

 地道英语在线 2020-02-17

爱不释手 fondle admiringly

爱财如命 skin a flea for its hide

爱莫能助 willing to help but unable to do so

爱屋及乌 love me, love my dog

安分守己 abide by the law and behave oneself

安居乐业 live and work in peace and contentment

安家落户 settle

安然无恙 in a whole skin

按部就班 follow the prescribed order

暗送秋波 make eyes at someone secretly

暗无天日 complete darkness

昂首阔步 stride forward with one's chin up

八面玲珑 be smooth and slick

白手起家 building from nothing

白头偕老 live to old age in conjugal bliss

逍遥法外 be at large                         

破釜沉舟 burn one's boats /bridges                  

棋逢对手 diamond cut diamond

胸怀大志 think big                       

胸中有数 know fairly well

胸有成竹 have a card up one's sleeve

一筹莫展 can find no way out

一触即发 touch and go

一锤定音 give the decisive word

一成不变 unalterable

一如既往 turn to form

雨过天晴 the sun shines again after rain

无所事事 idle about

无拘无束 unconstraint

张冠李戴 confuse one thing with another

张口结舌 see a wolf

张牙舞爪 sabre rattling

争分夺秒 against time

半途而废 give up halfway                     

不知所措 be at a loss

不知所云 unintelligible

杯弓蛇影 extremely suspicious

杯水车薪 an utterly inadequate method in dealing with a severe situation

称心如意 after one's own heart

得寸进尺 be insatiable

得不偿失 be not worth the candle

打草惊蛇 act rashly and alert the enemy

目中无人 be supercilious

木已成舟 what is done cannot be undone

格格不入 against the grain

活蹦乱跳 alive and kicking

乱七八糟 at sixes and sevens

画蛇添足 gild the lily

光明正大 fairness

光明磊落 on the up-and-up

火上浇油 add fuel to flames

顾名思义 As its name indicated.

天涯海角 the world's end

志同道合 common interests and similar moral standards

随波逐流 to see how the wind blows

见风使舵 to swim with the tide

美妙绝伦 extravagantly beautiful

火烧眉毛 the most urgent situation

利大于弊 The net benefits exceed the risks.

百里挑一 one in hundred

百思不解 remain perplexed despite much thought

百无一失 no risk at all

目瞪口呆 stupefied/dumb struck/gape out

横眉立目 eyes blazing with anger/fury

赏心悦目 enjoyable and pleasing to the eye

一目了然 see everything at one glance

触目惊心 shocking/shocked

举世瞩目 be the focus of the whole world

目不暇接 too thick and fast for the eyes to take in

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