

 踏雪无痕zmbk92 2019-12-31


这也是一旦滞期永远滞期原则,无需明示条款;进入滞期后,通常的例外都不得扣除;除非是在租船合同中明确列明即使进入滞期也不算。如John Schofield的Laytime and Demurrage ,Chapter 1-General principles:

1.36 A phrase much used with regard to demurrage is “ once demurrage, always on demurrage”. What this is intended to signify is that demurrage is payable on arunning day basis; and that laytime exceptions do not apply once demurrage commences. It will take very clear word to convince a court that the parties intended a particular exception to apply once the vessel is on demurrage.

滞期费作为一种约定的损害赔偿金,在进入滞期之后通常会对承租人作出不利解释。例如在The Spalmatori [1962] 2 Lloyd’s Rep.175(H.L.)案中,Reid 勋在第182页判决书中说到:如果在装卸时间结束前发生罢工,则任何一方都不能受到指责。但是,如果发生在滞期费开始增加之后,出租人可能会说:是的,您在装卸时间结束后扣留我的船舶时违反合同并没有引起罢工,但是如果您履行了合同,罢工将没有造成任何损失,因为我的船在罢工开始之前就已经在公海了:因此,该责任您应该承担比我应承担的损失更为合理。

而关于装卸时间问题,Guest勋爵在The Spalmatori [1962] 2 Lloyd’s Rep.175(H.L.)案中第191页判决书中认为,装卸日是当事方规定的装载或卸货的日期,如果超过规定的天数,承租人将违反;滞期费是指在船舶装卸延迟超过约定期限的情况下应支付的约定赔偿金。因此,被告必须将自己置于例外之内,以防止产生滞期费。对他们而言,最好的情况是Centrocon条款的第三部分是模棱两可的,但是模棱两可的条款则没有保护。

又如在The Dias [1978] 1 Lloyd’s Rep.325(H.L.)案中,Diplock勋爵认为适用于程租合同下的装卸时间计算和滞期费的原则很明确。

My Lords, the principles that apply to laytime and demurrage under voyage charter-parties are clear. What'laytime' and 'demurrage' mean was stated succinctly byLord Guest (with the substitution of 'lay days' for'laytime') in Union of India v. Compania Naviera Aeolus S.A., [1962]2 Lloyd's Rep. 175; [1964] A.C. 868 at pp. 191 and 899:

Lay days are the days which parties have stipulated for the loading or discharge of the cargo, and if theyare exceeded the charterers are in breach; demurrage is the agreed damages to be paid for delay if the ship is delayed in loading or discharging beyond the agreed period.


Diplock勋爵认为由于滞期费是经双方协商确定的违约金,租船合同中可以通过适当的措词规定,即使违约行为继续发生,在某些情况下,也不应支付滞期费。但是这种协议的结果是对因承租人继续违反合同而在法律上产生的普通后果作例外处理。正如Scrutton勋爵在其著作中所说的那样,Reid勋爵在The Spalmatori案中提到:一旦船舶滞期,除非有明确规定例外条款的措词,否则将不会有任何例外情况来阻止继续支付滞期费。


因此如果当事方希望从其订立的合同中排除法律上可能产生的一般后果,则他必须在条款中明确地规定。如第23版的Scrutton on Charterparties and Bills of Lading,2-055所说。


(viii) Where the contract contains an obvious mistake or omission on the face of the instrument and it isclear what correction should be made to cure the mistake or omission, the correction may be made as a matter of construction rather than rectification.With respect to exception clauses, however, this principle is overridden by the requirement that a party desirous of relieving itself from legal liability must do so in clear terms.

同理,如果合同措辞足够清晰明确,那么无论结果如何荒谬,当事人也不得不接受,如Krys & Ors v KBC Partners LP & Ors (British VirginIslands) [2015] UKPC 46案。


Charterers are rather astonished to note from receiver, Owners refuse to deliver cargo to them just alleged there is disputed for demurrage atload port.

Pursuant to C/P Clause 32, which provided:

If requested by Charterers, The Master shall release all ..

And also refer to Charterers’ LOI, which are rather clear thatcargo should be delivered to receiver without production of original Bs/L.

Consideration Owners still hold the cargo, Charterers hereby accept Owners’ breach and put Owners on notice that if any damages and storage charges which will be for Owners' sole account.

On the other hand, Charterers wish to remind that delivery cargoand laytime calculation are relevant matter, Owners please pay their keen attention to this matter.

Charterers’ all rights are fully and expressly reserved.

