
政观快递 | Annual Review of Political Science Vol. 22, 2019(上)

 政文观止 2021-01-27

期刊简介:《政治学年鉴》(Annual Review of Political Science)自1998年出版以来,其内容涵盖了政治学领域的重大进展,包括政治理论和哲学、国际关系、政治经济学、政治行为、美国和比较政治、公共管理和政策以及方法论等。根据 Journal Citation Reports显示,其2018年的影响因子为3.915,在176种政治科学类期刊中排名第6位(6/176)。


1. 对话西达·斯考克波

A Conversation with Theda Skocpol

2. 发达民主国家中的中右翼政党

Center-Right Political Parties in Advanced Democracies

3. 美国规章制定的政治分析

The Politics of Rulemaking in the United States

4. 瘾品与战争:它们之间是何种关系?

Drugs and War: What Is the Relationship?

5. 特惠贸易协定的经济与政治分析

The Economics and Politics of Preferential Trade Agreements

6. 言论自由与言论仇恨

Free Speech and Hate Speech

7. 民粹主义的政治学理论

Political Theory of Populism

8. 情感极化在美国的起源与后果  

The Origins and Consequences of Affective Polarization in the United States

9. 理解国际制度的设计

Making Sense of the Design of International Institutions

10. 住房政治

The Politics of Housing


题目:A Conversation with Theda Skocpol

作者:Theda Skocpol,当代著名历史社会学家,哈佛大学政府系和社会学系Victor S. Thomas讲席教授。

摘要:2017年12月斯考克波在哈佛大学接受了采访。斯考克波教授目前是哈佛大学政府系和社会学系的Victor S. Thomas讲席教授,她是政治科学等领域诸多专著和论文的作者,这些代表作有《国家与社会革命》、《保卫士兵与母亲》、《消弭的民主:从美国公民生活的成员到管理》以及与瓦奈萨·威廉姆森(Vanessa Williamson)合作的《茶党与共和党保守主义的重构》等。斯考克波曾先后担任美国政治学会和社会科学历史学会主席。由于其杰出贡献,她被选为美国人文与艺术科学院院士、美国哲学学会会士以及美国科学院院士,并曾斩获约翰·斯凯特奖(Johan Skytte Prize)。加州大学伯克利分校政治学系Jeffrey & Ashley McDermott讲席教授埃里克·施克勒(Eric Schickler)采访了斯考克波本人,本文刊发的是编辑后的文字稿,专访的视频链接地址为https://www./r/theda-skocpol.

An interview with Theda Skocpol took place at Harvard University in December 2017. Professor Skocpol is the Victor S. Thomas Professor of Government and Sociology at Harvard University. Skocpol is the author of numerous books and articles well known in political science and beyond, including States and Social Revolutions, Protecting Soldiers and Mothers, Diminished Democracy: From Membership to Management in American Civic Life, and The Tea Party and the Remaking of Republican Conservatism (the latter coauthored with Vanessa Williamson). Skocpol has served as President of the American Political Science Association and the Social Science History Association. Among her honors, she is an elected member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the American Philosophical Society, and the National Academy of Sciences, and she was awarded the Johan Skytte Prize in Political Science. She was interviewed by Eric Schickler, the Jeffrey & Ashley McDermott Professor of Political Science at the University of California, Berkeley. The following is an edited transcript; a video of the entire interview can be viewed at https://www./r/theda-skocpol.


题目:Center-Right Political Parties in Advanced Democracies

作者:Noam Gidron,希伯来大学政治科学系助理教授;Daniel Ziblatt,哈佛大学政府系Eaton讲席教授。


This review proposes a comparative research agenda on center-right parties in advanced democracies, bringing together research in American and comparative politics. Political scientists have recently closely examined the decline of the center-left and the rise of the radical right but have paid less attention to the weakening of center-right parties. Yet cohesive center-right parties have facilitated political stability and compromises, while their disintegration has empowered radical challengers. After presenting an overview of right-wing politics in Western democracies and weighing different definitions of the electoral right, we discuss two factors that shape variations in center-right cohesion: organizational robustness of center-right partisan institutions and the (un)bundling of conservative mass attitudes on different policy dimensions. Last, we argue that a full account of the rise of the radical right cannot focus solely on the strategies of the center-left but must incorporate also the choices, opportunities, and constraints of center-right parties.


