

 时宝官 2020-01-24

许多禁忌,年轻人都已淡漠了,实际上,春节的许多习俗也都在变化。Many young people pay less and less attention to taboos during the Spring Festival. In fact, many customs during the Spring Festival have also changed.


原来到过年啊,蒸馒头,包包子,但现在都不做了。如果来了客人,就去外面的饭馆点几个菜。In the past, people would steam Mangtou and make baozi for the Spring Festival. But now people do not make them anymore. If a guest comes, they will go out and have a nice meal in a restaurant.

小时候就是吃好吃的,放鞭炮,穿新衣服。现在呢,也无所谓了吧,我们随时可以吃到好吃的,新衣服想什么时候穿就什么时候穿。In my childhood, we can enjoy delicious food, fire crackers and wear new dresses during Spring Festival. Nowadays, these things are not so special. We can always eat delicious food and wear new clothes anytime we want.

现在过年其实也就是图个团圆,图个热闹。Now to celebrate the Spring Festival is to get together and have a great time.

以前八十代初,到年末,一定要看CCTV主办的春节晚会,这是我们过春节很重要的一项,可现在呢,有时在电视上看下,有时候就不看了。In 1980s, at the eve of the Spring Festival, one must watch Spring Festival Party by CCTV. It was a very important part of our celebration. But now, sometimes we watch it on television. Sometimes, we don’t.

1983年中央电视台第一次播出了“春节联欢晚会”,汇聚了国内最知名的艺术家,代表着最高的节目水平。从那以后,除夕夜全家人吃着年夜饭,看春节联欢晚会,成了一个新的习俗。春节联欢晚会也成了每年电CCTV最重视的节目之一。In 1983, Spring Festival Party was broadcast on CCTV for the first time. It gathered the most renowned artists all over China and represented the highest level of a TV program. Since then, a new tradition came into Beijing. At Spring Festival Eve, the whole family will have dinner together and watch Spring Festival Party. Spring Festival Evening also becomes one of the most important TV program for CCTV.

为什么会形成这个习俗,很多专家也在研究。也许是因为它可以通过电波把全国甚至全世界的华人联系在一起,营造一个“举国同庆”的时刻,让每个电视机前的人分享共同的快乐吧。Why this new custom came into being? Many experts carry research on it. Maybe it can connect Chinese people all over the world together and create a moment of nationwide celebration, and let everyone in front of TV share this moment of joy.


现在孩子们,都不怎么愿意在家过年。一过完年就跟朋友出去旅游了。Nowadays, children do not like to celebrate the Spring Festival at home. When the Spring Festival eve is over, they will get out and go travelling with friends.

以前过年,大家聚在一起,感觉有很多亲情在里面。但现在,我周围好多人都觉得,为什么现在的年味怎么越来越淡了呢?The celebration of the Spring Festival in the past contains a lot of family affection. People would get together. Now many people, many people around me all feel that, why the flavor of Spring Festival is not as strong as before?

不管工作的节奏多快,生活水平多好,城里人都觉着年味淡了好多。但另一方面,我们再看下农村。中国的城乡差别还是比较大的,所以如果去看下农村里边的春节,你就不感到年味变淡了。This feeling is only sensed by urban citizens, no matter how fast working pace goes and how good the life condition improves. On the other hand, we should look at the countryside. There are a lot of differences between rural area and urban area in China. If we look at the celebration of the Spring Festival in the countryside, you will not feel the flavor of the Spring Festival is weakened.

不管形式怎么变化,春节的意义对于中国人来说都始终没有改变。对于幸福生活和美好生活的憧憬也是不会变的。春节假期过后,人们在各自忙碌的生活中,期盼着下一个春节的到来,再次挤入返乡的人流,回家过年。Now matter how the forms change, the meaning of the Spring Festival for Chinese people still remains unchanged. Their wishes for happy life are also unchanged. After the Spring Festival holiday, people will go back to their busy life. They are looking forward to the next Spring Festival. They will join the returnees to go back to their hometown and celebrate it with their family.


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