
【南楼杂文刊】 陈颖波||歌词||My Mother’s Hands

 南楼书苑 2020-01-07


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陈颖波,男,(国籍:中国)民族:汉族。1962年4月11日出生。1968年至1977年,就读于中国广东省南海县西樵公社岭中小学。1980年至1991年分别任教于大岸小学……广东南海中学……1991年下海经商…… 现为中国音乐家协会、中国翻译家协会、中国体育总局裁判委员会……等7个国家级协会会员,多首获奖歌曲上架全国KTV.…..

My Mother’s Hands
 (Chen Yingbo 陈颖波)
At the time when I was a little fry,
my mother had a pair of delicate hands.
On the day when I went to school the first time,
my mother took me to go ahead by the hand.
When I came home after making some trouble,
my mother raised a hand with a tremble.
each time she hit me on the body.
each time her heart was hurt seriously.
When I fell ill once in a while
my mother would sit on the bed by my side.
At the beginning of my career I strove hard.
My mother always felt warm in her heart.

When I became a father the first time,
my mom extended her diligent hands toward my side.
Taking very good care of the baby of mine,
she helped me to clear my worries behind.
Standing at the critical turning-point in my life,
I knit my eyebrows and was perplexed in mind.
Seizing my hands firmly my mother would say:
See your direction clearly and go your way.
No matter whether or not your sailing is plain,
make unremitting efforts and strive for the first place.
Having striven for many years from place to place.
I covered a bumpy way & accomplished success & fame.
Time slips by and my mother’s hair becomes white.
No longer in her prime she is still warm and kind.
With her hands my mother has been working hard.
Such diligent hands will be forever graved in my heart.









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