      同时承租人认为,依据合同相关条款,运费尾款包括滞期费结算有先决条件,其中之一就是正确交付货物。很显然,出租人指示代理扣货,未正确delivery cargo,承租人因此并没有结算运费尾款和滞期费的义务。

Further to Charterers’ last as below, Charterers wish to remind that as per clause 4, 6, 32 and 43, the logic is as below:

1)    If balance or demurrage, which should be settled within 30 days after correct laytime and invoices.- clause 6

2)    If Owners wish to lien cargo as allowed freight or demurrage onthe condition that freight is payable under clause 4 and Owners HAS issued a freight invoice to Charterers.-Clause 43

3) Charterers already arranged freight payment, And balance freight shall be paid only on TRUE DELIVERY of the cargo.-clause 4.

4)    If requested by Charterers,The Master shall release all ..clause 32.

By now, Owners never issued balance freight or surrender correct laytime calculation sheet and no true delivery cargo, no any freight ordemurrage due, But Owners still hold the cargo illegally which clear that put Owners in breach clause 32.

For avoid any unpleasant situation, Owners are called upon to fulfill their obligation under this C/P to deliver cargo without any delay.Otherwise if any damage or costs/expenses such storage charges, cargo value fall down etc which will be for Owners’ sole account.

Charterers’ all rights are fully and expressly reserved.



London Arbitration 16/82案中,仲裁中的问题是船舶在装货港已经发生滞期费,出租人在卸货完成之前是否有权获得滞期费。该轮于1981年3月12日到达卸货港,租船合同第22条规定,卸货港的装卸时间按每个天气适宜卸货作业日的卸货量为750吨计算。









(b)在当事各方之间没有就按日支付滞期费(例如载于“ Gencon”租船合同中)达成协议的情况下,应在卸货完成后才支付滞期费。有一种惯例是,在事实陈述和其他文件出示完成后应支付滞期费。


仲裁庭裁定认为将接受出租人的争辩。通常,在装卸没有特别延误的情况下,滞期费应在文件完成后付清。但这不等于解决的习俗或惯例,仲裁员认为没有理由背离应在发生损害时立即赔偿的规则。(可以参Diplock勋爵的The Dias [1978] 1 W.L.R. 261,第263页)。


仲裁员认为,根据“1950年仲裁法”第14条,他们有权就赔偿额和赔偿责任作出临时裁决,而且伦敦海事仲裁员通常在类似情况下行使这种权力。(请参见The Kostas Melas [1981] 1 Lloyd’s Rep.26案中RobertGoff 法官的陈述。)





Owner shall provide Charterer with its calculations of demurrage or despatch, time sheets, Statement of Facts and signed Notices of Readiness within [15] days after departure from the final loadport or disport.Owner's calculation of demurrage or despatch shall include any differential inthe freight rate payable in accordance with the Freight Differential Calculator. Charterer shall settle the undisputed balance of demurrage or despatch, if any, and any undisputed freight differential within [30] days ofthe date of final discharge only if Owner has fulfilled this requirement and the other two preconditions set out in lines 39 to 44 of this Contract. Charterer shall inform Owner of any elements of Owner’s calculations of demurrage, or despatch or freight differential which are disputed by Charterer.

Owner shall respond in writing to any communications from Charterer disputing Owner’s calculations of demurrage or despatch within [10] Singapore working days of receipt by Owner, failing which Owner shall be deemedto have accepted and agreed with Charterer’s objections to Owner’s calculations. If Owner and Charterer are not agreed on calculation of demurrageor despatch or freight differential, the dispute shall be resolved by negotiation and agreement or arbitration in accordance with clause 59.

The balance of freight due in accordance with this clause shall be paid by Charterer to Owner within [10] banking days after fulfilment by Owners of all three of the following preconditions: i) right and true delivery of the cargo; ii) receipt by Charterer of a fully executed copy of this Contract; and iii) issuance and provision to Charterer of Owner’s finalfreight invoice, time sheets, Statement(s) of Facts and signed Notices of Readiness with Owner’s calculations of any demurrage or despatch incurred at the

44 loading and discharging ports.

      如前文所说,含糊不清的条款对于想免责的一方是没有保护的,只有合同条款的措辞足够清晰明确,那么不管结果如何荒谬,当事人都不得不接受。例如在London Arbitration 15/82案中,租船合同以STB Voy格式,将原油货物从达斯岛运送到Mohammedia港。船在到达卸货港之前已利用了所有可用的装卸时间。 1981年3月10日0930,NOR在Mohammedia港被接受;该船在1245靠泊;在1440连接软管,在1525开始泵送。




出租人辩称,这不是本条款的意图。出于安全原因,该船可能已开始压载。 Mohammedia港是一个开放的锚地,船长非常谨慎。此外,船可能一直在进行永久压载而不是压载为了增加航行前的吃水深度。该船可能有两个压载系统,一个构成永久压载,另一个构成空载航行的压载。






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