
can't help to do(to可以省略吗)

 青葱忆 2019-12-01

A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language的作者们的解释是符合英语的实际情况的:“在help所使用的两种结构中,带to的结构在英国英语中更常见,而不带to的结构在美国英语中更常见”。另外,A.S.Hornby的建议对于我们也是很有帮助的:“对于学习英语的外国学生来说,在拿不准help之后是否用to时,用to总是不会错。” 

用作“帮助”解的时候,help 后面接不定式或宾语和不定式,不可接动名词,如可以说 This book will help to improve your English 和 This book will help you to improve your English。不可说 This book will help improving your English。那不定式的 to 往往省去,如 This book will help improve your English 和 This book will help you improve your English。这种省略在美国比在英国普通。但当 helped 用在被动语态的时候,后面的不定式的 to 不可省去。例如:You will be helped to improve your English. 

不可说 This book will help your improving your English,也不可说 This book will help you improving your English,该改作 This book will help you in improving your English。 


This book will help to improve your English. 

This book will help improve your English. 


This book will help you to improve your English. 

This book will help you improve your English. 

This book will help you in improving your English. 

但下面两句里的 to 通常不省去: 

This book will help to use(或 write,或 speak,或 read)English. 

This book will help you to use(或 write,或 speak,或 read)English. 

因为书只能 improve,却不能 use, write, speak 或 read。比较下面四句,第四句不很自然: 

He helped me to plant trees. 

He helped me plant trees. 

His advice helped me to plant trees. 

His advice helped me plant trees. 


to help somebody to do something与to help somebody do something(无to)的区别现在已经模糊。

    但是有些语法书认为,前者只是从旁协助某人自己去做某事。【例如】This book helped me to see the truth. 这本书帮助我看到真相。

    而后者则是插手替某人做某事。【例如】Will you help me clear the table? 你能替我把桌子收拾干净吗?


【例如】Help your student get the best grade. (学生用品广告标题)帮你家的学生拿到最好的分数吧。

Getting to sleep fast and staying asleep helps you wake up and get ready for the day. 迅速入睡并且保持入睡状态,有助于使你一觉醒来精力充沛去迎接新的一天。

But now she (Jenna Bush), along with her sister, Barbara, volunteered to help their father get re-elected. 但是现在她(珍娜·布什)和她的妹妹巴巴拉一起自告奋勇协助她们父亲争取连选连任。

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