
PEP五年级上 Recycle 1 可数名词变复数教学设计

 长青汪菲 2019-12-01

教学目标:  1能够理解名词的含义。

            2 能够理解可数名词变复数的规则。

            3 能够准确运用可数名词变复数的规则。

教学重难点: 1能够理解可数名词变复数的规则。

             2 能够准确运用可数名词变复数的规则。




 一 Warming-up

  1 Free talk

2 Let’s chant

one  dog    two dogs         They are dogs.

one  cat    two cats        They are cats.

one  boy    two boys        They  are boys.

one  girl   two girls       They are girls.

I’m happy. You’re happy.  We are happy.

二 Revision


三 Presentation

(一)教师出示study guide

Task 1 Change the nouns into plurals, and fill in the blanks.

Task 2 Read the words in groups.

Task 3 Read  and  circle .


(二)T :If you pass, I will give you some gifts. OK, let’s begin.

出示task1  让学生写出这些单词的复数形式,并总结规则。(要求学生独立完成)

 1         2        3        4        5

book    bus      library    knife     potato

ruler    box      city       life      tomato

dog     watch    baby      leaf      zoo

cat     dish      family     wife     photo


1 一般情况词尾+______.                              

2 以__ ,__,_____,_____结尾的单词+_____.

3 以辅音+y结尾,改y为___+_____.

4 以f, fe结尾,改f, fe为____+_____.

5 以o 结尾的单词,有生命的+____,无生命的+____.


第一组 books  rulers  dogs  cats是由规则1变化而来的。

规则1 一般情况词尾+s。(学生汇报完每一条规则,教师板书)

第二组  buses  boxes watches dishes

规则2以s,x sh,ch 结尾+es

 第三组   libraries cities babies families

规则3   辅音+y结尾,改y 为i+es

第四组   knives lives leaves wives

规则4   以f,fe结尾的,改f,fe 为v+es。

第五组 potatoes tomatoes zoos photos

规则5    以o结尾,有生命的+es ,无生命的+s.

2 T:You did a good job! Now Look at the Mind map .Try to recite the rules together.

S: Recite….

3 T: Now let’s play a game. Read the words as quickly as you can.教师出示卡片并让抢答最快的学生拿走卡片。

  T:Show me your cards. Come to the blackboard and stick to the mind map. Then read the words.

(二) Task 2 Read the words in groups. 请小组合作试着读出下列复数名词,并总结发音规律.

1          2          3           4         5

pens        foxes      babies     knives     tomatoes

apples       brushes   countries   leaves     mangoes

cats         buses     families    wives      zoos

1  1 元音发  /     / ,浊辅音发 /     /,清辅音发  /     /, ts发  /     /.

2  es发   /      /

3  es 发  /     /

4  ves  发 /      /

5 s , es 发  /      / 


(三)Task 3 Read  and  circle .请试着圈出文中复数名词,同桌间相互交流。

Welcome to Happy Farm

Today is Friday. The weather is good and the animals are lovely . Look at the cows. They are strong. What are those? They are hens. They are fat. Look, the sheep are walking. Wow! These geese are so cute . Two mice are running .There are two men. Oh, they are farmers. The children are playing games over there.


T: I have some words, too. Look, can you read them?(出示一些不规则变化的单词)指导学生规范读音。并把单词粘到思维导图上。


T: What have you learned from this lesson?

S: 学生汇报。

(五)Sing a song

Ten little candles


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