
欣赏缺憾 上帝为你关上一扇门的同时,就会打开一扇窗

 月下飛舞 2020-02-01


Venus is a one-armed statue of Venus City, is the ancient Greek myth represents the goddess of love and beauty, appreciate this statue, I was surprised that I did not have a regret fulmind for that one-armed to observe, but feel that because of this defect, Venus is more than a unique and cool charm, she is full of knowledge, Elegance and beauty, is the kind of peace, quiet, unflattering beauty.


"The wind is proud of the thing, a sad and cold: halal lonely town, the longer the more meaning. "The original has not understood the meaning of this sentence, glasses of wine when empty, life must be happy, always feel that such a moment is the spring breeze full of faces, full of ambition, but do not know, the form of pride and forget will be very happy, and the rules and disciplines show the taste of life.


Mountain clear water show, a horse Pingchuan is a kind of beauty, flat valley, mountain rolling is also a kind of beauty: calm, waves are not a kind of beauty, waves, waves are also a kind of beauty. Full moon is loss, water full, water to clear is no fish, life can not always be flat, smooth sailing, there will always be some unexpected changes, we need to bravely face and bear, learn to accept the shortcomings given by fate, can more experience the meaning of life.


Blind people are blind, but their hearing is particularly sensitive: deaf people, despite their earbacks, are visually sensitive: the child is young, but his mind is unusually pure.


"When God closes a door for you, he opens a window." "Life since ancient times, the moon has yin and clear round lack, people have sad and happy, do not seek complete, accept the lack of regret, appreciate the lack of regret, happy Yangchun snow, but also love to pity the dark ghost, in the world, the rise and tear of the alienated, calm attitude, calm attitude, calm face the imperfection of life."

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