK29.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 11.

拍品 506 公元前一/公元三世纪 金四兽首饰

估价 USD 10,000 - USD 15,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK33.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 31.

拍品 507 战国晚期 金蟠虺纹圆饰

估价 USD 6,000 - USD 8,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK5.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 18.

拍品 508 战国/西汉 金鹅首形带钩

估价 USD 20,000 - USD 30,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK12.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 21.

拍品 509 公元前五/前三世纪 金彘形饰一对

估价 USD 40,000 - USD 60,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK24.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 1.

拍品 510 东周 金及玉蟠龙纹饰牌一组十件

估价 USD 20,000 - USD 30,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK2.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 20.

拍品 511 公元前六世纪末/前五世纪初 金嵌绿松石镂空蟠虺纹刀鞘首

估价 USD 300,000 - USD 500,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK1.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 19.

拍品 512 春秋 金虎首形饰

估价 USD 60,000 - USD 80,000


C. T. Loo & Co., New York, before 1941.
Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK4.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 13.

拍品 513 战国晚朝 银鸟首形小碗

估价 USD 60,000 - USD 80,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK76.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 22.

拍品 514 东汉 金珠两颗

估价 USD 5,000 - USD 7,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK13.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 37.

拍品 515 战国晚朝/汉 铸金蟠龙纹钮饰

估价 USD 20,000 - USD 30,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK11.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 7.

拍品 516 公元前五/前四世纪或以后 金虎首形饰一对

估价 USD 6,000 - USD 8,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK30.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 10.

拍品 517 东汉/六朝 金镂空龙纹饰残片一组四件

估价 USD 2,000 - USD 3,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK15.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 35.

拍品 518 战国 金环饰

估价 USD 1,000 - USD 1,500


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK10.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 8.

拍品 519 春秋 铜贴金涡纹圆饰

估价 USD 1,000 - USD 1,500


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK7.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 16.

拍品 520 战国末/汉 铜贴金嵌玻璃圆饰一对

估价 USD 3,000 - USD 5,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK6.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 15.

拍品 521 春秋 青铜铸金三兽首环形饰

估价 USD 10,000 - USD 15,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no.CK3.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 12.

拍品 522 春秋 金箔鸟首蛇纹形饰

估价 USD 3,000 - USD 5,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK9.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 14.

拍品 523 汉 金箔瑞兽纹饰

估价 USD 3,000 - USD 5,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK14.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 36.

拍品 524 东汉/六朝 金箔镂空双鹿纹饰

估价 USD 4,000 - USD 6,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK31.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 5.

拍品 525 东汉/晋 粟金提梁小瓶

估价 USD 40,000 - USD 60,000


The George Eumorfopoulos (1863-1939) Collection.
Sotheby's London, 5-6 June 1940, lot 503.
Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK16.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 38.

拍品 526 东汉末/六朝初或以后 贴金箔西王母出巡图铁镜

估价 USD 40,000 - USD 60,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK32.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 34.

拍品 527 唐 银局部鎏金镂空狮纹钗一对

估价 USD 4,000 - USD 6,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1954.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 79.

拍品 528 东汉/六朝 金饰一组四件

估价 USD 30,000 - USD 50,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK20.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 39.

拍品 529 公元前五世纪 锡铜弦纹带饰

估价 USD 500 - USD 700


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 95.

拍品 530 战国/西汉 银八角形接环

估价 USD 2,000 - USD 3,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK84.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 26.

拍品 531 汉或以后 银局部鎏金镂空龙鸟纹带钩

估价 USD 10,000 - USD 15,000


C. T. Loo & Co., New York, before 1941.
Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK82.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 23.

拍品 532 东汉/六朝 银铺首一对

估价 USD 8,000 - USD 12,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK83.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 27.

拍品 533 战国 银刻卷纹马饰

估价 USD 4,000 - USD 6,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK77.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 17.

拍品 534 战国晚朝/西汉 银兽首形带钩

估价 USD 3,000 - USD 5,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no.CK80.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 28.

拍品 535 战国晚朝/西汉 银兽首形带钩

估价 USD 1,000 - USD 1,500


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK 81.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 29.

拍品 536 公元前四/前三世纪 银兽首形饰

估价 USD 5,000 - USD 7,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK86.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 30.

拍品 537 汉 银瑞兽形带钩

估价 USD 30,000 - USD 50,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK85.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 33.