题目:The Politics of Rulemaking in the United States

作者:Susan Webb Yackee,威斯康星·麦迪逊大学La Follette公共事务学院院长、 Collins-Bascom讲席教授。


Rulemaking is a critical part of American government and governance. This article reviews the political underpinnings of modern rulemaking. Specifically, it highlights the process and impact of agency regulations, as well as the key tools used by the legislature, elected executive, and courts to oversee the rulemaking process. The article also reviews who participates in the rulemaking process, as well as who influences regulatory content. Finally, new directions in regulatory policymaking are explored, including data collection advancements, as well as the potential role for guidance documents as replacements for more traditionally issued notice and comment regulations.


题目:Drugs and War: What Is the Relationship?

作者:Peter Andreas,布朗大学Watston国际与公共事务学院John Hay讲席教授。


What is the relationship between psychoactive drugs and war? This review article identifies and traces five key dimensions of this relationship: war while on drugs, war for drugs, war through drugs, war against drugs, and drugs after war. The review provides empirical illustrations across times, places, and drugs to demonstrate the importance of each of these dimensions. Political scientists and other scholars have typically either ignored the drugs–war relationship or focused on only one dimension. The common tendency is to privilege illegal drugs such as cocaine and heroin in the contemporary era over the historical centrality of legal drugs such as tobacco and alcohol in relation to armed conflict. Placing both history and a wider range of drugs (legal and illegal) front and center in the analysis provides a corrective that allows for a fuller and richer understanding of the multiple linkages between psychoactive substances and warfare. It also suggests that as a counterbalance to contemporary accounts stressing the growing threat posed by drug-financed violent nonstate actors, we should recognize the many ways in which the centuries-old nexus between drugs and war has also been about statecraft and the pursuit of the state's strategic objectives.


题目:The Economics and Politics of Preferential Trade Agreements

作者:Leonardo Baccini,麦吉尔大学政治学系副教授


The number of preferential trade agreements (PTAs) has skyrocketed over the past 20 years. In addition to reducing barriers at the border, modern PTAs remove many behind-the-border barriers by regulating foreign direct investment (FDI), liberalizing services, and protecting intellectual property rights. This article surveys the literature explaining the formation of PTAs and their consequences. Regarding the formation of PTAs, studies have gradually moved from exploring the macro-foundation of preferential liberalization to focusing on the micro-foundation of PTAs, relying on industry- and firm-level data. Regarding the effect of PTAs, there is robust evidence that PTAs substantively increase trade flows and FDI and are associated with economic reforms in developing countries, though the general welfare effect of preferential liberalization remains largely unexplored. I make some concrete suggestions on avenues toward which to push the research on PTAs. In particular, I argue that scholars interested in PTAs would benefit from engaging in debate about the distributional consequences of trade liberalization, which not only informs much of the current academic and policy research but also features in political debates taking place in democratic polities.


题目:Free Speech and Hate Speech

作者:Jeffrey W. Howard,伦敦大学学院公共政策学院助理教授


Should hate speech be banned? This article contends that the debate on this question must be disaggregated into discrete analytical stages, lest its participants continue to talk past one another. The first concerns the scope of the moral right to freedom of expression, and whether hate speech falls within the right’s protective ambit. If it does, hate speech bans are necessarily unjust. If not, we turn to the second stage, which assesses whether speakers have moral duties to refrain from hate speech. The article canvasses several possible duties from which such a duty could be derived, including duties not to threaten, harass, offend, defame, or incite. If there is a duty to refrain from hate speech, it is yet a further question whether the duty should actually be enforced. This third stage depends on pragmatic concerns involving epistemic fallibility, the abuse of state power, and the benefits of counter-speech over coercion.


