

 辑思编译 2019-12-17



  However,littleinformation/attention/work/data/research...(or few studies/investigations/researchers/attempts...) (or no/none of these studies) has (have) been done

  on/focused on/attempted to/conducted/investigated/studied (with respect to)...。

  Previous research/studies/records has/have failed toconsider/ignored/misinterpreted/neglected

  to/overestimated/underestimated/misleaded....Thus, these previous results are


  Their studies may be more reasonable if they had...consideredthis situation.

  Their results could be better convinced if they...

  Their conclusion may remain some uncertainties。


  The materials used in this study include __

  This experimental design was employed because __

  In the course of the experiment, __ played an important role.

  The experiments were performed with __

  This was experimentally investigated by __

  Most experiments have been carried out with __

  The main focus of the experiments was to calculate __

  Prior to each experiment __

  The experiments are completely based on __

  In our preliminary experiments we estimated that __

  In this experiment, we introduced a __

  Methods were based on previous experiments __

  This proceeds in two stages: __

  In this experiment, we introduced a __

  We consider the setup generic, however, __

  This was designed to acquire approximately __

  These were designed in such a way that __

  This experimental design was employed because __

  This was specifically designed for __

  This was designed to acquire approximately __


  a, ...is higher/lower/increase/decrease...in/by/withor after the administration of A than/compared with B;

  b, Significantlyincreased/decreased...was observed in A compared with B。

  c, significant differencesin...were observed/witnessed between A and B;

  d, Enhanced/Decreased...inresponse to A/B was observed...;

  e, A showedsignificant/better effect on ...than/compared with B;

  f, Asignificantly decreased/increase/improve ...。


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