

 静初斋 2019-10-18

纽伯里学院(Newbury College)的布鲁克林校区(Brookline)校园对年轻人来说是个长期的地方,现在将成为老年人的地方。


在不断增加的财务压力和入学人数下降的情况下,纽伯里大学是一连串小型大学中最新的一家,它们将在大波士顿关闭。但是,就像牛顿附近的艾达山学院一样,它坐落在宝贵的房地产上。纽伯里(Newbury)的校园藏在克利夫兰环岛(Cleveland Circle)附近的一百万美元以上的房屋中,引发了众多潜在买家的兴趣,但也面临着在那里建房的潜在限制。


房地产公司高力(Colliers)的高级副总裁克里斯·索尔(Chris Sower)说:“这非常有竞争力。” “最后,它归结为两种不同的潜在用途。”


Welltower has offered to sell the other part — a parking lot and classroom building on the west side of Fisher Avenue — to the town, Greene said. Brookline has hired architects to study its potential re-use as either a school or administrative or recreational facilities for the town, Greene said, and will negotiate a price once the architects have a plan. A community meeting is scheduled for later this month.


Either way, Greene said, town officials were glad the campus wound up in the hands of an established company.

“I think it’s a great outcome,” Greene said. “They’re a first-class buyer. The management we’ve met with seem like straight shooters and serious. They’re people we can work with.”

And the deal effectively closes the books on Newbury, a small liberal arts school that served a largely low-income population of some 600 students, many of whom were the first in their families to attend college.

In recent years, tuition had risen to about $34,000, and enrollment had fallen by approximately one-quarter in the last five years. In December, the school said it would close at the end of the 2018-2019 school year.

Proceeds from the sale — which was reviewed by Attorney General Maura Healey’s office — will more than cover Newbury’s existing debt. Financial statements from 2017 indicate the school owed $5.1 million in outstanding bonds and $2.3 million on a line of credit with its bank.

纽伯里(Newbury)副总裁兼参谋长保罗·马丁(Paul Martin)在一份声明中说,所得款项还将用于为教职员工提供遣散费。马丁说,这所学校的剩余资产“将被分配给马萨诸塞州的另一所学院或大学”,这一过程也需要希利的审查。


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