拍品 538 战国晚期/西汉 银龙首形带钩

估价 USD 6,000 - USD 8,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK78.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 24.

拍品 539 战国晚期/西汉 银鸟首形带钩

估价 USD 3,000 - USD 5,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK79.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 25.

拍品 540 唐 银镂空花鸟纹香囊

估价 USD 60,000 - USD 80,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK96.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 57.

拍品 541 唐 银刻花鸟纹小圆盖盒

估价 USD 7,000 - USD 9,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK112.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 83.

拍品 542 唐 银局部鎏金花卉纹小圆盖盒

估价 USD 3,000 - USD 5,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK92.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 82.

拍品 543晚唐/辽 银凤穿花纹八稜杯

估价 USD 8,000 - USD 12,000


Mrs. Christian R. Holmes (1871-1941) Collection, New York.
Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK104.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 45.

拍品 544 唐 银錾刻鸳鸯纹盖盒

估价 USD 25,000 - USD 35,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK94.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 42.

拍品 545 唐 银錾刻卷草葡萄纹高足杯

估价 USD 40,000 - USD 60,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK102.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 47.

拍品 546 唐 银錾刻卷草纹杯

估价 USD 50,000 - USD 70,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK90.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 43.

拍品 547 唐 金银箔鸟兽形饰一组三十二件

估价 USD 30,000 - USD 50,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, nos. CK43 and CK123.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 70.

拍品 548 唐 银局部鎏金镂空鸳鸯莲纹钗一对

估价 USD 40,000 - USD 60,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK126.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 52.

拍品 549 唐 银錾刻花花纹高足花口杯

估价 USD 50,000 - USD 70,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK110.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 40.

拍品 550 唐 银局部鎏金錾刻莲纹盖罐

估价 USD 50,000 - USD 70,000


C. T. Loo & Co., New York, before 1941.
Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK93.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 63.

拍品 551 唐 银局部鎏金花鸟纹莲瓣式碗

估价 USD 2,000,000 - USD 3,000,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK117.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 54.

拍品 552 唐 银镂空鹦鹉纹香囊

估价 USD 100,000 - USD 150,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK97.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 56.

拍品 553 唐 银錾刻花鸟纹花形勺

估价 USD 40,000 - USD 60,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK105.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 62.

拍品 554 唐 银局部鎏金錾刻雁穿花纹四曲小长杯

估价 USD 50,000 - USD 70,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK95.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 53.

拍品 555 银錾刻卷草飞鸟纹剪

估价 USD 6,000 - USD 8,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. 106.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 67.

拍品 556 银錾刻卷草飞鸟纹剪

估价 USD 6,000 - USD 8,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK107.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 68.

拍品 557 唐 银錾刻卷草纹勺

估价 USD 10,000 - USD 15,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK101.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 65.

拍品 558 唐 银花鸟纹莲瓣式小高足杯

估价 USD 50,000 - USD 70,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK111.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 71.

拍品 559 唐 银局部鎏金刻卷草纹小圆盖盒

估价 USD 8,000 - USD 12,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK91.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 84.

拍品 560 唐 银高足杯

估价 USD 40,000 - USD 60,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 58.

拍品 561 唐 银镯

估价 USD 1,000 - USD 1,500


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 94.

拍品 562 唐 金錾刻花鸟纹镯

估价 USD 20,000 - USD 30,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK44.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 46.

拍品 563 十/十三世纪或更晚 金累丝花鸟纹钗一对

估价 USD 30,000 - USD 50,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK45.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 91.

拍品 564 唐 银局部鎏金锤鍱花鸟纹篦

估价 USD 10,000 - USD 15,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1965, no. CK 180B.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 50.

拍品 565 唐 银局部鎏金錾刻瑞兽纹小圆盖盒

估价 USD 12,000 - USD 18,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK121.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 81.

拍品 566 南宋/元 贴金刻花鸟纹嵌绿松石双刀及刀鞘

估价 USD 80,000 - USD 120,000


C. T. Loo & Co., New York, before 1941. 
Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK36.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 78.

拍品 567 宋/明 金鸳鸯形饰一对

估价 USD 2,000 - USD 3,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, nos. 48 and 64.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 86.

拍品 568 唐 金莲纹钗一对

估价 USD 8,000 - USD 12,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK51.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 88.

拍品 569 唐 金刻蠵龟花鸟纹小圆盖盒

估价 USD 30,000 - USD 50,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK41.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 80.

