

 skysun000001 2019-09-03

全世界的自闭症发病率都在上升,一项研究指出这主要是由于临床诊断方式的变化。事实上,今天被诊断为自闭症的患者和健康人群的差异在不断缩小,按照这一趋势,两者之间的界限将在 10 年内完全消失。



翻译  页一

审校/编辑  李光昭

全世界被诊断为自闭症患者的人数正在上升。在美国,自闭症的患病率已经从 1966 年的 0.05% 上升到今天的 2% 以上。在魁北克(Quebec),报告显示自闭症患病率接近 2%,根据该省公共卫生部门发表的一篇论文,自 2000 年以来,蒙特雷吉( Montérégie)的患病率每年增长 24% 。

然而,蒙特利尔大学(Université de Montréal)精神病学系教授、蒙特利尔岛北部斯维斯河床精神卫生医院(Hôpital en santé mentale de Rivière-des-Prairies of the CIUSSS du Nord-de-l'Île-de-Montréal)的精神科医生劳伦特·莫顿(Laurent Mottron)教授对这一数据持谨慎保留态度。

他的研究团队在对自闭症患者数据进行 Meta 分析后,发现自闭症患者与非自闭症患者之间的差异实际上正在缩小。

这项研究于 2019 年 8 月 21 日发表在精神病学领域知名期刊《美国医学会杂志-精神病学》杂志( JAMA Psychiatry )上。鉴于这项研究结果的重要性,该研究也是这期杂志社论的主题。


莫顿教授与哥本哈根大学(University of Copenhagen)的实习生艾亚-米斯特·罗德伽德(Eya-Mist Rødgaard),以及其他四个来自法国、丹麦和蒙特利尔的研究人员共同合作,回顾了 11 篇从 1966 年至 2019 年间发表的文章,这些文章对来自近 23000 名自闭症患者数据进行了 Meta 分析 (元分析)。



他们发现,过去的 50 年里,在每个受评估的特性中,自闭症患者和非自闭症患者之间的表现差异都在减小。事实上,在这七个方面中,有五个方面的数据的效应量表现出显著降低(从 45% 到 80% 不等),而仅有的两项未显示出明显降低的特性,分别是抑制性控制能力和认知灵活性。

莫顿说:“这意味着从各种角度上看,被纳入研究的自闭症患者和非自闭症患者的相似度都越来越高。如果这种趋势持续下去,那么自闭症患者和普通人群之间的客观差异将在不到 10 年的时间内消失。自闭症的定义可能会因变得太过模糊而失去意义—— 忽略了特定条件 —— 因为我们越来越多地将相同的诊断方式应用于与普通人群几乎无异的自闭症患者。”




他说:“自闭症的三个诊断标准都与社交能力有关。50 年前,人们认为自闭症患者的症状之一是明显缺乏对他人的兴趣。而如今,该定义被简化为朋友比别人少。其实,对他人的兴趣程度可以通过多种方式来衡量,例如眼神交流,然而害羞也会导致‘非自闭症患者’不愿与他人进行眼神交流。”

更复杂的是,“自闭症”一词已经失宠,取而代之的是“自闭症谱系障碍”(autism spectrum disorder),这表明人们对自闭症有了新的看法,认为有各种不同形式的紊乱状态存在。这就使得一些人质疑自闭症是否真的存在。






【标题】Temporal Changes in Effect Sizes of Studies Comparing Individuals With and Without Autism

【作者】Eya-Mist Rødgaard et al.

【时间】21 August 2019


Importance:The definition and nature of autism have been highly debated, as exemplified by several revisions of the DSM (DSM-III, DSM-IIIR, DSM-IV, and DSM-5) criteria. There has recently been a move from a categorical view toward a spectrum-based view. These changes have been accompanied by a steady increase in the prevalence of the condition. Changes in the definition of autism that may increase heterogeneity could affect the results of autism research; specifically, a broadening of the population with autism could result in decreasing effect sizes of group comparison studies.

Objective:To examine the correlation between publication year and effect size of autism-control group comparisons across several domains of published autism neurocognitive research.

Data Sources:This meta-analysis investigated 11 meta-analyses obtained through a systematic search of PubMed for meta-analyses published from January 1, 1966, through January 27, 2019, using the search string autism AND (meta-analysis OR meta-analytic). The last search was conducted on January 27, 2019.

Study Selection:Meta-analyses were included if they tested the significance of group differences between individuals with autism and control individuals on a neurocognitive construct. Meta-analyses were only included if the tested group difference was significant and included data with a span of at least 15 years.

Data Extraction and Synthesis:Data were extracted and analyzed according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) reporting guideline using fixed-effects models.

Main Outcomes and Measures:Estimated slope of the correlation between publication year and effect size, controlling for differences in methods, sample size, and study quality.

Results:The 11 meta-analyses included data from a total of 27 723 individuals. Demographic data such as sex and age were not available for the entire data set. Seven different psychological and neurologic constructs were analyzed based on data from these meta-analyses. Downward temporal trends for effect size were found for all constructs (slopes: –0.067 to –0.003), with the trend being significant in 5 of 7 cases: emotion recognition (slope: –0.028 [95% CI, –0.048 to –0.007]), theory of mind (–0.045 [95% CI, –0.066 to –0.024]), planning (–0.067 [95% CI, –0.125 to –0.009]), P3b amplitude (–0.048 [95% CI, –0.093 to –0.004]), and brain size (–0.047 [95% CI, –0.077 to –0.016]). In contrast, 3 analogous constructs in schizophrenia, a condition that is also heterogeneous but with no reported increase in prevalence, did not show a similar trend.

Conclusions and Relevance:The findings suggest that differences between individuals with autism and those without the diagnosis have decreased over time and that possible changes in the definition of autism from a narrowly defined and homogenous population toward an inclusive and heterogeneous population may reduce our capacity to build mechanistic models of the condition.


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