
BMJ 统计问题(3):关于P值,哪种说法正确?

 思想年代 2020-02-15
《英国医学会杂志》(BMJ)自2008年9月开始至2015年由两位流行病与统计学专家不间断地出了300多期statistical question系列。在这个系列中,两位学者每次出一道统计学选择题,进行选择并解释。现在我精选300道Statistical Question,形成中文版,请有兴趣的朋友们进行回答。

Which one statement is true of the P value?

a) It is the probability that the null hypothesis is true

b) It is the probability that the alternative hypothesis is true

c) It is the probability that the null hypothesis is false

d) It is the probability that the alternative hypothesis is false

e) It is the probability of the given result or more extreme results if the null hypothesis were true.


Statistical testing doesn’t quite do what clinicians would wish for. We are interested to know how near the truth a study result is likely to be. Standard statistics start from a the oretical probability distribution and give answers to questions such as: “If this study were based on completely random data, how unusual would these actual results be?”

Answer a) is frequently assumed to be the practical interpretation of a P value. It is not strictly correct, but for most people (except under exam conditions) that will not matter much when working to this assumption.




答案是选择 E,我们假设H0是对的,然后我们有一个样本,看在H0成立的时候,样本以及更极端样本的发生概率。选项A,正如这篇文章所言,考试的时候不能这么理解,但对于医务工作者(公共卫生除外),这么理解也是可以的。

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