

 孟溪ProbeT连山 2019-12-30



提高英语阅读能力可以使用SQ3R这种阅读方法,由Survey,Question,Read,Recite,Review的首字母组成,分别代表'浏览、发问、阅读、复述、复习'五个学习阶段。SQ3R将帮助搭建一个框架理解阅读任务。Before you read, Survey the chapter:在你阅读之前,浏览一下章节:·the title, headings, and subheadings浏览目录,标题和副标题·captions under pictures, charts, graphs or maps浏览图片,表格,图表或地图下的文字说明·review questions or teacher-made study guides回顾问题或老师制定的学习指南·introductory and concluding paragraphs注意开头和结尾段落·summary进行总结


Question while you are surveying:浏览时的问题:·Turn the title, headings, and/or subheadings into questions就题目,标题或副标题提问·Read questions at the end of the chapters or after each subheading阅读每个章节或每个副标题后面提出的问题·Ask yourself, 'What did my instructor say about this chapter or subject when it was assigned?'问自己,'老师布置任务的时候对这个章节或主题都讲了什么内容?'·Ask yourself, 'What do I already know about this subject?'问自己,'对这个主题我都知道些什么?'Note: If it is helpful to you, write out these questions for consideration.This variation is called SQW3R.注意:如果这对你有所帮助,试着把这些问题写下来以供思考。这就演变成SQW3R法( Survey,Question,Write, Read,Recite,Review),即'浏览、发问、书写、阅读、复述、复习'。


When you begin to Read:在你开始阅读时:·Look for answers to the questions you first raised寻找你刚开始所提问题的答案·Answer questions at the beginning or end of chapters or study guides在章节开头或章节末尾或学习指南处回答问题·Reread captions under pictures, graphs, etc.重读图片,图表等下的文字说明·Note all the underlined, italicized, bold printed words or phrases对所有加下划线,斜体和粗体的词或短语作笔记·Study graphic aids学习图表知识·Reduce your speed for difficult passages读到难理解的地方放慢速度·Stop and reread parts which are not clear读到不理解的地方停下来重新阅读·Read only a section at a time and recite after each section一次只读一个小节,每小节之后进行背诵



Recite after you've read a section:阅读完一个小节之后进行复述:·Orally ask yourself questions about what you have just read, or summarize, in your own words, what you read口头复述,对刚阅读完的内容进行提问,或用自己的话进行总结·Take notes from the text but write the information in your own words对所读文本做笔记,并用自己的语言将信息表达出来·Underline or highlight important points you've just read读到重点地方用下划线或高光进行标记·Reciting:复述:The more senses you use the more likely you are to remember what you read利用的感官越多你就越容易记住你所阅读的内容Triple strength learning: Seeing, saying, hearing三倍功效学习法:看、说、听Quadruple strength learning: Seeing , saying , hearing, writing!!!四倍功效学习法:看、说、听、写

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