

 芋森遇缇慕 2020-01-08


Parinaud’s syndrome

2 Vertical ‘half-and-a-half’ syndrome

3 Vertical ‘one-and-a-half’ syndrome

4 Vertical ‘one-and-a-one’ syndrome

1、Parinaud’s syndrome

Parinaud 综合征,或者叫中脑背侧综合征、顶盖前区综合征或后联合综合征。临床表现为双眼上视麻痹(如下图)。

中脑与眼球垂直运动相关结构主要有:内侧纵束头端间质核(riMLF)、Cajal间质核(interstitial nucleus of Cajal,INC)、后连合(posterior commissure,PC)。riMLF主要参与垂直扫视,INC参与垂直凝视和维持注视,PC使双眼活动同步。其结构位置如下图所示:



病例2:left poseromedial thalamic infarct

病例3:left paramedian midbrain lacunar stroke

2、Vertical ‘half-and-a-half’ syndrome




病例1:a small stroke restricted to the thalamic-mesencephalic junction

病例2:a small thalamomesencephalic stroke

3、Vertical ‘one-and-a-half’ syndrome



病例:left periventricular mesodiencephalic infarct

(a)axial FLAIR and (b)diffusion-weighted image showing left periventricular mesodiencephalic infarct at the bottom of the third ventricle.

4、Vertical ‘one-and-a-one’ syndrome


病例1:Brain magnetic resonance imaging-diffusion-weighted imaging axial view (a and b) bright signal change in the right paramedian midbrain and anteromedial thalamus (red arrow); apparent diffusion coefficient axial view (d and e) corresponding dark signal change (red arrow); magnetic resonance angiography of intracranial arteries shows thinning of right posterior cerebral artery (red arrow)(c)

病例2:Brain magnetic resonance imaging-diffusion-weighted imaging axial view (a) bright signal change in left anteromedial thalamus (red arrow); apparent diffusion coefficient axial view (b) corresponding dark signal change (red arrow)。magnetic resonance angiography of intracranial arteries shows no abnormality (c)

病例3:Brain magnetic resonance imaging-diffusion-weighted imaging axial view (a) bright signal change in the left thalamus (red arrow) and occipital cortex; magnetic resonance angiography (b) shows thinning of both  osterior cerebral artery。

病例4:(a) T2 axial and (b) diffusion MRI of the midbrain. The arrows indicate the ischemic lesion at caudal (left) and rostral (right) midbrain levels.


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