题目:Political Theory of Populism

作者:Nadia Urbinati,哥伦比亚大学政治学系Kyriakos Tsakopoulos讲席教授。


Populism is the name of a global phenomenon whose definitional precariousness is proverbial. It resists generalizations and makes scholars of politics comparativist by necessity, as its language and content are imbued with the political culture of the society in which it arises. A rich body of socio-historical analyses allows us to situate populism within the global phenomenon called democracy, as its ideological core is nourished by the two main entities—the nation and the people—that have fleshed out popular sovereignty in the age of democratization. Populism consists in a transmutation of the democratic principles of the majority and the people in a way that is meant to celebrate one subset of the people as opposed to another, through a leader embodying it and an audience legitimizing it. This may make populism collide with constitutional democracy, even if its main tenets are embedded in the democratic universe of meanings and language. In this article, I illustrate the context-based character of populism and how its cyclical appearances reflect the forms of representative government. I review the main contemporary interpretations of the concept and argue that some basic agreement now exists on populism's rhetorical character and its strategy for achieving power in democratic societies. Finally, I sketch the main characteristics of populism in power and explain how it tends to transform the fundamentals of democracy: the people and the majority, elections, and representation.


题目:The Origins and Consequences of Affective Polarization in the United States

作者:Shanto Iyengar,斯坦福大学政治学系教授;Yphtach Lelkes,宾夕法尼亚大学Annenberg传播学院助理教授;Matthew Levendusky,宾夕法尼亚大学政治学系教授;Neil Malhotra,斯坦福大学商学院教授;Sean J. Westwood,达特茅斯学院政府系助理教授。


While previously polarization was primarily seen only in issue-based terms, a new type of division has emerged in the mass public in recent years: Ordinary Americans increasingly dislike and distrust those from the other party. Democrats and Republicans both say that the other party’s members are hypocritical, selfish, and closed-minded, and they are unwilling to socialize across party lines. This phenomenon of animosity between the parties is known as affective polarization. We trace its origins to the power of partisanship as a social identity, and explain the factors that intensify partisan animus. We also explore the consequences of affective polarization, highlighting how partisan affect influences attitudes and behaviors well outside the political sphere. Finally, we discuss strategies that might mitigate partisan discord and conclude with suggestions for future work.


题目:Making Sense of the Design of International Institutions

作者:Erik Voeten,乔治城大学Edmund A. Walsh外事学院及政府系合聘教授。


The design of international institutions varies in many ways: Institutions can be more or less formal, flexible, independent, precise, inclusive, centralized, and so on. This article classifies theoretical efforts to make sense of these similarities and differences. First, some theories focus on the bargains or contracts that attempt to construct equilibrium behavior while other theories analyze institutional design as a dynamic process. Second, theories vary in whether they understand institutional design as a response to the environment in which institutions operate or as a function of the incentives, interests, values, initiatives, and power of the actors that created the institutions. The article discusses four ideal-typical theoretical approaches that fit in each quadrant of the resulting 2×2 typology: rational functionalist, distributive rationalist, historical institutionalist, and structural process theories. These approaches identify different causes for suboptimal or even dysfunctional institutional design: domestic politics, power politics, path dependence, and culture. The conclusion discusses how these theories can help us make sense of current challenges to institutions and their design.


题目:The Politics of Housing

作者:Ben W. Ansell,牛津大学Nuffield学院比较民主制度教授


Owning a house is the most important economic choice most families will ever make. Yet, our understanding of the political causes and consequences of homeownership is rather thin. This review argues that political scientists need to take housing much more seriously, not least because of the unprecedented surges and collapses of house prices over the past two decades. The housing market is both a proxy for and a cause of growing social cleavages that shape how citizens view political issues from the size of the welfare state to the attractiveness of populist campaigns. The articles begins by reexamining classic work on property from the nineteenth century as a still-relevant guide to the winners and losers from property market shocks and regulations. It then turns to the postwar era and work that suggests that the welfare state and property ownership are in some sense substitutes. It concludes by examining the role housing plays in shaping contemporary political preferences, both as a direct measure of individuals’ wealth and welfare and as a proxy for the relative fortunes of different places.




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