
SimpleTesla SSTC, the bluetooth

 john360book 2020-02-19
Good day fellows,
I spontaneously realized that maybe I should post some of the hobby projects I'm working at.:-DD

The device I'm going to show is a solid state Tesla coil stuffed with relatively advanced electronics to achieve higher functionality and reliability.
Instead of just talking – here are several photos right off the bat. I think the PCB's bottom will work as some sort of an attention attractor:

I'm not used to writing at EEVBlog forum(and actually shocked there are no features like clickable photos or spoilers), so here are external links to more pictures with higher res:

And quite an old vid with the thing operating(it was a tutorial on how to fix MIDI data corruption in Tesla coils, timestamp is set to live action):

(That looks like a thumbnail ? https:///bAf3xOYObd8?t=1m43s)

Ok, now some boring story details. ;D
This project first started at summer 2016, being pretty much your standard SSTC – many people asked me to build one to use in kids science shows. Yeah, that's where most of Tesla coils are used at because of cool lighting effect.
Thought like I'll spend maybe 3 months working on it, make a decent coil and I'll have something I'll be able to assemble whenever somebody asks me to build them an SSTC.
Yeah, 3 months... It turned out classic SSTC construction of IGBT power inverter with some gate drivers and feedback loop has an issue... Of spontaneously exploding without some serious feedback signal analysis and error correction. Of course without solving the explosion problem I couldn't build the thing for anyone except myself shooting cool 2 min videos on Youtube(until IGBTs went kaboom).
So, for several months I've been doing some different work, but from time to time working on SSTC... Which, in roughly a year turned into something that now has an Altera CPLD on board with STM32 micro and has a cool lasercut/milled mechanics... :o
Don't ask me how, but doing something for year in the evenings makes wonders. :D
Actually I shared some work with a friend, and had some high voltage experience previously, but anyway.
What I now have is practically a fool-proof solid state Tesla coil with CPLD-based feedback analyser(helps from things like hitting the ground or running the thing without secondary coil attached, or shorting the top terminal anywhere, and spontaneous explosion), with STM32-based MIDI-interrupter that can be controlled from an android-app(actually some of it was written previously, I was selling that interrupter as a separate brd), and a lasercut case that comes together almost okay.

It's 3:30 AM at Ukraine right now, and I'm a 23 y.o. dude living at the parents house – won't be able to make a review vid at the moment, but at least I created a topic, so that's already something. ;D
The stuff I can provide right now is a schematic, for those who were curious: http:///wp-content/uploads/2017/08/SSTC.pdf
And an Android control app screenshots: http:///wp-content/uploads/2017/08/6006b6.png

So, what do you think... If you're interested in more details – I'll be happy to provide more info on it's operation principles and shoot some vids.
Maybe it'll be a cool Mailbag Monday device some day, eh? :)

Yeah, in case anybody wondered – no, it does not produce any free energy, if draws something like 2.2 kW operating continuous wave...
Basically it's just a high-tech musical butt zapping machine, something to shoot your enemies with.:-DD

With regards, Eugene.

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