拍品 570 宋 金刻花纹盘

估价 USD 300,000 - USD 500,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. 52.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 106.

拍品 571 元 金刻缠枝牡丹纹龙首柄杯

估价 USD 600,000 - USD 800,000


Madame L. Wannieck Collection, Paris, before 1937.
Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK53A.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 104.

拍品 572 元 金刻牡丹纹盘

估价 USD 200,000 - USD 300,000


Madame L. Wannieck, Paris, before 1937.
Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK53B.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 102.

拍品 573 七/九世纪 金锤鍱马纹冠饰

估价 USD 60,000 - USD 80,000


Dr. Friedrich Perzyński Collection, Rissen/Holstein, Germany, before 1929.
Paul Cassirer/Hugo Helbing Berlin, Chinesische Goldgegenstände und Textilien aus dem Besitze von Dr. Friedrich Perzyński, Rissen-Holstein, 15 May 1929, lot 11.
Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK42.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver. 14 May 2008, lot 90.

拍品 574 十世纪 银镂空双鸾衔绶纹簪两件

估价 USD 4,000 - USD 6,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK149 and CK150.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 100.

拍品 575 唐 金嵌绿松石饰一组三件

估价 USD 4,000 - USD 6,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, nos. 37 and no. 38.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 85.

拍品 576 辽 金迦陵频伽形发簪饰

估价 USD 8,000 - USD 12,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK35.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 87.

拍品 577 清或更早 金錾刻卷草龙首纹勺

估价 USD 10,000 - USD 15,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 77.

拍品 578 明/清 金嵌玛瑙花形簪

估价 USD 4,000 - USD 6,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, CK62.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 113.

拍品 579 明/清 金嵌珍珠花形簪

估价 USD 4,000 - USD 6,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK61.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 112.

拍品 580 六朝 锡铜勺

估价 USD 3,000 - USD 5,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 72.

拍品 581 唐/宋 银錾刻双鱼海水纹勺

估价 USD 4,000 - USD 6,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK141.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 103.

拍品 582 宋/明 银錾刻福禄纹四曲碗

估价 USD 6,000 - USD 8,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 105.

拍品 583 金/元 银刻莲纹鋬耳洗

估价 USD 15,000 - USD 25,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK136.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 107.

拍品 584 唐/宋 银莲瓣纹高足杯

估价 USD 10,000 - USD 15,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 55.

拍品 585 宋 银光金属六瓣式盘一对

估价 USD 12,000 - USD 18,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK170.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 109.

拍品 586 宋/元 银瓜形带盖执壶

估价 USD 20,000 - USD 30,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK137.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 108.

拍品 587 十世纪 银錾刻龙鸟纹舍利棺

估价 USD 20,000 - USD 30,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 101.

拍品 588 元 银钗一组四件

估价 USD 5,000 - USD 7,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 111.

拍品 589 明/清 十七/十八世纪 银銀簪一组两件

估价 USD 1,000 - USD 1,500


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, nos. CK161 and CK162.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 110.

拍品 590 银兽形带钩

估价 USD 4,000 - USD 6,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK147.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 32.

拍品 591 银神兽纹凤首带钩

估价 USD 6,000 - USD 8,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 124.

拍品 592 宋 银局部鎏金浮雕梅花纹耳挖

估价 USD 2,000 - USD 4,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 97.

拍品 593 唐或更晚 银箸一对

估价 USD 3,000 - USD 5,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no.CK129.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 96.

拍品 594 宋 银镂空卷草童子纹篦

估价 USD 2,000 - USD 3,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK143.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 93.

拍品 595 唐/宋 金刻花鸟纹鞍形钗一对

估价 USD 10,000 - USD 15,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK46.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 89.

拍品 596 宋/元 金镂空牡丹龙纹及竹节纹钗一组两件

估价 USD 20,000 - USD 30,000


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, nos. CK63 and CK28.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 114.

拍品 597 明/清 银锤鍱人物故事图牌

估价 USD 1,000 - USD 1,500


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK165.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 117.

拍品 598 明/清 银局部鎏金锤鍱八仙图牌

估价 USD 600 - USD 800


Dr. Johan Carl Kempe (1884-1967) Collection, Sweden, before 1953, no. CK164.
Sotheby's London, Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork. Early Gold and Silver, 14 May 2008, lot 116.

拍品 599 清 银盘肠花叶纹耳环一对

估价 USD 3,000 - USD 5,000


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