

 静幻堂 2020-02-21
柘利英语柘利英语   上海玫汐餐饮管理有限公司总经理 优质教育领域创作者

-I'm numb. 我是麻木了

-I'm not picky. 我不挑剔

-I'm on it. 由我来

-You're shaky. 你是靠不住的

-How annoying! I can't do anything. 真讨厌!我不能做任何事情

-What a bother, it's very annoying! 很讨厌

-It's disgusting! It makes me sick. 好恶心!它让我恶心

-Sometimes your behavior is kind of annoying. 有时是你的行为是有点烦人

-You're not qualified, who do you think you are? 你没资格,你认为你是谁?

-This train on the other side will get you there faster. 对面的火车将会更快

-This is a little something for your kids. 这是给您的孩子的一点心意

-Those nice-looking cakes make my mouth water. 那些好看的蛋糕讓我流口水

-Don't jump the queue please. 請不要插隊

-The boy stayed out all night. 這個男孩一夜没回家

-Sooner or later, you'll know it. 迟早,你會知道的

-Watch your mouth! 注意你的说话

-Don't play possum. 別假死

-I don't very often get scared at movies. 我不太常常在看電影害怕的

-How are everything? How is your life? 你的生活怎么样?

-I'm hooked on alcohol. 我迷上了酒精

-I'm addicted to alcohol. 我沉迷于酒精

-Whatever you want. / As you like. / Up to you. 你来决定

-I couldn't care less. / I don't give a shit. / I don't give a damn. 我一点也不在乎

-Don't be a chicken (sissy, coward). 不要成为一个娘娘腔/懦夫

-I went too far. / I overdid ot. 我过分了

-I almost made it. 我几乎做到了

-That's asking too much! 这是要求得太多了

-Have we ever met? You look familiar. 我们在哪见过?你看起来很熟悉

-You deserve it. 活该

-Keep your pants/shirt on! 冷静点!

-What's the hurry/rush. 急什么

-Look on the bright side. 乐观点

-She got away with it. She's lucky. 她靠幸运过关了

-I'm sorry. But I give you my word, I won't do it next time. 我很抱歉。不过,我保证我不会做下一次

-Are you serious? I mean it. 你是认真的?我是认真的

-I screwed it up. I blew it. I messed up. 我搞砸了

-I'm a man of my words. 我是一个有信用的人

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