
Embracing 2020: PKU Gives a Grand Welcome to the N...

 skysun000001 2020-01-07

It was a glamorous atmosphere on last Tuesday, as members of the Peking University community gathered at the University Hall to celebrate a successful 2019 and usher in the new year in a grand style.

The New Year's Gala opened to a packed audience, including Peking University's top officials, faculty,  and students. The evening was split into three chapters: 'New Era', 'New Youth', and 'New Journey'.

The gala night began with a stunning orchestra of traditional instruments followed by dance numbers from the Peking University Kindergarten and the Shenzhen Graduate School Nanyan Dance Troupe.

Hao Ping, President of Peking University, extended his warm wishes for the Peking University community in his opening address. Student representatives from over forty classes across the campuses received awards from Peking University Council Chair Qiu Shuiping and PKU President Hao Ping for their outstanding performance in work and study over the 2018-2019 academic year.

The 'New Era' chapter wrapped up with a Kun opera piece and an original solo called the 'Hotel of Life', a rich blend of tradition and modernity, the kind Peking University seeks to carry forward into the future.

'New Youth' was fittingly filled with energetic and diverse student performances. Gymnasts, martial artists and athletes showcased Peking University's in the sports arena—and on stage. This was followed by a rousing tribute to the university's iconic Boya Pagoda in the form of the song 'Beacon'. A magician charmed the audience by conjuring money out of thin air, while a pair of student comedians lamented the challenge of 'becoming excellent' at an institution as exceptional as Peking University.

'New Journey' featured a detailed narrative of marching in China's 70th anniversary parade on October 1. Four students shared their memories of training in the leadup to the event and finally experiencing it live, expressing deep pride and gratitude at the opportunity to be part of that historic day. An original song 'Bursting into Bloom' then celebrated the 20th anniversary of Macau's handover. Finally, the song 'Countdown' reminded the audience that the end of 2019 was creeping closer.

The student MCs expressed their gratitude to parents, teachers and staff for all their work in supporting student life at Peking University. A dramatic countdown held the audience in rapt attention. At last, to cheers and applause, January 1, 2020 had begun. A video montage featuring voices from across the campuses, alumni networks and even a researcher in the Arctic delivered a resounding 'Happy New Year' message. A final dance routine and song performance wrapped up the spectacular night.

The New Year's Gala represented both a fond farewell to the past year and an exhilarating welcome to the new decade. Whether you celebrated quietly, or with colour and song, we at Peking University hope 2019 was filled cherished moments and wish you a joyful 2020!

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