

 PaperRSS 2020-01-14

来自匈牙利布达佩斯大学的 Miklósi Á狗的行为研究组团队去年用核磁共振扫描了狗的大脑,发现狗是用左脑对语言进行处理的,并在Science上发了论文。而到今年,大家反应过来:人是躺着进核磁共振的,而狗是趴着进去的。所以左右脑搞反了…搞!反!了!!!Science 期刊已经对此发表ERRATUM(勘误),还好文章主要结论不受影响,pdf 和html文章均已经更正!

This article has a correction. Please see:

  • Erratum for the Report “Neural mechanisms for lexical processing in dogs” by A. Andics, A. Gábor, M. Gácsi, T. Faragó, D. Szabó, Á. Miklósi - April 07, 2017


During speech processing, human listeners can separately analyze lexical and intonational cues to arrive at a unified representation of communicative content. The evolution of this capacity can be best investigated by comparative studies. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we explored whether and how dog brains segregate and integrate lexical and intonational information. We found a left-hemisphere bias for processing meaningful words, independently of intonation; a right auditory brain region for distinguishing intonationally marked and unmarked words; and increased activity in primary reward regions only when both lexical and intonational information were consistent with praise. Neural mechanisms to separately analyze and integrate word meaning and intonation in dogs suggest that this capacity can evolve in the absence of language.


Erratum for the Report “Neural mechanisms for lexical processing in dogs” by A. Andics, A. Gábor, M. Gácsi, T. Faragó, D. Szabó, Á. Miklósi

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Science  07 Apr 2017:
Vol. 356, Issue 6333, eaan3276
DOI: 10.1126/science.aan3276

  • In the Report “Neural mechanisms for lexical processing in dogs,” the directions left and right were inadvertently switched in reporting the results from dogs’ brains. This was caused by an error in interpreting the coordinates of MRI images, specifically in the process of accounting for the different body positions of humans and dogs in the MRI scanner. This error does not affect the main conclusions of the paper. The HTML and PDF versions have been corrected.

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