

 长天一色海连天 2019-11-16

you've found the perfect job, but there's one thing standing in the way; the interview. 'what if i say something wrong?' you think. stop worryingl the good news is that many recruiters ask the same basic questions in their interviews. so with a little preparation, you can avoid putting your foot in your mouth and saying good bye fo your dream job


tell me about yourself介绍你自己

interviewers 0ffen start with this question remembe'they want to hear about your job skill , not your personal life don't say,“l was born m taipei,'l like to play computer games,“o r“l have two brofhers“tell them about your career growth,what you've leamed or how you've deveoped specific skill.

面试者常常以这样的问题开始。记得,他们想要听到的是你的工作技巧,不是你的个人生活。下要说:' i wa s bom ln talpel '、 ”i like fo play compute r games”、或是: i have fwo brothers”,告诉他们有关你职业生涯的发展,你学到的东西或是你是如何具体的某些工作枝巧。

what are your strengths?你有什么优点

go ahead, sell yourself! the key to this question is to give specific examples. avoid simply offering a list, like: 'l'm really organized, punctual and get along well with others.' follow up anything you mention with, 'for example…”and then explain how you demonstrated this quality in a previous job why are you interested in working for our company?

继续,自我推销!这个问题的关键是给出具体的例子。避免只是简单的列出几项,象:'i'm really organized, punctual and get along well with others”,接着具体的说到你刚才的提到的内容:”for


why are you interested in working for our company? 你为什么来我们公司工作感兴趣

employers want to know why you want to work for them. so show them you understand what the company does and that you're enthusiastic about the work. don't start with 'umm,'i don't know,'1f seemed like a good careermove,'or“l haven't been able to find anything else interesting.' keep in mind that the interviewer wants to know what you can bring to their company, not what the company can bring to you!

雇主们想要知道你为什么想为他们工作。因此就让他们了解你很清楚公司的运营模式蚁及你对此工作非常有积极性。不要以“umm'、 'l don't know'、 'it seemed like a good career move'、或是”1 haven't been able to find anything else interesting”。记得雇主们想知道你能带给公司什么,而不是公司能带给你什么!

why did you leave your last job?你为什么离开上一份工作

maybe your last job was terrible, but an interview is not the place to talk about it even if it's true, never make negative o r opinionated comments about your current or past employers or co-workers;“i didn't agree with the company's direction,''1 got no recognition for my work,' 'my boss was totally unreasonable.' statements like these make vou sound unreasonable!

可能你上一份工作非常的糟糕,但是面试并不是谈论的合适的场合。就算是真的,不要对你现有的或是过去的雇主或是同事进行负面或是武断的评论:”l didn't agree with the company's direction '、' i got norecogn…on for my work”、 ”my boss was totally unreasonable”,想这样的评论会让你听起来不可理喻。

do you have any questions for me? 你有什么问题要问我吗

interviewers usually finish an interview with this question. ask specific questions that show you already know a lot about the company, but want to know more. do not ask questions that you should already know the answers tolike, “what does your company do?' or, 'could you tell me your name again?' also, don't ask salary or vacation-related questions; 'when do you give raises?' 'how much vacation time can l expect?' save those questions for after you hear, 'we'd like to offer you the job.'

面试官通常以此问卷结束面试。询问具体的问题以显示你非常了解该公司,但却希望了解更多的内容。不要问那些你早就该知道答案的问题,象:”what does your company do?',或是”could you tellme your name again?'。此外,不要问薪水或是和假期相关的问题:”when do you give raises?'、'how much vacation time can l expect?”,在听到了他们告诉你”we'd like to offer you the job'才去问此类的问题。

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