

 skysun000001 2019-12-10










但是这里面有一个两难困境,因为发表在《自然·机器智能》(Nature Machine Intelligence)上的一项新研究表明,在隐藏机器身份时,机器人的办事效率才最高。

“也就是在我们允许它们假扮人类的时候。” 纽约大学阿布扎比分校(New York University’s campus in Abu Dhabi)的计算机社会科学家塔拉尔·拉万(Talal Rahwan)说道。他的团队招募了将近700名在线志愿者一起玩囚徒困境(一个经典的谈判游戏,涉及信任和欺骗),对手则是真实人类或机器人。其中一半的时间里,人类玩家被告知和他们匹配的对手的真实身份;而另半段时间,研究人员会告诉他们游戏对手是机器人,但实际上对方是人类,或者告诉他们对手是人类,但其实是机器人。



Bots Outperform Humans if They Impersonate Us

Last year, Google unveiled Duplex, its artificial-intelligence-powered assistant.

“How can I help you?”

“Hi, I’m calling to book a women’s haircut for a client. Um, I’m looking for something on May 3rd.”

That’s a robot.

“Sure, give me one second.”


“For what time are you looking for around?” 

The machine assistant never identified itself as a bot in the demo. And Google got a lot of flak for that. They later clarified that they would only launch the tech with “disclosure built in.”

But therein lies a dilemma, because a new study in the journal Nature Machine Intelligence suggests that a bot is most effective when it hides its machine identity. 

“That is, if it is allowed to pose as human.”

Talal Rahwan is a computational social scientist at New York University’s campus in Abu Dhabi. His team recruited nearly 700 online volunteers to play the prisoner’s dilemma—a classic game of negotiation, trust and deception—against either humans or bots. Half the time, the human players were told the truth about who they were matched up against. The other half, they were told they were playing a bot when they were actually playing a human or that they were battling a human when, in fact, it was only a bot. 

And the scientists found that bots actually did remarkably well in this game of negotiation—if they impersonated humans. 

“When the machine is reported to be human, it outperforms humans themselves. It’s more persuasive; it’s able to... [full transcript]

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