

 昵称21399464 2019-10-09
□ I could's believe that the new building should be so splendid.


Situation B How to reply to the

exclamation 怎样回复感叹

□ Don't make a fuss(about/over it). 别大惊小怪的。

□ It's nothing. 没什么了不起的。

□ It's just so-so. 很平常,很一般。

□ Really? 真的吗?

□ Thank you. 谢谢。

□ Yes,they's really beautiful. 是的,它们真的很漂亮。

□ I'm glad to hear it. 听你这么说我很高兴。

□ I'm glad you like it. 很高兴你喜欢它。

□ It's a storm in a tea cup. 小题大作;大惊小怪。

□ To be honest,… 说实话……

□ Honestly,… 实话说……

□ Is it true? 真的吗?

□ Is it really that good? 真那么好吗?

□ Is it just as what you said? 真像你说的那样吗?

文字Situation C How to express disappointment 怎样表达失望

□ What a depressing result! 这个结果太令人沮丧了!

□ What a shame! 真可惜!

□ How a pity! 真遗憾!

□ How disappointed I was! 我太失望了!

□ How could I do such a silly thing? 我怎么能做这种傻事呢?

□ How could all this happen to me? 这一切怎么偏偏发生在我身上呢?

□ How clumsy I am! 你看我笨手笨脚的!

□ Why are you so depressed? 你为什么那么垂头丧气?

□ Why are you in poor spirits? 你为什么情绪不高?

□ I was disappointed with my present jot. 我对我现在的工作不满意。

□ I was disappointed at hearing that they had been defeated.


□ I was rather dissatisfied with my performance. 我对自己的成绩不满意。

□ I was dismayed to learn that they had lost the game again.


□ I was rather sick at missing the football match.


□ I was sick of eating it every day. 每天都吃它,我都吃腻了。

□ I'm sorry to hear that. 听到那条消息很遗憾。

□ I'm down in spirits. 我情绪不好。

□ I'm in low spirits today. 我今天情绪低落。

□ I have no mood to work now. 我现在没情绪工作。

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