

 叶老师YP 2019-10-23




This series of reports explores new forms of teaching, learning, and assessment for an interactive world, to guide teachers and policy makers in productive innovation. This seventh report proposes ten innovations that are already in currency but have not yet had a profound influence on education. To produce the report, a group of academics at the Institute of Educational Technology in The Open University collaborated with researchers from Norway s Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology (SLATE). We proposed a long list of new educational terms, theories, and practices.We then pared these down to ten that have the potential to provoke major shifts in educational practice. Lastly, we drew on published and unpublished writings to compile the ten sketches of new pedagogies that might transform education. These are summarized below in approximate order of immediacy and timescale to widespread implementation. 


1.Playful learning: 


There are many advantages to play in learning, both for children and adults. It is not simply an activity to help young children develop. It evokes creativity, imagination, and happiness. It also has life-long benefits. Playful learning has a focus on the process more than the outcome and allows for exploration of different issues from a variety of perspectives. There are many different ways to support playful learning. These include play-based approaches to teaching, designing digital games for learning, and developing playful values through participation in spaces that allow experimentation and positive failure. Play provides an important contrast to an increasing focus on memorization, testing, and performance in education, all of which reduce opportunities for active exploration. 


2.Learning with robots: 


Conversations that facilitate and enable learning are an essential part of education. Skilled teachers engage in frequent conversations with their learners. These interactions take time but intelligent software assistants and robots can help. These machines set new expectations for what can be achieved. For example, they can help a learner understand something by providing a partner for conversation who is always available. They can assist teachers by responding quickly to frequent queries or by helping them with assessment. This can free teachers to redirect their energy towards essentially human tasks, such as exercising judgement and providing emotional support. Robots are also becoming capable of learning through interaction and conversation with a human tutor. Once they understand humans sufficiently well, this approach could be used for skill-based assessments. 


3.Decolonising learning: 


A curriculum provides a way of identifying the knowledge we value. It structures the ways in which we are taught to think and talk about the world. As education has become increasingly global, communities have challenged the widespread assumption that the most valuable knowledge and the most valuable ways of teaching and learning come from a single European tradition. Decolonizing learning prompts us to consider everything we study from new perspectives. It draws attention to how often the only world view presented to learners is male, white, and European. This isn’t simply about removing some content from the curriculum and replacing it with new content – it’s about considering multiple perspectives and making space to think carefully about what we value. Decolonizing learning helps us to recognize, understand, and challenge the ways in which our world is shaped by colonialism. It also prompts us to examine our professional practices. It is an approach that includes indigenous knowledge and ways of learning, enabling students to explore themselves and their values and to define success on their own terms. 


4.Drone-based learning: 


Drones are small devices that can be controlled remotely and made to carry out various tasks, either while in the air or once they have landed. Typically, they are used to take photographs or make videos. Learners can use them to look inside inaccessible places or to see a landscape from different angles. Using drones, students can collect data in places that would otherwise be difficult or dangerous to access. The use of drones helps learners to develop new skills, including planning routes and interpreting visual clues in the landscape. This enriches exploration of many physical spaces. Drone- based learning also stimulates valuable discussion around how emerging technologies can be used responsibly in learning spaces beyond the classroom.


5.Learning through wonder: 


A wondrous event, such as seeing a brilliant rainbow or a majestic mountain waterfall, creates an experience that provokes interest and curiosity. By questioning and investigating encounters in the everyday world, a child’s desire to understand leads to learning. A nature walk can reveal patterns, such as spirals, fractals, waves, bubbles, and cracks that are at once beautiful and open to mathematical modelling. Visual illusions and magic tricks with familiar objects can provoke questions of causality, action at a distance, and free will. Such wondrous encounters motivate learners to see a phenomenon from many different perspectives. Teachers can include wonder in learning activities through magic shows, object lessons, nature tables, cabinets of curiosities, and outdoor quests, as well as through literature that evokes a sense of wonder


6.Action learning: 


Action learning is a team-based approach to professional development that addresses real and immediate problems. The approach was developed for workplace learning and is now being used more widely. Its aims are to improve existing skills and to solve problems that are significant to those taking part. Learners work in small groups with a trained facilitator. The groups contain a diverse set of people with different interests and experiences. Each learner introduces a problem or issue of concern. By meeting regularly and sharing different perspectives, group members  find and apply solutions. In order to do this, they ask questions, share experiences, and reflect on their actions. 


7.Virtual studios: 


Virtual studios are a topic of great current interest. While they have existed as a concept for some time, understanding of how learning takes place in traditional and virtual studios has matured, and there is a growing confidence associated with the use and understanding of alternative studios. Virtual studios are not simply an online version of physical studios. They have their own educational value and offer new possibilities. The studio is changing, allowing different forms to emerge in education. For example, a globally distributed design, specification, and fabrication studio is no longer an impossibility – it is a probable future for design practice as well as education. Commercial examples have already been established. It is now important that educators reflect on how to make best use of this emerging technology. 


8.Place-based learning: 


Where learners are at a given time influences what they experience, their feelings, and their ways of thinking. These opportunities are limited if study always takes place in similar settings such as classrooms, lecture halls, or libraries. Place-based learning considers location to be a trigger for learning and an active part of how people learn. It is an approach that involves looking for learning opportunities within a local community and using the natural environment to inspire learners. It can support learning about a wide range of subjects, including Culture and History, Geography and Science. Mobile technologies are opening up new opportunities for place-based learning. They offer a sophisticated set of tools that can be used to support study outside the classroom. They also provide opportunities for adding virtual information to physical settings.


9.Making thinking visible: 


Learning becomes more effective when students can visualize their thinking. This can include setting goals, writing down the steps when solving a problem, and making annotations. Teachers can benefit from seeing students’ goals, concepts, and progress. Making thinking visible fits with a view of learning as a constructive activity. Students create knowledge by interacting with tools and resources. As they do so, they leave traces of their thinking in the form of written marks and interactions with digital media such as videos. Technology-enhanced assessment prompts students to show their working as they solve problems and receive automated feedback. Some systems also allow students to pose questions and discuss their progress with teachers and peers during a learning activity. These visible records of students’ personal and social learning can become resources for reflection. Teachers can see how each student is progressing towards mastery of a topic and can identify where students are blocked or have misunderstood a topic. 


10.Roots of empathy: 


Roots of Empathy is a classroom programme that is designed to teach children empathy. It prepares children aged 5 to 13 to interact with others healthily and constructively. It also prepares them to cope with different relationships in their lives. This programme is based on the principle that when children understand how they feel and how other people feel, they find it easier to cope in social situations. In order to help them to do this, Roots of Empathy develops their emotional understanding. Evaluations of the approach show that it decreases children s aggressive behaviour, improves social behaviour, and, due to its emphasis on the actions and feelings of babies, increases the knowledge children have about infant development.


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